Jean-Yves Avenard f1a836c378 [WebAudio] Add webm/opus container support

Reviewed by Jer Noble.


Add support for webm in Web Audio.
As decoding needs to be performed in the web content process we
need to ensure that the decoders are available there. For security
reasons, com.apple.audio.AudioComponentRegistrar mach calls are blocked
which prevents registering a new audio component.
We instead register it in the UI process so that AudioComponentFetchServerRegistrations
SPI can forward the registration in the web process.
Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, this fails for Vorbis audio codec (bug 228139).

To demux the webm content, we use the existing SourceBufferParserWebM to extract all
audio packets. We then iterate over all CM Samples and decode them into PCM, performing
resampling as needed on the fly.
There are things left to fix.
- Opus and Vorbis encoder delay isn't handled (bug 228140) which leaves audible
silence at the beginning of the destination buffer.
- We can only decode mono and stereo content. Opus and Vorbis let you define a
custom channel ordering, this is particularly used with ambisonic audio (with opus 255 mode).
CoreMedia doesn't easily deal with such re-ordering as it appears to be essentially
designed for audible content. With more than 2 channels, decoding will either fail
or produce channels in the wrong order.

Test: webaudio/decode-audio-data-webm-opus.html

* Headers.cmake: Export header so that we can register the decoder in the UI process.
* WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: same as above.
* html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::canPlayType const): Make canPlayType(webm/audio; codecs=opus)
work if features is set.
* page/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h:
(WebCore::RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webMWebAudioEnabled const):
* platform/MediaSample.h: Fly-by fix: remove unnecessary WEBCORE_EXPORT
* platform/audio/AudioBus.cpp:
* platform/audio/AudioBus.h: Add setLength method. Will change the reported length
without touching the underlying storage.
* platform/audio/AudioChannel.h: Add setLength method. Will change the reported
length without touching the underlying storage.
* platform/audio/cocoa/AudioFileReaderCocoa.cpp:
(WebCore::tryCreateAudioBufferList): Fix checkedInt use to catch potential overflow
(WebCore::AudioBufferListHolder::AudioBufferListHolder): Add convenience class that
free wrapped AudioBufferList object on exit.
(WebCore::AudioBufferListHolder::operator bool const):
(WebCore::AudioBufferListHolder::operator-> const):
(WebCore::AudioBufferListHolder::operator* const):
(WebCore::AudioBufferListHolder::isValid const):
(WebCore::AudioFileReader::isMaybeWebM const): Method to check if the buffer
contains WebM data.
(WebCore::passthroughInputDataCallback): Required for AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer.
Will feed the decoder the data to decode, splitting the multiple packets found
in the CMSampleBuffer.
(WebCore::AudioFileReader::numberOfFrames const): Return the total number of
decoded frames in the packets.
(WebCore::AudioFileReader::fileDataFormat const): Create AudioStreamBasicDescription
related to the demuxed audio track. nullopt if unsupported content.
(WebCore::AudioFileReader::clientDataFormat const):
(WebCore::AudioFileReader::logChannel const):
* platform/audio/cocoa/AudioFileReaderCocoa.h:
* platform/audio/cocoa/AudioSampleDataSource.h: Remove unused typedef.
* platform/audio/cocoa/AudioSampleDataSource.mm:
(WebCore::AudioSampleDataSource::~AudioSampleDataSource): Fly-by fix, make it use
PAL softlinks
(WebCore::AudioSampleDataSource::setupConverter): Fly-by fix, make it use PAL
* platform/gamepad/mac/HIDGamepadProvider.mm: Fly-by fix, add missing header.
* platform/graphics/TrackPrivateBase.cpp: Fly-by fix, add missing header.
* platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.h:
Fly-by fix required by webkit-prepare : don't tag the whole class as WEBCORE_EXPORT.
Move constructor and destructor function definitions out-of-line to prevent
linkage errors.
* platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.mm:
(WebCore::MediaSampleAVFObjC::MediaSampleAVFObjC): Move code
* platform/graphics/cocoa/WebCoreDecompressionSession.mm: Fly-by fix, add missing header.
* platform/graphics/cocoa/WebMAudioUtilitiesCocoa.h: Export some symbols, add new
method definitions.
* platform/graphics/cocoa/WebMAudioUtilitiesCocoa.mm:
(WebCore::registerDecoderFactory): Instead of attempting to register the decoder
by dl-opening the required library, first attempting to see if the decoder is
already available. Calling AudioComponentRegister in the web content process
when the GPU process is enabled will fail due to sandbox settings. Which would
incorrectly report the codec to not be available when it was.
(WebCore::isOpusDecoderAvailable): Fly-by fix, should the method be called
on non-mac platform it would have return the unitialized value of the available
static variable.
(WebCore::registerOpusDecoderIfNeeded): Added
(WebCore::isVorbisDecoderAvailable): Same as isOpusDecoderAvailable
(WebCore::registerVorbisDecoderIfNeeded): Added


Add various AVFoundation (AVAudioConverter) related methods and
CoreMedia to access required CMSampleBuffer related methods.

* pal/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.cpp:
* pal/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.h:
* pal/cocoa/AVFoundationSoftLink.h:
* pal/cocoa/AVFoundationSoftLink.mm:


Add default value for webm_webaudio feature flag for the different platforms.
Disabled by default on all platforms.
Fly-by fix: don't make webm parser dependent on VP9 support.

* FeatureFlags/WebKit-appletvos.plist:
* FeatureFlags/WebKit-ios.plist:
* FeatureFlags/WebKit-macos.plist:
* FeatureFlags/WebKit-watchos.plist:
* GPUProcess/GPUProcess.h:
* GPUProcess/GPUProcess.messages.in:
* Shared/WebPreferencesDefaultValues.cpp:
* Shared/WebPreferencesDefaultValues.h:
* UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessProxyCocoa.mm:


Add WebMWebAudioEnabled preference to make canPlayType return probably for mimetype:
"audio/webm; codecs=opus"
Disabled by default.

* Scripts/Preferences/WebPreferencesExperimental.yaml:


* platform/mac/TestExpectations: Only enable test on macOS Monterey
* webaudio/decode-audio-data-basic.html: fix whitespace
* webaudio/decode-audio-data-webm-opus-expected.txt: Added.
* webaudio/decode-audio-data-webm-opus.html: Added.
* webaudio/resources/media/opus.webm: Added.
* webaudio/resources/media/vorbis.webm: Added.

Canonical link: https://commits.webkit.org/240056@main
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@280416 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
2021-07-29 04:18:16 +00:00
cocoa HIDGamepadProvider adds an extra 50ms to all inputs 2021-07-01 20:22:16 +00:00
mac [WebAudio] Add webm/opus container support 2021-07-29 04:18:16 +00:00