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Using External Benchmarks with ANGLE

This document contains instructions on how to run external benchmarks on ANGLE as the GLES renderer. There is a section for each benchmark with subsections for each platform. The general theme is to make the benchmark application pick ANGLE's libGLESv2.so and libEGL.so files instead of the system ones.

On Linux, this is generally achieved with setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH. On Windows, ANGLE dlls may need to be copied to the benchmark's executable directory.


This benchmark can be found on github. It's written against GLES 2.0 and supports Linux and Android. It performs tens of tests and reports the framerate for each test.

glmark2 on Linux

To build glmark2 on Linux:

$ git clone https://github.com/glmark2/glmark2.git
$ cd glmark2
$ ./waf configure --with-flavors=x11-glesv2 --data-path=$PWD/data/
$ ./waf

To run glmark2 using the native implementation of GLES:

$ cd build/src
$ ./glmark2-es2

To run glmark2 using ANGLE, we need to first create a few links in the build directory of ANGLE:

$ cd /path/to/angle/out/release
$ ln -s libEGL.so libEGL.so.1
$ ln -s libGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so.2

Back in glmark2, we need to make sure these shared objects are picked up:

$ cd /path/to/glmark2/build/src
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/angle/out/release/ ldd ./glmark2-es2

With ldd, you can verify that libEGL.so.1 and libGLESv2.so.2 are correctly picked up from ANGLE's build directory.

To run glmark2 on the default back-end of ANGLE:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/angle/out/release/ ./glmark2-es2

To run glmark2 on a specific back-end of ANGLE:

$ ANGLE_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=vulkan LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/angle/out/release/ ./glmark2-es2

glmark2 on Linux for Android


Below steps are set up to use version 26.0.1 of build-tools, which can be downloaded here:


Tested with r19 of NDK, which can be downloaded here:


Tested with OpenJDK 8:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Note: This is built from a branch that has fixes for Android. It only supports 32-bit ARM (armeabi-v7a). Supporting other ABIs requires more work, possibly including a move to cmake instead of ndk-build.


export ANDROID_SDK=<path_to_Android_SDK>
export ANDROID_NDK=<path_to_Android_NDK>
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64


git clone https://github.com/cnorthrop/glmark2.git
cd glmark2/android
git checkout android_fixes


adb install --abi armeabi-v7a glmark2.apk


To select ANGLE as the driver on Android (requires Android Q):

adb shell settings put global angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs org.linaro.glmark2
adb shell settings put global angle_gl_driver_selection_values angle

To switch back to native GLES driver:

adb shell settings delete global angle_gl_driver_selection_values
adb shell settings delete global angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs