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+++ type = "article" title = "Setting up a Development Environment" date = "2018-10-19T22:06:00.000Z" tags = ["Development","environment","setup"] +++

The first thing you'll need to do before writing code in Haiku is to set up a development environment. How you do this will depend on whether you are developing for Haiku within Haiku itself, or from another operating system.

In future we hope to provide step by step guides for each platform. For now though, whichever of the below routes you take, see the summary: Building pre-requisities page for details.

Developing Haiku on Haiku

Recommended: All development tools required to use Haiku as your development environment are now included. Simply download the latest official release or the latest and unstable nightly images, and you should have everything you need.

Cross-compiling from Other Systems

While we encourage using Haiku to build Haiku and/or software for Haiku, it is also possible to cross-compile from other operating systems. If you choose to cross-compile from another system, the Pre-Requisite Software for Compiling Haiku guide may be a good reference for each supported development environment.