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Haiku Project website
This repository contains the source code for Haiku's main website.
## Blogging
To create a new blog for a new user, run `./scripts/newblog.sh`.
To create a new blogpost, run `./scripts/newpost.sh`.
Refer Troubleshooting section if you encounter any error.
## Shortcodes
Shortcodes introduce the ability to leverage special formatting
in markdown documents. All available shortcodes are in layouts/shortcodes.
### Alerts
A classic alert or notification div with a title and a body
* ``{{< alert-danger "Title" "Body text here">}}``
* ``{{< alert-warning "Title" "Body text here">}}``
* ``{{< alert-info "Title" "Body text here">}}``
### Keyboard
A small keyboard like span. Normally used to represent pressing
a physical key on the keyboard.
* ``{{< keyboard ALT >}}``
## Troubleshooting
### macOS: "date: illegal option"
This is because OS X/macOS and Linux use two different sets of tools. Linux uses the GNU version of the date command (hence, GNU/Linux). The solution would be to install GNU Core Utilities replacing macOS Utilities:
``brew install coreutils``
``sudo port install coreutils``
Set your PATH to: ``PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"``
Run ``which date``, it must show ``/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin/date`` and not ``/bin/date``. Re-run the above command, it should work fine!