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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
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<!--= Author : Michael Ingrassia 20-Oct-2003 =--><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Tiny//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-tiny.dtd">
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reviewer="" reviewed="" owner="MI" desc="Testing font-family
attribute" status="created" version="$Revision: 1.5 $" testname="$RCSfile: text-fonts-03-t.svg,v $">
<!--nav data here-->
Testing font-family attribute.
Two SVG fonts are defined. Various text elements are then
used with varying values for the font-family attribute.
The first two text elements should display in their respective fonts,
the last two should be displayed using the system font since the
value specified for font-family is either invalid or not specified.
The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
<title id="test-title">text-fonts-03-t</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Testing font-family attribute</desc>
<!--= Content of Test Case follows... =-->
<g id="test-body-content">
<font-face font-family="Haettenschweiler"/>
<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="440" d="M440 0l-160 0 -20 180 -80 0 -20 -180 -160 0 120 700 200 0 120 -700zm-200 280l-20 220 -20 -220 40 0z"/>
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<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="370" d="M360 460l-140 0 0 140c0,0 -20,20 -20,20 -20,0 -20,-20 -20,-20l0 -500c0,0 0,0 20,0 0,0 20,0 20,0l0 180 140 0 0 -180c0,-20 -20,-60 -60,-80 -20,-20 -60,-20 -100,-20 -120,0 -180,40 -180,120l0 460c0,80 60,120 180,120 100,0 160,-40 160,-120l0 -120z"/>
<font-face font-family="Charlesworth"/>
<glyph unicode="A" horiz-adv-x="712" d="M-60 0l0 20c0,0 20,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 60,20 0,0 20,20 40,80 20,60 40,120 80,200 20,80 40,160 80,220 20,60 40,120 40,120 0,20 -20,20 -80,20l0 20c20,0 80,0 140,0 100,0 140,0 160,0l0 -20c-40,0 -80,0 -80,-20 20,-60 60,-140 80,-220 40,-100 80,-180 100,-260 40,-80 60,-140 60,-140 0,0 20,-20 40,-20 40,0 60,0 60,0l0 -20c0,0 -60,0 -180,0 -20,0 -40,0 -80,0 -40,0 -60,0 -80,0l0 20c20,0 60,0 80,0 20,0 20,20 20,20 0,0 -20,60 -40,140 -40,80 -40,120 -60,140 -60,0 -140,0 -220,0 -20,-20 -20,-40 -20,-80 -20,-40 -40,-80 -40,-120 -20,-60 -20,-80 -20,-80 20,-20 60,-20 80,-20l20 -20c-40,0 -80,0 -140,0 -80,0 -120,0 -140,0zm260 360c40,0 80,0 120,0 60,0 100,0 100,0 0,0 0,0 -20,40 0,20 -20,60 -40,100 0,40 -20,80 -20,100 -20,20 -20,40 -20,60l0 0c-20,-40 -40,-80 -60,-160 -40,-80 -60,-120 -60,-140z"/>
<glyph unicode="B" horiz-adv-x="684" d="M160 660c-20,20 -40,20 -100,20l-20 20c20,0 60,0 120,0 80,0 140,0 180,0 60,0 100,0 160,-20 40,-20 60,-60 60,-100 0,-40 -20,-100 -60,-120 -20,-40 -60,-60 -100,-80l0 0c40,0 60,-20 100,-40 20,0 40,-20 60,-40 20,-20 20,-40 40,-60 0,-20 0,-40 0,-60 0,-40 0,-60 -20,-100 -20,-20 -40,-40 -80,-60 -20,-20 -60,-20 -100,-20 -20,0 -40,0 -80,0 -60,0 -100,0 -160,0 -20,0 -60,0 -120,0l20 20c0,0 20,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 60,20 0,0 0,20 0,80 0,80 0,160 0,240 0,80 0,140 0,200 0,60 0,100 0,100zm120 -620c20,0 60,-20 80,-20 20,0 60,0 80,20 20,0 20,20 40,40 20,20 20,40 20,60 0,40 -20,80 -40,100 -20,40 -40,60 -80,80 -40,20 -60,20 -100,20 0,-20 0,-40 0,-80 0,-40 0,-80 0,-120 0,-40 0,-80 0,-100zm0 340c40,0 80,0 100,20 20,20 40,40 60,60 0,20 0,60 0,80 0,20 0,40 0,60 -20,20 -40,40 -60,60 -20,20 -40,20 -60,20 -20,0 -40,0 -40,0 0,0 0,-20 0,-40 0,-20 0,-60 0,-140 0,-60 0,-100 0,-120z"/>
<glyph unicode="C" horiz-adv-x="808" d="M740 480l-20 0c0,20 0,60 0,80 -20,20 -20,40 -40,60 -40,20 -60,20 -100,40 -40,20 -60,20 -100,20 -20,0 -20,0 -40,0 -40,0 -100,-20 -120,-40 -40,-20 -60,-40 -80,-80 -20,-20 -40,-40 -60,-80 0,-20 0,-60 0,-80 0,-60 0,-120 20,-160 20,-40 60,-80 100,-120 20,-20 80,-40 120,-60 40,-20 100,-40 140,-40 80,20 160,40 220,60l0 -40c-40,-20 -80,-40 -140,-40 -40,-20 -100,-20 -140,-20 -80,0 -140,20 -200,40 -80,20 -120,60 -180,100 -40,60 -60,120 -60,200 0,0 0,20 0,20 0,60 0,100 20,140 20,40 60,80 100,120 20,40 80,60 140,80 60,20 120,40 200,40 60,0 120,-20 200,-20 0,0 0,0 0,20 20,40 20,40 20,60l20 0c0,-20 0,-60 0,-140 -20,-100 -20,-140 -20,-160z"/>
<text x="15" y="60" font-size="18">font-family = "Haettenschweiler"</text>
<text x="340" y="60" font-family="Haettenschweiler" font-size="35">ABC</text>
<text x="15" y="110" font-size="18">font-family = "Charlesworth"</text>
<text x="340" y="110" font-family="Charlesworth" font-size="35">ABC</text>
<text x="15" y="160" font-size="18">font-family = "Invalid Name"</text>
<text x="340" y="160" font-family="InvalidFontFamily" font-size="35">ABC</text>
<text x="15" y="210" font-size="18">font-family = not specified</text>
<text x="340" y="210" font-size="35">ABC</text>
<text id="revision" x="10" y="340" font-size="40" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.5 $</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>