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Seems as if every other week the Engineer Insight article discusses byte
swapping. Must be that time because that's my topic today. Up until now
we've always written about what one should do, in theory. Finishing up
the first Intel release has given us all more practical experience and
I'd like to share some of it with you.
There are several sections of the API, including the <code class="classname">BMessage</code> class and
file attributes, where dealing with endian issues might effect your
coding habits. I'll discuss the <code class="classname">BMessage</code> class in this article and leave
the file attributes case for a later article.
The <code class="classname">BMessage</code> class does lots of work for you in terms of byte ordering.
If you are just reading and writing standard data types to <code class="classname">BMessage</code>s then
you needn't fret about byte ordering. By "standard" I mean all the data
types (with three exceptions) defined in
<code class="filename">support/TypeConstants.h</code>.
For example, if you have code like the following:
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="comment">// code that writes your data into a message</span>
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">AddString</code>("label", <code class="varname">text</code>);
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">AddInt32</code>("weight", <code class="varname">weight</code>);
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">AddMessenger</code>("return_ref", <code class="varname">some_messenger</code>);
<span class="comment">// let's save this message to a file</span>
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">Flatten</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">some_file</code>);
<span class="comment">// That file can now be moved to another platform. What</span>
<span class="comment">// happens isn't under your program's control.</span>
<span class="comment">// let's read that message out of a file</span>
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">Unflatten</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">some_file</code>);
<span class="comment">// code that reads your data out of a message</span>
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">FindString</code>("label", &amp;<code class="varname">text</code>);
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">FindInt32</code>("weight", &amp;<code class="varname">weight</code>);
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">FindMessenger</code>("return_ref", &amp;<code class="varname">some_messenger</code>);
In the above code you don't have to worry about byte ordering. If the
file is moved across platforms the system (the
<code class="methodname">Flatten</code>/<code class="methodname">Unflatten</code> calls
themselves) will handle any byte ordering issues. The same is true if the
message is flattened into any sort of buffer and then moved to another
platform. An example of this would be if you flattened a message and
saved it in an attribute of some file.
The three exceptions mentioned above are <code class="constant">B_ANY_TYPE</code>,
<code class="constant">B_RAW_TYPE</code>, and
<code class="constant">B_OBJECT_TYPE</code>. The first type, <code class="constant">B_ANY_TYPE</code>, isn't really a type. The
latter two types have arbitrary and undefined formats. They can be
anything, so there is no way that the system can properly swap bytes
between Intel and PPC platforms.
Also, it is the developers responsibility to swap any custom data types
that you add to a message. Here's an example:
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
struct <span class="type">my_info</span> {
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">weight</code>;
<span class="type">char</span> <code class="varname">bx</code>[2];
<span class="type">float</span> <code class="varname">percent_done</code>;
<span class="type">my_info</span> <code class="varname">info</code>;
<span class="comment">// info gets filled in with data</span>
<span class="comment">// now you add data of this type to a message</span>
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">AddData</code>("data", 'myin', &amp;<code class="varname">info</code>, <code class="function">sizeof</code>(<code class="varname">my_info</code>));
Now if <code class="varname">msg</code> is flattened and moved to platform with differing endianness
you'll have to deal with byte swapping:
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">my_info</span> <code class="varname">info</code>;
<span class="type">void</span> *<code class="varname">raw</code>;
<span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="varname">size</code>;
<code class="varname">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">FindData</code>("data", 'myin', &amp;<code class="varname">raw</code>, &amp;<code class="varname">size</code>);
<span class="comment">// raw points to raw/unswapped data, not necessarily a</span>
<span class="comment">// valid my_info structure. If endianness of this platform</span>
<span class="comment">// differs from source platform then work needs to be done.</span>
One option is to add a field to the <span class="type">my_info</span> struct specifying the
endianness of the data as written. The other option is to redo the data
structure so that it is endian insensitive. For more details on dealing
with vanilla C structures such as <span class="type">my_info</span> see Brad Taylor's Engineering
Insights articles in
<a class="link" href="">issue 2-#9</a> and
<a class="link" href="">issue 2-#45</a> of the Newsletter:
Another alternative that I'll discuss in detail is using the <code class="classname">BFlattenable</code>
class. Using this class can make handling custom data structures somewhat
easier. Let's redo the above example of a C structure (<span class="type">my_info</span>) using the
<code class="classname">BFlattenable</code> class:
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
struct <code class="classname">TMyData</code> : public <code class="classname">BFlattenable</code> {
<span class="comment">// here's my data</span>
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">weight</code>;
<span class="type">char</span> <code class="varname">bx</code>[2];
<span class="type">float</span> <code class="varname">percent_done</code>;
virtual <span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="methodname">Flatten</code>(<span class="type">void *</span><code class="parameter">buffer</code>, <span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="parameter">size</code>) const;
virtual <span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="methodname">Unflatten</code>(<span class="type">type_code</span> <code class="parameter">c</code>, <span class="type">constvoid *</span><code class="parameter">buf</code>,
<span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="parameter">size</code>);
<span class="comment">// overrides for other functions are omitted to keep example small</span>
The <code class="classname">BFlattenable</code> class gives you nice bottlenecks for moving data in and
out of <code class="classname">BMessages</code>, files, or file attributes. These bottlenecks give you a
framework for dealing with byte ordering. As always you have two options
for dealing with this issue:
</p><ul class="itemizedlist"><li><p>
Write out data in natural order and swap when needed on read.
Write out data in canonical format and swap when needed on read.
</p></li></ul><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id665402"></a>Write out data in natural order</h3></div></div></div><p>
In this scenario the flatten code will save the flag indicating the
endianness of the source platform. The unflatten code will compare that
against the current platform's endianness and swap when necessary.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="classname">TMyData</code>::<code class="methodname">Flatten</code>(<span class="type">void *</span><code class="parameter">buffer</code>, <span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="parameter">size</code>) const
<span class="type">char *</span><code class="varname">p</code> = (<span class="type">char *</span>) buffer;
<span class="comment">// need to save a flag indicating the current platform. So</span>
<span class="comment">// we remember if this platform is little endian. The</span>
<span class="comment">// FlattenSize function must account for this extra space.</span>
*<code class="varname">p</code>++ = <code class="constant">B_HOST_IS_LENDIAN</code>;
<span class="comment">// now save the rest of the data in natural format</span>
*((<span class="type">int32 *</span>)<code class="varname">p</code>) = <code class="varname">weight</code>;
<code class="varname">p</code> += <code class="function">sizeof</code>(<span class="type">int32</span>);
*<code class="varname">p</code>++ = <code class="varname">bx</code>[0];
*<code class="varname">p</code>++ = <code class="varname">bx</code>[1];
*((<span class="type">float *</span>)<code class="varname">p</code>) = <code class="varname">percent_done</code>;
return <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="classname">TMyData</code>::<code class="methodname">Unflatten</code>(<span class="type">type_code</span> <code class="parameter">c</code>, <span class="type">constvoid *</span><code class="parameter">buf</code>,
<span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="parameter">size</code>)
<span class="type">const char *</span><code class="varname">p</code> = (<span class="type">const char *</span>) <code class="parameter">buf</code>;
<span class="type">uint8</span> <code class="varname">endian</code>;
<span class="type">bool</span> <code class="varname">must_swap</code>;
<span class="comment">// read the endian flag saved by the Flatten call</span>
<code class="varname">endian</code> = *((<span class="type">uint8 *</span>) <code class="varname">p</code>++);
<span class="comment">// compared the saved value with current value</span>
<code class="varname">must_swap</code> = (<code class="varname">endian</code> == <code class="constant">B_HOST_IS_LENDIAN</code>);
<span class="comment">// must_swap will only be true in the source and</span>
<span class="comment">// destination have different byte ordering</span>
<span class="comment">// now simply read out the data</span>
<code class="varname">weight</code> = *((<span class="type">int32 *</span>) <code class="varname">p</code>);
<code class="varname">p</code> += <code class="function">sizeof</code>(<span class="type">int32</span>);
<code class="varname">bx</code>[0] = *<code class="varname">p</code>++;
<code class="varname">bx</code>[1] = *<code class="varname">p</code>++;
<code class="varname">percent_done</code> = *((<span class="type">float *</span>) <code class="varname">p</code>);
<span class="comment">// now swap the data if needed</span>
if (<code class="varname">must_swap</code>) {
<code class="varname">weight</code> = <code class="function">B_SWAP_INT32</code>(<code class="varname">weight</code>);
<code class="varname">percent_done</code> = <code class="function">B_SWAP_FLOAT</code>(<code class="varname">percent_done</code>);
<span class="comment">// don't need to swap the bx chars.</span>
return <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
</pre></div><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id665751"></a>Write out data in canonical format</h3></div></div></div><p>
In this scenario the code always writes out the data in little endian
format (choosing between big or little endian is up to the developer). In
this case an extra <code class="varname">flag</code> field isn't needed.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="classname">TMyData</code>::<code class="methodname">Flatten</code>(<span class="type">void *</span><code class="parameter">buffer</code>, <span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="parameter">size</code>) const
<span class="type">char *</span><code class="varname">p</code> = (<span class="type">char *</span>) <code class="parameter">buffer</code>;
<span class="comment">// Decided to always write the data in little endian</span>
<span class="comment">// format. So we'll write data using the HOST_TO_LENDIAN</span>
<span class="comment">// macros.</span>
*((<span class="type">int32 *</span>)<code class="varname">p</code>) = <code class="function">B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32</code>(<code class="varname">weight</code>);
<code class="varname">p</code> += <code class="function">sizeof</code>(<span class="type">int32</span>);
*<code class="varname">p</code>++ = <code class="varname">bx</code>[0];
*<code class="varname">p</code>++ = <code class="varname">bx</code>[1];
*((<span class="type">float *</span>)<code class="varname">p</code>) = <code class="function">B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_FLOAT</code>(<code class="varname">percent_done</code>);
return <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="classname">TMyData</code>::<code class="methodname">Unflatten</code>(<span class="type">type_code</span> <code class="parameter">c</code>, <span class="type">constvoid *</span><code class="parameter">buf</code>,
<span class="type">ssize_t</span> <code class="parameter">size</code>)
<span class="type">const char *</span><code class="varname">p</code> = (<span class="type">const char *</span>) <code class="parameter">buf</code>;
<span class="type">uint8</span> <code class="varname">endian</code>;
<span class="type">bool</span> <code class="varname">must_swap</code>;
<span class="comment">// We know that the data was saved in little endian</span>
<span class="comment">// format. So read in the data using the appropriate</span>
<span class="comment">// macros from support/ByteOrder.h</span>
<code class="varname">weight</code> = <code class="function">B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32</code>(*((<span class="type">int32 *</span>) <code class="varname">p</code>));
<code class="varname">p</code> += <code class="function">sizeof</code>(<span class="type">int32</span>);
<code class="varname">bx</code>[0] = *<code class="varname">p</code>++;
<code class="varname">bx</code>[1] = *<code class="varname">p</code>++;
<code class="varname">percent_done</code> = <code class="function">B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32</code>(*((<span class="type">float *</span>) <code class="varname">p</code>));
return <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
And there you have it. Hopefully this helps clarify how to use <code class="classname">BMessage</code>s
in a multi-endian world. It's the PC thing to do.
</p></div><hr class="pagebreak" /><div class="sect1"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h2 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="DevWorkshop3-8"></a>Developers' Workshop: Of Indexes And entry_refs</h2></div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><span xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="author">By <span class="firstname">Stephen</span> <span class="surname">Beaulieu</span></span></div></div></div><p>
One of the great features of the BeOS is the ability to query information
about files' attributes. This is both useful in programming and for the
general user wanting to find files that meet certain criteria. The
mechanism behind queries is a series of attribute indices that list the
files that can be searched given a particular attribute and value.
Indices are volume-specific, meaning that different volumes connected to
your machine can have different indexed attributes. Furthermore, an
attribute index is only updated whenever a matching attribute is written.
So any files on the volume before the index is created are not listed.
The BeOS does not step through and examine all of the files on the volume
every time an index is created (that could be a lengthy process on a
large volume.)
This week's sample code allows you to selectively re-index files to make
sure that all of their attributes are up-to-date in the attribute
indices. Indexer is comprised of a <code class="classname">BApplication</code> class that examines
<span class="type">entry_ref</span>s, various <code class="classname">InfoView</code> classes
that process and display information
about these refs, and some global indexing functions. There is an
<code class="classname">InfoView</code> for each type of entry: File, SymLink, Directory and Volume.
These classes combine to give you detailed information about each dropped
ref in addition to re-indexing any referenced files that need it.
When a reference to a file, directory, symbolic link, or volume enters
<span class="application">Indexer</span>, more often than not it arrives in the form of an <span class="type">entry_ref</span>. Full
details about <span class="type">entry_ref</span>s can be found in
<code class="filename">Entry.h</code>, but quickly an
<span class="type">entry_ref</span> specifies the location of a potential file on disk by
specifying a device number, a directory number, and a name. Paths also
specify location in a similar manner, and throughout Indexer you will see
various translations between these two entry formats. One thing to note,
however, is that <span class="type">entry_ref</span>s should not be stored on disk, as the device
number can change between boots. <span class="type">entry_ref</span>s saved to disk, and then
copied in a file to another disk will just not work when unpacked on the
other side. Use paths if you need to save the location of an entry to
When items are selected and dropped on <span class="application">Indexer</span>'s icon or one of its
windows from the <span class="application">Tracker</span>, the refs come bundled in either a
<code class="constant">B_REFS_RECEIVED</code> or <code class="constant">B_SIMPLE_DATA</code> message. Both of these messages are
similar: The real meat of the message is bundled into the "refs" members.
Parsing the message to get the references is the first task.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">void</span> <code class="classname">Indexer</code>::<code class="methodname">RefsReceived</code>(<span class="type"><code class="classname">BMessage</code> *</span><code class="parameter">msg</code>)
<span class="type">uint32</span> <code class="varname">type</code>;
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">count</code>;
<span class="type">entry_ref</span> <code class="varname">ref</code>;
<code class="parameter">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">GetInfo</code>("refs", &amp;<code class="varname">type</code>, &amp;<code class="varname">count</code>);
if (<code class="varname">type</code> != <code class="constant">B_REF_TYPE</code>)
for (<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">i</code> = --<code class="varname">count</code>; <code class="varname">i</code> &gt;= 0; <code class="varname">i</code>--) {
if (<code class="parameter">msg</code>-&gt;<code class="methodname">FindRef</code>("refs", <code class="varname">i</code>, &amp;<code class="varname">ref</code>) == <code class="constant">B_OK</code>) {
<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef</code>(<code class="varname">ref</code>);
Each <span class="type">entry_ref</span> pulled out of the message is passed
along to <code class="methodname">EvaluateRef()</code>
to start our real work. <span class="application">Indexer</span> also accepts arguments from the
command-line which are processed in its <code class="methodname">ArgvReceived()</code> function. Any
paths present are translated into <span class="type">entry_ref</span>s with the
<code class="function">get_ref_for_path()</code>
function, and the resulting refs are also passed to <code class="methodname">EvaluateRef()</code>.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="classname">Indexer</code>::<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef</code>(<span class="type">entry_ref</span> &amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>)
struct <span class="type">stat</span> <code class="varname">st</code>;
<code class="classname">BEntry</code> <code class="varname">entry</code>;
if (<code class="varname">entry</code>.<code class="methodname">SetTo</code>(&amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>, <code class="constant">false</code>) != <code class="constant">B_OK</code>)
return <code class="constant">B_ERROR</code>;
if (<code class="varname">entry</code>.<code class="methodname">GetStat</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">st</code>) != <code class="constant">B_OK</code>)
return <code class="constant">B_ERROR</code>;
if (<code class="function">S_ISLNK</code>(<code class="varname">st</code>.<code class="varname">st_mode</code>))
return <code class="methodname">HandleLink</code>(<code class="parameter">ref</code>, <code class="varname">st</code>);
else if (<code class="function">S_ISREG</code>(<code class="varname">st</code>.<code class="varname">st_mode</code>))
return <code class="methodname">HandleFile</code>(<code class="parameter">ref</code>, <code class="varname">st</code>);
else if (<code class="function">S_ISDIR</code>(<code class="varname">st</code>.<code class="varname">st_mode</code>)) {
<code class="classname">BDirectory</code> <code class="varname">dir</code>;
if (<code class="varname">dir</code>.<code class="methodname">SetTo</code>(&amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>) != <code class="constant">B_OK</code>)
return <code class="constant">B_ERROR</code>;
if (<code class="varname">dir</code>.<code class="methodname">IsRootDirectory</code>())
return <code class="methodname">HandleVolume</code>(<code class="parameter">ref</code>, <code class="varname">st</code>, <code class="varname">dir</code>);
return <code class="methodname">HandleDirectory</code>(<code class="parameter">ref</code>, <code class="varname">st</code>, <code class="varname">dir</code>);
The first thing we want to do is determine exactly what type of <span class="type">entry_ref</span>
we have gotten. To do this we need to get a <span class="type">stat</span> structure. The <span class="type">stat</span>
structure provides a host of information about entries, including the
flavor of the node, and creation and modification times. To get the <span class="type">stat</span>
we need an instance of the <code class="classname">BStatable</code> class, and
<code class="classname">BEntry</code> is an easy one to
get. As we want to be able to tell if we have a symbolic link, we inform
<code class="classname">BEntry</code>::<code class="methodname">SetTo()</code> to not traverse any links it finds.
We can then proceed to get the stat and discover what type of entry we
have. If we discover a file or a symlink, we simple start to handle them.
If we find a directory we need to do a little bit more examination to
determine whether we have a normal directory or a volume. Volumes are
represented as directories that live in the root of the file system. To
determine which type we have we create a BDirectory and ask it if it is a
root directory. If it is, we handle it as a volume, if not we handle it
as a directory.
As <span class="application">Indexer</span> is a fairly large bit of sample code, I won't go into all of
the details of processing each entry type. Instead I'll simply point out
some of the more interesting bits, and leave you to examine the rest of
the sample code in more depth later.
</p><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id666594"></a>Volumes</h3></div></div></div><p>
As I mentioned above, I determine that I have a volume when I receive a
reference to a root directory. The next step is to discover exactly what
volume I am supposed to examine.
This is trickier than you might think, as there is not a convenient
<code class="methodname">GetVolume()</code> function in the <code class="classname">BDirectory</code>
class. My first thoughts were to
use the device ID contained in the <span class="type">entry_ref</span>. While this might seem to be
a good idea, it doesn't actually work. The problem is that root is a
virtual device, and the device ID listed corresponds to it, and not to
the volume I want to explore. So I turned to the <code class="classname">BVolumeRoster</code> class so I
could step through each mounted volume and see if I can find a root
directory that matches mine. The code looks like this:
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="classname">Indexer</code>::<code class="methodname">HandleVolume</code>(<span class="type">entry_ref</span> &amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>,
struct <span class="type">stat</span> &amp;<code class="parameter">st</code>, <code class="classname">BDirectory</code> &amp;<code class="parameter">dir</code>)
<code class="classname">BVolumeRoster</code> <code class="varname">vol_roster</code>;
<code class="classname">BVolume</code> <code class="varname">vol</code>;
<code class="classname">BDirectory</code> <code class="varname">root_dir</code>;
<span class="type">dev_t</span> <code class="varname">device</code>;
while (<code class="varname">vol_roster</code>.<code class="methodname">GetNextVolume</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">vol</code>) == <code class="constant">B_NO_ERROR</code>) {
<code class="varname">vol</code>.<code class="methodname">GetRootDirectory</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">root_dir</code>);
if (<code class="varname">root_dir</code> == <code class="parameter">dir</code>)
<span class="comment">// build the info window and the like</span>
I then proceed to create my <code class="classname">InfoView</code>, with gathers up a ton of
information about the volume (essentially every detail that the <code class="classname">BVolume</code>
class can muster) and displays it the user. Among the information
presented is a list of all of the indexed attributes on the volume. I
collected this with a global function I defined called
<code class="function">get_attribute_indices()</code>.
</p><pre class="programlisting c">
extern <span class="type">status_t</span>
<code class="function">get_attribute_indices</code>(<span class="type">dev_t</span> <code class="parameter">device</code>, <code class="classname">BList</code> &amp;<code class="parameter">index_list</code>)
<span class="type">DIR *</span><code class="varname">index_dir</code>;
struct <span class="type">dirent *</span><code class="varname">index_ent</code>;
<code class="varname">index_dir</code> = <code class="function">fs_open_index_dir</code>(<code class="parameter">device</code>);
if (!<code class="varname">index_dir</code>)
return <code class="constant">B_ERROR</code>;
while (<code class="varname">index_ent</code> = <code class="function">fs_read_index_dir</code>(<code class="varname">index_dir</code>)) {
<span class="type">char *</span><code class="varname">text</code> = <code class="function">strdup</code>(<code class="varname">index_ent</code>-&gt;<code class="varname">d_name</code>);
<code class="parameter">index_list</code>.<code class="methodname">AddItem</code>(<code class="varname">text</code>);
<code class="function">fs_close_index_dir</code>(<code class="varname">index_dir</code>);
return <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
This function opens the volume's index directory, gets the name of every
attribute found there, adds them to the list, and then closes the
directory. Note that it is very important to close the index directory,
or you will be unable to unmount its volume.
You might also notice that I did not traverse the entire volume indexing
every file. I could easily do this, but I figured that it made more sense
to just display a list of all of the indexed attributes instead. The code
could easily be modified to do so by borrowing the appropriate functions
from <code class="classname">dInfoView</code>.
</p></div><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id666896"></a>Directories</h3></div></div></div><p>
I do traverse directories and re-index all of the files found there, as
well as collect a bunch of information about the contents of the
directory. The two functions of most interest in the dInfoView class are
the <code class="methodname">TraverseDirectory()</code> and
<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef()</code> functions. <code class="methodname">TraverseDirectory()</code>
is a very standard way to step through all of the items in a directory.
It gets an entry_ref for each item found in the directory and calls
<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef()</code> on it. I could also achieve the same result by iterating
through the directory with <code class="methodname">GetNextEntry()</code>
(or <code class="methodname">GetNextDirent()</code> for that
matter), I simply chose to use <span class="type">entry_ref</span>s.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">void</span> <code class="classname">dInfoView</code>::<code class="methodname">TraverseDirectory</code>(<code class="classname">BDirectory</code> &amp;<code class="parameter">dir</code>)
<span class="type">entry_ref</span> <code class="varname">ref</code>;
while(<code class="parameter">dir</code>.<code class="methodname">GetNextRef</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">ref</code>) != <code class="constant">B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND</code>) {
<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef</code>(<code class="varname">ref</code>);
<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef()</code> is called for every item found in the directory. The type
of entry is discovered and processed accordingly: sub-directories are
traversed, files are indexed, and symlinks are noted. Statistics are kept
for each type of item, including a count of how successfully a file was
re-indexed. I'll get to the <code class="function">reindex_node()</code> call when I discuss files a
little later.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">void</span> <code class="classname">dInfoView</code>::<code class="methodname">EvaluateRef</code>(<span class="type">entry_ref</span> &amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>)
struct <span class="type">stat</span> <code class="varname">st</code>;
<code class="classname">BEntry</code> <code class="varname">entry</code>;
if (<code class="varname">entry</code>.<code class="methodname">SetTo</code>(&amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>, <code class="constant">false</code>) != <code class="constant">B_OK</code>)
<code class="varname">fEntryCount</code>++;
<code class="varname">entry</code>.<code class="methodname">GetStat</code>(&amp;<code class="varname">st</code>);
if (<code class="function">S_ISLNK</code>(<code class="varname">st</code>.<code class="varname">st_mode</code>))
<code class="varname">fLinkCount</code>++;
else if (<code class="function">S_ISREG</code>(<code class="varname">st</code>.<code class="varname">st_mode</code>)) {
if (<code class="parameter">ref</code>.<code class="varname">device</code> != <code class="varname">fRef</code>.<code class="varname">device</code>) {
<code class="varname">fInvalidCount</code>++;
<code class="varname">fFileCount</code>++;
<code class="classname">BNode</code> <code class="varname">node</code>;
if (<code class="varname">node</code>.<code class="methodname">SetTo</code>(&amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>) != <code class="constant">B_NO_ERROR</code>) {
<code class="varname">fInvalidCount</code>++;
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="varname">status</code> = <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
<code class="varname">status</code> = <code class="function">reindex_node</code>(<code class="varname">node</code>, *<code class="varname">fIndexList</code>);
if (<code class="varname">status</code> == <code class="constant">INDEXED</code>)
<code class="varname">fIndexed</code>++;
else if (<code class="varname">status</code> == <code class="constant">PARTIAL_INDEXED</code>)
<code class="varname">fPartialIndexed</code>++;
<code class="varname">fNotIndexed</code>++;
else if (<code class="function">S_ISDIR</code>(<code class="varname">st</code>.<code class="varname">st_mode</code>)) {
<code class="classname">BDirectory</code> <code class="varname">dir</code>;
if (<code class="varname">dir</code>.<code class="methodname">SetTo</code>(&amp;<code class="parameter">ref</code>) != <code class="constant">B_OK</code>) {
<code class="varname">fInvalidCount</code>++;
if (<code class="varname">dir</code>.<code class="methodname">IsRootDirectory</code>())
<code class="varname">fInvalidCount</code>++;
else {
<code class="varname">fSubDirCount</code>++;
<code class="methodname">TraverseDirectory</code>(<code class="varname">dir</code>);
</pre></div><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id667275"></a>Symbolic Links</h3></div></div></div><p>
Symlinks are by far the easiest class to deal with. A <code class="classname">BSymLink</code> is created
and information about it is displayed. The main bit of information is
whether the link is relative or absolute, and the actual path to the
linked to node. This information is retrieved with the <code class="methodname">ReadLink()</code>
I'll also note that all of the <code class="classname">InfoView</code>s collect some generic information
about the entries they receive, namely the creation and modification time
of the entry, its path, and its name.
Finally I'll note some peculiarities about processing links. When the
<span class="application">Tracker</span> bundles up a <code class="constant">B_SIMPLE_DATA</code>
message to drop on the window of an
application, it simply gets the <span class="type">entry_ref</span> of all of the items selected.
When dropping onto the icon of an application, however, the <span class="application">Tracker</span> looks
at a lot of information about the file, in an attempt to discover whether
the application knows how to handle that type. In the process of doing
this, the <span class="type">entry_ref</span> for a link is traversed. This means that to get an
<code class="classname">lInfoView</code> in <span class="application">Indexer</span>
you need to reference the link through the command
line, or to drop the link onto a window. The current behavior is being
looked at internally, and we hope to have some sort of resolution for
Release 4.
</p></div><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id667352"></a>Files</h3></div></div></div><p>
Finally we come to the heart of the original program design, the
re-indexing of a file. To complete this action we need to get a list of
the attributes that are indexed on the volume (the <code class="function">get_volume_indices()</code>
function described above). We then create a <code class="classname">BNode</code> from the ref in order
to have access to the node's attributes, and pass it to the global
<code class="function">reindex_node()</code> function.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
extern <span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="function">reindex_node</code>(<code class="classname">BNode</code> &amp;<code class="parameter">node</code>, <code class="classname">BList</code> &amp;<span class="type">index_list</span>)
<span class="type">attr_info</span> <code class="varname">info</code>;
<span class="type">status_t</span> <code class="varname">status</code> = <code class="constant">B_OK</code>;
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">to_be_indexed</code> = 0;
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">indexed</code> = 0;
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">not_indexed</code> = 0;
<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">size</code> = 1024;
<span class="type">char *</span>value = (<span class="type">char *</span>) <code class="function">malloc</code>(<code class="varname">size</code> * <code class="function">sizeof</code>(<span class="type">char</span>));
<span class="comment">//rewrite all of the appropriate attributes</span>
for (<span class="type">int32</span> <code class="varname">i</code> = 0; <code class="varname">i</code> &lt; <code class="parameter">index_list</code>.<code class="methodname">CountItems</code>(); <code class="varname">i</code>++) {
<span class="type">char *</span><code class="varname">attr</code> = (<span class="type">char *</span>) <code class="parameter">index_list</code>.<code class="methodname">ItemAt</code>(<code class="varname">i</code>);
if (<code class="varname">node</code>.<code class="methodname">GetAttrInfo</code>(<code class="varname">attr</code>, &amp;<code class="varname">info</code>) == <code class="constant">B_OK</code>) {
<code class="varname">to_be_indexed</code>++;
<span class="comment">// adjust the size of our static buffer if necessary</span>
if (<code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">size</code> &gt; <code class="varname">size</code>) {
<code class="varname">value</code> = (<span class="type">char *</span>) <code class="function">realloc</code>(<code class="varname">value</code>, <code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">size</code>);
<code class="varname">size</code> = <code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">size</code>;
if (<code class="parameter">node</code>.<code class="methodname">ReadAttr</code>(<code class="varname">attr</code>, <code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">type</code>, 0,
<code class="varname">value</code>, <code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">size</code>) &gt; 0) {
if (<code class="parameter">node</code>.<code class="methodname">WriteAttr</code>(<code class="varname">attr</code>, <code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">type</code>, 0,
<code class="varname">value</code>, <code class="varname">info</code>.<code class="varname">size</code>) &gt; 0)
<code class="varname">indexed</code>++;
else <code class="varname">not_indexed</code>++;
else <code class="varname">not_indexed</code>++;
<code class="function">free</code>(<code class="varname">value</code>);
<code class="varname">value</code> = <code class="constant">NULL</code>;
if (<code class="varname">to_be_indexed</code> &gt; 0) {
if (<code class="varname">indexed</code> &gt; 0) {
if (<code class="varname">not_indexed</code> &gt; 0)
return <code class="constant">PARTIAL_INDEXED</code>;
return <code class="constant">INDEXED</code>;
else return <code class="constant">NOT_INDEXED</code>;
else return <code class="constant">NOT_INDEXED</code>;
<code class="function">reindex_node()</code> steps through the list of indexed attributes and calls
<code class="classname">BNode</code>::<code class="methodname">GetAttrInfo()</code> to see if the node has a matching attribute. If so,
<code class="methodname">ReadAttr()</code> is used to read the value into the buffer, and if successful,
the same value is written back with <code class="methodname">WriteAttr()</code>. Simply rewriting the
attribute will cause it to be added to the index if not already present.
A running count of the matching attributes and whether they were
successfully rewritten is kept, and the function returns a status
detailing whether the file was indexed successfully, partially, or not at
The <code class="classname">fInfoView</code> also compiles a list of all of the file's attributes for
display purposes. <code class="methodname">GetAttributes()</code> steps through the file's attribute
directory and adds the name of each attribute to a list.
</p><pre class="programlisting cpp">
<span class="type">void</span> <code class="classname">fInfoView</code>::<code class="methodname">GetAttributes</code>(<code class="classname">BNode</code> &amp;<code class="parameter">node</code>, <code class="classname">BList</code> &amp;<code class="parameter">list</code>)
<span class="type">char</span> <code class="varname">attr_buf</code>[<code class="constant">B_ATTR_NAME_LENGTH</code>];
<code class="parameter">node</code>.<code class="methodname">RewindAttrs</code>();
while (<code class="parameter">node</code>.<code class="methodname">GetNextAttrName</code>(<code class="varname">attr_buf</code>) == <code class="constant">B_NO_ERROR</code>) {
<span class="type">char *</span><code class="varname">string</code> = <code class="function">strdup</code>(<code class="varname">attr_buf</code>);
<code class="parameter">list</code>.<code class="methodname">AddItem</code>(<code class="varname">string</code>);
As a last note on files, the <code class="classname">fInfoView</code> also discovers the MIME-type of
the file through use of <code class="classname">BNodeInfo</code>::<code class="methodname">GetMimeType()</code>.
Finally, some last notes, suggestions, caveats and plans. There are a
series of volumes that cannot be accessed through the <span class="application">Tracker</span> (such as
<code class="filename">/dev</code> or
<code class="filename">/pipe</code>) that information can be gotten about through the
command-line. Take a look at a couple of them and see what can be seen
(although not much will be seen in the virtual file systems in the way of
files, the info windows usually fail.)
I also want to note that the code for displaying the information is
probably not how the interface guys would want to see it done. Use the
sample code to look at the Storage Kit classes, not as a pristine example
of Interface Kit code.
I'll continue to update <span class="application">Indexer</span> in the future, and I would love to hear
of any improvements you make. Upcoming features might include code to
remove and create indexes, as well as a look into whether passing <code class="classname">BEntry</code>s
or <span class="type">entry_ref</span>s is more efficient.
In the meantime, <span class="application">Indexer</span> can be found at:
I'll be back next week with Victor Tsou from the Doc Team. We'll be
filling you in on many of the things you'll want to know about the
upcoming Release 3 release of the BeOS for Intel. Until then...
</p></div><hr class="pagebreak" /><div class="sect1"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h2 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="Gassee3-8"></a>Driver Education</h2></div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><span xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="author">By <span class="firstname">Jean-Louis</span> <span class="surname">Gassée</span></span></div></div></div><p>
This isn't about my college-bound son and the education of our auto
insurance company. It's an attempt to put some thoughts on electronic
paper concerning the sea of driver trouble ahead of us.
Once upon a time, we had totally proprietary hardware. This was at the
very beginning of the company, when multiprocessor hardware was the
province of high-end servers and workstations, not down to the
$2000-$3000 level as it is today (see the Ming specials at
In the beginning, we were in the position of having to design I/O cards
and write the drivers. Now though, we are in the retroactively obvious
situation where we can benefit from other people's investment in
chipsets, motherboards, and I/O devices, and focus our efforts on the OS.
But the abundance of riches comes at a price: how can we get drivers to
support this wonderful wacky world of PC add-ons? Put another way, some
observers have attributed OS/2's failure to a paucity of drivers.
Customers eager for an alternative to Windows were disappointed to find
that their interface cards and peripherals weren't always supported by
IBM or by the hardware add-on manufacturer. Are we going to disappoint
hopeful BeOS users in the same way? Are we going to bleed to death
attempting to write drivers or cajoling vendors for support?
The hidden pivot in the argument is the comparison to OS/2. If indeed, we
come out of nowhere representing ourselves as a general-purpose OS ready
for mainstream consumption, then we face an impossible challenge. Put
another way, OS/2 positioned itself as an alternative to Windows and
failed to deliver what turned out to be an impossible proposition, better
DOS than DOS, better Windows than Windows.
The BeOS is not a general-purpose OS, it is a complement or a supplement
to Windows. The BeOS coexists with the general-purpose Windows as a
specialized OS, just as Linux does. Fine, but what does it mean for the
sea of drivers issue?
First, it means we have to keep setting expectations, just as we did in
earlier days with tongue-in-cheek but serious surgeon general warnings:
this product is unfit for consumption by normal humans. It still is and,
just like Linux, will be for a long time—if not for ever.
As an industry such as ours mature, it will diversify, segment and
specialize, and the thought that any OS has to be or do "everything"
doesn't have to apply. More specifically, as we represent ourselves as
the media OS, best fit for real-time WYSIWYG, the reality-based
positioning, a Be, Inc. exclusive, translates into a focus set of
hardware targets. This, in turn, translates into a finite set of drivers.
That's what we have to define, that's what we have to communicate.
</p></div><hr class="pagebreak" /><div class="sect1"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h2 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="BeDevTalk3-8"></a>BeDevTalk Summary</h2></div></div></div><p>
BeDevTalk is an unmonitored discussion group in which technical
information is shared by Be developers and interested parties. In this
column, we summarize some of the active threads, listed by their subject
lines as they appear, verbatim, in the mail.
To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on our web site:
</p><div class="sect2"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h3 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id668065"></a>NEW</h3></div></div></div><div class="sect3"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h4 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id668072"></a>Subject: 128 file descriptors</h4></div></div></div><p>
The file descriptor limit (128) was less controversial than the "how many
threads should I spawn?" subtopic. A statement by Dominic Giampaolo...
<span class="quote">Unless you know what you're doing, creating more threads than there are
CPUs in the system is probably not wise.</span>
...was jumped on (and, despite Sander Stoks plea for caution) taken out
of context. The specifics of an app (what it's doing, how fast it needs
to do it) will temper Dominic's rule of thumb. For example (from Peter
<span class="quote">The reason I have to use lots of threads is that I have a lot of
identical objects and I *need* one 'concurrency context' per object.
...and for now I do *not* care about performance.</span>
Client management (one thread per client) was also cited as a legitimate
use of "too many" threads.
</p></div><div class="sect3"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h4 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id668118"></a>Subject: Interface issues</h4></div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h5 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="subtitle">AKA: /File menu</h5></div></div></div><p>
More menu talk: Should all documents have a main menu bar, and should
that bar have a reliable set of submenus? (And should those submenus have
submenus? etc.) Should the user be able to choose the menu style as an
emulation of some other OS (gimme Mac menus... gimme Windows menus...
gimme Amiga menus)? Taken out of context, Tyler Riti supplied the quote
of the week:
<span class="quote">People think that if they can't see something, then it isn't there.</span>
(Is this not so?)
The discussion teetered on the verge of the old Dionysian/Apollonian
argument that pits GUI customizability against consistency. Despite the
high noise level, a number of valid suggestions were made, some of them
bordering on the interesting.
<span class="quote">The global be_app variable could return a pointer to a <code class="classname">BMenu</code> or
<code class="classname">BMenuItem</code> allowing the programmer to add application menu items or
submenus to it's Icon/Label in the DeskBar.</span>” (Scott Ahten)
<span class="quote">Somebody should create a set of standard translations [OK, Cancel, Open,
etc.] that everyone can put in their apps to provide at least _some_
internationality.</span>” (Sean Gies)
<span class="quote">A floating app-level menu is not a terrible idea...we could have
application level menus that are only visible when the application is in
the foreground.</span>” (Claude I. Denton)
<span class="quote">Make every toolbar dockable. If it's floating, all of the app's windows
use the floating toolbar; if it's docked to a part of the window, each
window has its own copy.</span>” (Andi Payn)
And so on.
</p></div><div class="sect3"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h4 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id668211"></a>Subject: How can I add icons to resources?</h4></div></div></div><p>
You make an icon-sized image in IconWorld and add the image file to your
BeIDE project expecting to be able to access the data as a resource of
the app. But you can't. What's wrong? Brian Stern offered the following
IDE guidelines:
“You need the resource to be in a file whose target info indicates that
it has resources. The default is for any file with an extension of .rsrc
to have its resources copied into the executable during link. Just add
the resource files to the project and make. You can add as many resource
files as you like to a project.
If that didn't work then either the target info in the Target prefs panel
doesn't indicate that that file kind has resources, or there are no
resources in the files.”
But, as Wendell Beckwith pointed out, IconWorld saves images as
attributes, not resources. Mr. Beckwith has created an Attribute
Convertor app that converts attributes to resources for just such
</p></div><div class="sect3"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h4 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id668249"></a>Subject: FTP</h4></div></div></div><p>
<code class="constant">SO_REUSEADDR</code>—is it necessary? What is it? Scott Andrew says...
<span class="quote">[<code class="constant">SO_REUSEADDR</code>]... is what allows many users to connect the same IP. It's
not necessary for FTP... [but is for a server].</span>
The right spirit, but, according to Howard Berkey, the wrong letter:
<span class="quote">You can still have many clients <code class="function">connect()</code> to the same IP address/port
without using <code class="constant">SO_REUSEADDR</code> by using
<code class="function">accept()</code> and <code class="function">listen()</code>.</span>
Agreement all around.
</p></div><div class="sect3"><div xmlns="" xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" class="titlepage"><div><div xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"><h4 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="title"><a id="id668310"></a>Subject: Be Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 7—February 18, 1998</h4></div></div></div><p>
Pixel/coordinate confusion. Remember: 0+1 == 2. A rectangle that has a
top left at pixel (0,0) and a bottom right at (1,1) touches 2 pixels on
each side—but, nonetheless, it's a 1x1 rectangle. We've seen this
discussion before, but never without some objection to the status quo
coordination. You're all getting soft.
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