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type = "news"
title = "First Bugfix Weekend"
date = "2012-03-28T18:30:49.000Z"
tags = ["bugfix weekend"]
<p>We'd like to invite every developer to our first <i>Bugfix Weekend</i> this weekend March 31st to April 1st. It's an idea recently brought up on the <a href="https://www.freelists.org/post/haiku-development/Haiku-Bug-Fix-Weekend-Proposal">developer mailinglist</a> that developers should regularly meet up virtually to solve bugs or enhancement tickets from our <a href="https://dev.haiku-os.org/">bugtracker</a> together.</p>
<p>While it's a bit short notice, it fits nicely with the 25th BeGeistert meeting that is held on that same date in Düsseldorf. That way everyone can participate in the two day hackfest even if they can't make it there in person.<br />
It's a nice opportunity for old and new developers to meet the rest of the gang and get more involved with Haiku development. Our Google Summer of Code students to be are especially invited to join, of course.</p>
<p>The Bugfix Weekend will be held on the Muscle server <i>beshare.TyComSystems.com</i>, accessed with <a href="http://dev.osdrawer.net/projects/beshare/files">BeShare</a> (or <a href="http://haikuware.com/directory/view-details/internet-network/chat-irc/javashare-beshare-client">JavaShare</a> if you're not running Haiku). BeShare is a client for chatting and easily sharing files, which should be nice for quickly sharing some source files, pdfs or screenshots etc.<br />
As alternative, there'll be a regular IRC channel <i>#haiku-bugfixweekend</i> at <i>irc.freenode.net</i>.</p>