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type = "news"
title = "BeGeistert 019 - Alphaville registration open"
date = "2008-09-14T12:43:34.000Z"
tags = ["begeistert", "summit", "coding sprint", "befan"]
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After the date has been known for some time, Charlie Clark in the name of BeFAN and the BeGeistert orga team is now officially <a href="http://www.freelists.org/archives/openbeos/09-2008/msg00030.html" rel="nofollow">inviting to BeGeistert 019</a> from October 11. - 12. 2008 in the youth hostel Düsseldorf. <a href="http://www.begeistert.org/register" rel="nofollow">Reservations</a> are now open and should be made as soon as possible. To learn more about BeGeistert, see the <a href="http://www.begeistert.org" rel="nofollow">BeGeistert website</a>. It includes more info on directions, car pooling and costs. BeGeistert has a long history as one of the most important, if not <i>the</i> most important BeOS developer and fan summit. In recent years, the focus has shifted more and more towards Haiku. Pretty much every European Haiku developer is usually attending. BeGeistert is also a platform for presenting independent BeOS and Haiku software projects to interested users or potential new developers for your team. BeGeistert is a great opportunity for getting to know in person a lot of people one only knows via IRC or e-mail.
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The coding sprint, which has been so successful before the last BeGeistert in January, will this time be held the week after BeGeistert. If you are a developer and would like to attend at the sprint, please contact <a href="http://www.haiku-os.org/user/stippi" rel="nofollow">Stephan Aßmus</a>, who is responsible for the planning. The stay at the youth hostel during the coding sprint includes three meals (35 EUR/night). The hostel is providing a small conference room during the days where we can setup our gear and have some fun coding.