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type = "news"
title = "Haiku to Exhibit at First LugRadio Live USA"
date = "2008-03-04T03:39:35.000Z"
tags = ["conference", "san francisco", "LugRadio"]
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<p><span class="inline right"><img src="http://www.haiku-os.org/files/screenshots/lugradio.thumbnail.png" alt="Haiku to exhibit at LugRadio Live USA 2008 at the Metreon, San Francisco" title="Haiku to exhibit at LugRadio Live USA 2008 at the Metreon, San Francisco" class="image thumbnail" height="200" width="158"></span>The good news following our recent presence at the <a href="http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale6x/" target="_blank">SCaLE conference</a> and the great exposure that it resulted in continues to pour in. Haiku has now been invited to have a booth at the <a href="http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/" target="_blank">LugRadio Live USA 2008</a>, the first LugRadio live event to be held in the US. Needless to say, we could not refuse the irresistible offer. The event will take place in San Francisco on the weekend of April 12 and 13, at the <a href="http://westfield.com/metreon/" target="_blank">The Metreon</a> entertainment center located at the heart of the city (<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=101+4th+Street,+San+Francisco,+CA&sll=37.785131,-122.404389&sspn=0.007953,0.014849&ie=UTF8&ll=37.786148,-122.404282&spn=0.007953,0.014849&z=16&iwloc=addr" target="_blank">map</a>).</p>
<p>LugRadio is an event that covers a range of topics about free software, Open Source, digital rights, technology and more. Combined with a compelling list of speakers, exhibitors and birds of a feather sessions, this event is said to offer what feels like a combination of a rock concert and a computer conference. To bring this unique atmosphere to San Francisco, LugRadio Live USA 2008 USA will have around <a href="http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/speakers" target="_blank">30 speakers</a> including Miguel de Icaza and Ian Murdock, <a href="http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/exhibition" target="_blank">over 20 exhibitors</a>, an eclectic range of BOF and other sessions, and the live recording of LugRadio in front of an audience.</p>
<p>We are happy to have been invited to LugRadio Live, and are glad that in our own small way we can help make this unique community event happen. Details about LugRadio Live 2008, our presence at the event and how to get involved have already been added to <a href="http://www.haiku-os.org/conference/2008/lugradio_live_usa_2008">this page in the Conference area</a> of the website. As usual, we can use a hand from anyone who would be willing to assist us organizing, setting up, and manning the booth. It sounds like this is going to be a fun event, so if you would like to hang out with us at LugRadio Live 2008, leave a comment here or contact Jorge G. Mare <a href="http://www.haiku-os.org/user/5/contact">using this online form</a>.</p>
<h3>LugRadio Live USA 2008 at-a-glance</h3>
<li>LugRadio homepage: <a href="http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/">http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/</a></li>
<li>Date: April 12 & 13, 2008</li>
<li>Place: <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=101+4th+Street,+San+Francisco,+CA&sll=37.785131,-122.404389&sspn=0.007953,0.014849&ie=UTF8&ll=37.786148,-122.404282&spn=0.007953,0.014849&z=16&iwloc=addr">The Metreon, San Francisco</a></li>
<li><a href="http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/schedule">Schedule</a>
<li>To get involved: leave a comment here or contact <a href="/user/5/contact">Jorge G. Mare</a></li>