
15 lines
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type = "news"
title = "Clarifying the Haiku Icon Contest"
date = "2006-08-16T22:18:17.000Z"
tags = ["ui", "icon", "contest"]
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<p>Since it appears that there may have been some confusion about the recently announced Haiku Icon Contest , we want to make a few clarifications in order to clear up any doubts about the contest.</p> <p>The objective of the Haiku Icon Contest is to help develop design guidelines for the eventual creation of a full Haiku Icon Set. Just to give you an idea, the guidelines would look something like <a href="http://tango.freedesktop.org/">the Tango guidelines</a>, but would be specific to Haiku.</p> <p>In order to achieve this goal, we are accepting artwork sample submissions per the rules outlined in the &quot;Contest Rules&quot; section of the <a href="http://www.haiku-os.org/wiki/index.php?title=Icon_Contest"> Haiku Icon Contest official page</a>. The submitted artwork will be rated in several areas by means of an online system. The rating system will be open, so anyone interested will be able to participate; take a peak at the <a href="http://bug-nordic.org/iconcontest/"> beta version rating page</a> to see what the rating system will look like.</p> <p>During and after the rating period, an open discussion will then be held in the Haiku mailing list, as a brain storming exercise leading to the Haiku icon design guidelines which will provide the base for the creation of the final artwork.</p> <p>Although the final icon set for Haiku will be the result of a collaborative effort through the rating of the submitted artwork and an open discussion in the Haiku mailing list, the contest will have a &quot;Best Rated Entry&quot;, which will be awarded a special recognition certificate from the Haiku project.</p> <p>For other details about the contest, please refer to the <a href="http://www.haiku-os.org/wiki/index.php?title=Icon_Contest"> Haiku Icon Contest</a> page, which will be kept up to date with the latest information.</p> <h2>Haiku Icon Contest Summary</h2> <ul><li>Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2006</li><li>Rating period: September 2 - 23, 2006</li><li>Rating page: To be announced</li><li>Rating tally: Beginning of October</li></ul> </div>