
65 lines
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type = "article"
title = "Haiku Distro Guidelines"
date = "2009-09-10T21:58:28.000Z"
tags = []
<div class="alert alert-warning">The Haiku project believes that having <strong>one distribution</strong> (the one officially released by the project) is the best long term strategy to ensure success of the platform. Therefore anyone considering creating a new distribution should think long and hard before doing so. The project is very interested in working with anyone who feels they need a new distribution to add what they need to Haiku itself.</div>
<p>Haiku distributions must comply to the following set of guidelines. Haiku Inc. reserves the right to change these guidelines in the future.</p>
<h3>Naming, Trademarks, and Logo</h3>
<li>The trademark "Haiku" may not be used in your distribution's name. Choose a distinctive name in order to avoid potential confusion with the official Haiku distribution.</li>
<li>You are not allowed to use the official Haiku trademarks or logo.</li>
<li>You may use the official Haiku icons and artwork.</li>
<p>Distributions that comply to the following compatibility guidelines are allowed to use the "Haiku Compatible" logo which will become available when we release our base distribution.</p>
<li>You must not change or extend the API of the Haiku system libraries in any way.</li>
<li>You should not change, move, or rename any of the files and folders that are part of the base distribution's "system" folder without good reason.</li>
<li>Provide a version of AboutSystem that identifies your distribution and contains a disclaimer as described in this document.</li>
<li>Use the same GCC version as the official distribution:
<li>for 32bit x86: GCC 2.95.3 Hybrid with modern GCC (currently 7.x) alternative GCC libraries</li>
<li>for 64bit x86: modern GCC (currently 7.x) only</li>
<li>Run the "configure" script with the parameter "--distro-compatibility compatible".</li>
<p>Please include the following disclaimers in a conspicuous place in your website, your AboutSystem version, and the documentation of your distribution:</p>
<p>&lt;DISTRO NAME&gt; is based on Haiku, but it is not the official distribution from the Haiku Project. For information about the official Haiku project, please visit <a href="https://haiku-os.org">https://haiku-os.org</a>.</p>
<p>&lt;DISTRIBUTOR NAME&gt; is not associated with the Haiku project. To obtain support for &lt;DISTRO NAME&gt;, please contact &lt;DISTRO SUPPORT INFO&gt;.</p>
<h3>Development and Alpha/Beta Releases</h3>
<p>For development and alpha/beta releases please add this to the disclaimer:</p>
<p>This software is work in progress and has missing functionality as well as many (known and unknown) bugs. Use &lt;DISTRO NAME&gt; at your own risk.</p>
<h3>Promotional Demos</h3>
<p>If you want to help spread the word by creating a promotional demo CD or VM image you may ask us on the <a href="https://www.freelists.org/list/haiku">Haiku mailing list</a> for explicit permission to use our trademarks and logos with your modified Haiku version. Please provide a complete list of modifications.</p>
<p>Promotional releases must be compiled either:</p>
<li>32bit x86: as x86 GCC 2.95.3 Hybrid with modern GCC (currently 7.x) alternative GCC libraries</li>
<li>64bit x86: as modern GCC (currently 7.x) only</li>
<p>The demo must show the following disclaimer in read-only form after every boot-up, and CDs must additionally be labeled with that disclaimer: <em>"This promotional demo is based on unstable alpha Haiku code, and is intended for developers as a technology preview. This is not the official Haiku distribution (available at https://haiku-os.org)."</em></p>
<p>It is very unlikely that we will allow promotional releases to change icons, window decors, or other parts of the base Haiku experience unless there is a very good reason to do so (e.g., your target audience is visually impaired). Please concentrate on essential modifications (e.g.: software, fonts, translations) for your target audience. This will make it more likely that you get permission from us and it simplifies the validation process.</p>