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type = "blog"
author = "koki"
title = "Playing with Japanese Fonts"
date = "2007-01-27T07:12:21.000Z"
tags = ["japanese fonts", "2ch+", "vlgothic"]
<p>For quite some time now, I have been looking for a good-looking and license-compatible Japanese font set that could be included in Haiku R1. Haiku does have a Japanese font called Konatsu, and while it does work, it is not very well suited as a general font for the overal UI. I think I have found something that is worth taking a close look: the <a href="http://dicey.org/vlgothic/">VLGothic font set</a>.</p>
<span class="inline left"><a href="/" onclick="launch_popup(1513, 1024, 640); return false;" target="_blank"><img src="/files/screenshots/2007-01-26_2chpositive.thumbnail.png" alt="2ch+ running in Haiku using VLGothic font set" title="2ch+ running in Haiku using VLGothic font set" class="image thumbnail" height="125" width="200"></a><span class="caption" style="width: 198px;"><strong>2ch+ running in Haiku using VLGothic font set</strong></span></span>
<p>VLGothic combines the latin characters from the <a href="http://mplus-fonts.sourceforge.jp/mplus-outline-fonts/index.html">M+ Fonts Project</a> (these are <a href="http://mplus-fonts.sourceforge.jp/mplus-outline-fonts/design/index.html#kana">VERY good looking fonts</a>!) with the <a ref="http://wiki.fdiary.net/font/?sazanami">Sazanami Gothic</a> Japanese font by the <a href="http://openlab.jp/efont/">Electronic Font Open Laboratory</a>. The result is a very good looking and well balanced TrueType font set with support for Japanese characters.</p>
<p>Since a picture is always better than a thousand words, I have included a screenshot of Haiku using the VLGothic font set. What you see on the screenshot is 2ch+, a client app for Japan's biggest (<a href="http://www.tetromino.net/blog/2007/01/12/whats-up-with-the-2chnet-lawsuit/">and very controversial</a>) online bulletin board; you can download the binary for Haiku <a href="http://code.google.com/p/nichanpositive/downloads/list">from here</a>.</p>