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type = "news"
title = "Opportunity to Pay Axel to Code Haiku!"
date = "2010-07-14T15:10:01.000Z"
2017-06-17 18:15:30 +00:00
tags = ["contracting", "haiku-inc", "hiring", "donations"]
We are excited to tell you about another proposal for contract development!
This time, it is from <strong>Axel Dörfler. He is proposing to work 120 hours at $14
per hour, for a total of $1,680.</strong> To remind you of the sheer awesomeness of this,
Axel has been with the Project since nearly the beginning -- he joined a few
months after it was started in 2001. Axel was also
<a href="/blog/axeld/2005-10-13/haikus_first_employee">Haiku's first employee back</a>
in 2005! This is a chance to get him back in the saddle -- or, according to some jokes,
back in the basement -- coding Haiku full time for a few weeks.
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Astonishing Update:</strong> In a mere <strike>24 hours, over $800</strike> <strike>36 hours, over $1,100</strike> <strong>42hours, over $3,000</strong> has been donated! Your response has been overwhelmingly amazing. Thank you for all of your support!
Axel plans to work on network related tasks.
Some of the buzzwords include:
<li>WLAN GUI tools</li>
<li>updating and improving FreeBSD drivers</li>
<li>testing network cards that people donated</li>
Now, here is where you can help and have a noticeable impact ...
This year, we have been taking a much more pro-active approach with
using money to further Haiku and to support the Project. Migrating from
a shared web host to a high quality dedicated server. Reimbursing conferences that
did not receive funding in the past. Financing the development of WebPositive and
the release coordination of R1 Alpha 2. All of this was made possible through generous
financial contributions from users like you.
At this moment, our finances are tight. Especially after paying some upcoming expenses,
which include
<a href="/blog/pulkomandy/2010-06-21_summer_back_and_hcd_comes_it">Adrien's on-going contract</a>,
<a href="/blog/pulkomandy/2010-07-14_conference_report_rmll_2010">RMLL</a>,
<a href="/conference/2010_operating_systems_workshop_sbc_2010">SBC</a>, <a href="/conference/2010_f%C3%B3rum_internacional_software_livre_fisl_11">FISL</a>, and other smaller expenses.
We would need to pay Axel directly from our financial reserves.
Normally, we like to keep $5,000 as this provides a nice buffer for a rainy day so to speak.
Sometime after September, the money from Google Summer of Code will arrive.
But before then and <strong>without any donations for paying Axel, our balance would go below $3,500.</strong>
That is a situation we want to avoid. But if need be, we will make it work.
Even if it means crossing off other items in the future.
I know you enjoy using Haiku and want to see it shine.
This is your chance to pay one of our top developers to write code for Haiku!
<a href="/community/donating_to_haiku">You donate.</a> He codes. We all use Haiku.