
4.7 KiB

AKAI FLStudio Fire USB protocol

All values are in HEX unless annotated otherwise.
The FIRE uses bulk transfers on the endpoint 81 (IN) and 1 (OUT).

Fire to host (IN)

Action header

A action header consists of two bytes the first of which we call the action. The second byte is identical to the first byte but with the nibbles swapped.
Example: action: 0b, header: 0bb0

The protocol looks somewhat like MIDI.

Nob bytes

action: 0b
data: <knob><direction> \\

byte knob
10 volume
11 pan
12 filter
13 resonance
byte direction
01 cw
7f ccw

Button bytes <press / release>

action: 09 / 08
data: <button><something> \\

byte button
10 volume
11 pan
12 filter
13 resonance
19 select button
1a mode switch
1f pattern up
20 pattern down
21 browser
22 grid left
23 grid right
24 mute 1
25 mute 2
26 mute 3
27 mute 4
2c step
2d note
2e drum
2f perform
30 shift
31 alt
32 pattern/song

row values: each row 16 values, top left is 36, next one 46, etc.

byte something
00 release non row button
20 release row button
7f press button

Host to Fire (OUT)

Action header

Same as above


action: 0b
data: <led><value> \\

byte LED
1b 11 channel led
1b 12 mixer
1b 14 user 1
1b 18 user 2
28 mute 1 square led
29 mute 2 square led
2a mute 3 square led
2b mute 4 square led
7f whole board

Other values correspond to the button bytes.

byte value
00 off
02 common on value

Set pad LED

0x04 0xf0 0x47 0x7f 0x04 0x43 0x65 0x00
0x04 0x04 PAD_ID R 0x07 G B 0xf7

Write a screen buffer

0x04 0xf0 0x47 0x7f 0x04 0x43 <writemode> <high 7 bits length>
0x04 <low 7 bits length> [ystart (pixels / 8)] [yend + 1 (pixels / 8)] 0x04 xstart [xend + 1] <byte>
data: [0x04 <3 bytes>]+ 0x07 <2 bytes> 0xf7

byte writemode observations with continous 0b1010101
0x0e 8 pixels height near checkerboard pattern
0x0d and 0x0f 7 pixels height? straight lines

Pixels are writen from bottom to top in a 8 pixel high and width pixel wide grid.
For $yend - ystart > 0$ the grid wraps around horizontally to the next 8 pixels under the written ones.
Example: For bytes a to p with $xend - xstart = 7$ and $yend - ystart = 1$ the buffer will be written in this order.
Simplification as seen below.


The buffer must substitute one 04 action with a 0f action, the pupose of this is unknown (validation?) and thus it is currently recommended to put it right after the header. To note is that only the first byte of the 0f action is rendered to the screen, thus for a byte sequence 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 the transfered sequence should look like this:

04 00 01 02 0f 03 00 00 04 05 06 07

The pixels written are the least significant 7 bits of a data byte,
they are written from most significant to least significant bit.
Example: With the two bytes (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) and (8 9 a b c d e f) the following pixels are put on screen:



  • The data written can be longer or shorter than the defined box,
    this will result in part of the buffer being dropped or a part of the box staying unchanged.

Clear parts of the screen

header: 0x04 0xf0 0x47 0x7f 0x04 0x43 0x08 0x00
0x04 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x06 <row> 0xf7 0x00


  • The first byte of the termination sequence is 06 instead of the usual 07



128x64 black and white OLED screen