
649 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020 Igalia, S.L.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "DestinationColorSpace.h"
#include "FloatPoint3D.h"
#include "GraphicsTypesGL.h"
#include "IntRect.h"
#include "IntSize.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/CompletionHandler.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/Ref.h>
#include <wtf/UniqueRef.h>
#include <wtf/Variant.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/WeakPtr.h>
#include "IOSurface.h"
#include <wtf/MachSendRight.h>
namespace PlatformXR {
enum class SessionMode : uint8_t {
enum class ReferenceSpaceType {
enum class Eye {
using LayerHandle = int;
using InputSourceHandle = int;
// https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr/#enumdef-xrhandedness
enum class XRHandedness {
// https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr/#enumdef-xrtargetraymode
enum class XRTargetRayMode {
class TrackingAndRenderingClient;
class Device : public ThreadSafeRefCounted<Device>, public CanMakeWeakPtr<Device> {
virtual ~Device() = default;
using FeatureList = Vector<ReferenceSpaceType>;
bool supports(SessionMode mode) const { return m_enabledFeaturesMap.contains(mode); }
void setSupportedFeatures(SessionMode mode, const FeatureList& features) { m_enabledFeaturesMap.set(mode, features); }
FeatureList supportedFeatures(SessionMode mode) const { return m_enabledFeaturesMap.get(mode); }
void setEnabledFeatures(SessionMode mode, const FeatureList& features) { m_enabledFeaturesMap.set(mode, features); }
FeatureList enabledFeatures(SessionMode mode) const { return m_enabledFeaturesMap.get(mode); }
virtual WebCore::IntSize recommendedResolution(SessionMode) { return { 1, 1 }; }
bool supportsOrientationTracking() const { return m_supportsOrientationTracking; }
bool supportsViewportScaling() const { return m_supportsViewportScaling; }
// Returns the value that the device's recommended resolution must be multiplied by
// to yield the device's native framebuffer resolution.
virtual double nativeFramebufferScalingFactor() const { return 1.0; }
// Returns the value that the device's recommended resolution must be multiplied by
// to yield the device's max framebuffer resolution. This resolution can be larger than
// the native resolution if the device supports supersampling.
virtual double maxFramebufferScalingFactor() const { return nativeFramebufferScalingFactor(); }
virtual void initializeTrackingAndRendering(SessionMode) = 0;
virtual void shutDownTrackingAndRendering() = 0;
TrackingAndRenderingClient* trackingAndRenderingClient() const { return m_trackingAndRenderingClient.get(); }
void setTrackingAndRenderingClient(WeakPtr<TrackingAndRenderingClient>&& client) { m_trackingAndRenderingClient = WTFMove(client); }
// If this method returns true, that means the device will notify TrackingAndRenderingClient
// when the platform has completed all steps to shut down the XR session.
virtual bool supportsSessionShutdownNotification() const { return false; }
virtual void initializeReferenceSpace(ReferenceSpaceType) = 0;
virtual std::optional<LayerHandle> createLayerProjection(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, bool alpha) = 0;
virtual void deleteLayer(LayerHandle) = 0;
struct FrameData {
struct FloatQuaternion {
float x { 0.0f };
float y { 0.0f };
float z { 0.0f };
float w { 1.0f };
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<FloatQuaternion> decode(Decoder&);
struct Pose {
WebCore::FloatPoint3D position;
FloatQuaternion orientation;
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<Pose> decode(Decoder&);
struct Fov {
// In radians
float up { 0.0f };
float down { 0.0f };
float left { 0.0f };
float right { 0.0f };
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<Fov> decode(Decoder&);
static constexpr size_t projectionMatrixSize = 16;
typedef std::array<float, projectionMatrixSize> ProjectionMatrix;
using Projection = Variant<Fov, ProjectionMatrix, std::nullptr_t>;
struct View {
Pose offset;
Projection projection = { nullptr };
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<View> decode(Decoder&);
struct StageParameters {
int id { 0 };
Vector<WebCore::FloatPoint> bounds;
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<StageParameters> decode(Decoder&);
struct LayerData {
std::unique_ptr<WebCore::IOSurface> surface;
bool isShared { false };
PlatformGLObject opaqueTexture { 0 };
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<LayerData> decode(Decoder&);
struct InputSourceButton {
bool touched { false };
bool pressed { false };
float pressedValue { 0 };
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<InputSourceButton> decode(Decoder&);
struct InputSourcePose {
Pose pose;
bool isPositionEmulated { false };
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<InputSourcePose> decode(Decoder&);
struct InputSource {
InputSourceHandle handle { 0 };
XRHandedness handeness { XRHandedness::None };
XRTargetRayMode targetRayMode { XRTargetRayMode::Gaze };
Vector<String> profiles;
InputSourcePose pointerOrigin;
std::optional<InputSourcePose> gripOrigin;
Vector<InputSourceButton> buttons;
Vector<float> axes;
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<InputSource> decode(Decoder&);
bool isTrackingValid { false };
bool isPositionValid { false };
bool isPositionEmulated { false };
bool shouldRender { false };
long predictedDisplayTime { 0 };
Pose origin;
std::optional<Pose> floorTransform;
StageParameters stageParameters;
Vector<View> views;
HashMap<LayerHandle, LayerData> layers;
Vector<InputSource> inputSources;
FrameData copy() const;
template<class Encoder> void encode(Encoder&) const;
template<class Decoder> static std::optional<FrameData> decode(Decoder&);
struct LayerView {
Eye eye { Eye::None };
WebCore::IntRect viewport;
struct Layer {
LayerHandle handle { 0 };
bool visible { true };
Vector<LayerView> views;
struct ViewData {
bool active { false };
Eye eye { Eye::None };
virtual Vector<ViewData> views(SessionMode) const = 0;
using RequestFrameCallback = Function<void(FrameData&&)>;
virtual void requestFrame(RequestFrameCallback&&) = 0;
virtual void submitFrame(Vector<Layer>&&) { };
Device() = default;
// https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr/#xr-device-concept
// Each XR device has a list of enabled features for each XRSessionMode in its list of supported modes,
// which is a list of feature descriptors which MUST be initially an empty list.
using FeaturesPerModeMap = WTF::HashMap<SessionMode, FeatureList, WTF::IntHash<SessionMode>, WTF::StrongEnumHashTraits<SessionMode>>;
FeaturesPerModeMap m_enabledFeaturesMap;
FeaturesPerModeMap m_supportedFeaturesMap;
bool m_supportsOrientationTracking { false };
bool m_supportsViewportScaling { false };
WeakPtr<TrackingAndRenderingClient> m_trackingAndRenderingClient;
class TrackingAndRenderingClient : public CanMakeWeakPtr<TrackingAndRenderingClient> {
virtual ~TrackingAndRenderingClient() = default;
// This event is used to ensure that initial inputsourceschange events occur after the initial session is resolved.
// WebxR apps can wait for the input source events before calling requestAnimationFrame.
// Per-frame input source updates are handled via session.requestAnimationFrame which calls Device::requestFrame.
virtual void sessionDidInitializeInputSources(Vector<Device::FrameData::InputSource>&&) = 0;
virtual void sessionDidEnd() = 0;
// FIXME: handle frame update
// FIXME: handle visibility changes
class Instance {
WEBCORE_EXPORT static Instance& singleton();
using DeviceList = Vector<Ref<Device>>;
WEBCORE_EXPORT void enumerateImmersiveXRDevices(CompletionHandler<void(const DeviceList&)>&&);
friend LazyNeverDestroyed<Instance>;
~Instance() = default;
struct Impl;
UniqueRef<Impl> m_impl;
DeviceList m_immersiveXRDevices;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::FloatQuaternion::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << x << y << z << w;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::FloatQuaternion> Device::FrameData::FloatQuaternion::decode(Decoder& decoder)
Device::FrameData::FloatQuaternion floatQuaternion;
if (!decoder.decode(floatQuaternion.x))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(floatQuaternion.y))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(floatQuaternion.z))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(floatQuaternion.w))
return std::nullopt;
return floatQuaternion;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::Pose::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << position << orientation;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::Pose> Device::FrameData::Pose::decode(Decoder& decoder)
Device::FrameData::Pose pose;
if (!decoder.decode(pose.position))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(pose.orientation))
return std::nullopt;
return pose;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::Fov::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << up << down << left << right;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::Fov> Device::FrameData::Fov::decode(Decoder& decoder)
Device::FrameData::Fov fov;
if (!decoder.decode(fov.up))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(fov.down))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(fov.left))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(fov.right))
return std::nullopt;
return fov;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::View::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << offset;
bool hasFov = WTF::holds_alternative<PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::Fov>(projection);
encoder << hasFov;
if (hasFov) {
encoder << WTF::get<PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::Fov>(projection);
bool hasProjectionMatrix = WTF::holds_alternative<PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::ProjectionMatrix>(projection);
encoder << hasProjectionMatrix;
if (hasProjectionMatrix) {
for (float f : WTF::get<PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::ProjectionMatrix>(projection))
encoder << f;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::View> Device::FrameData::View::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::View view;
if (!decoder.decode(view.offset))
return std::nullopt;
bool hasFov;
if (!decoder.decode(hasFov))
return std::nullopt;
if (hasFov) {
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::Fov fov;
if (!decoder.decode(fov))
return std::nullopt;
view.projection = { WTFMove(fov) };
return view;
bool hasProjectionMatrix;
if (!decoder.decode(hasProjectionMatrix))
return std::nullopt;
if (hasProjectionMatrix) {
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::ProjectionMatrix projectionMatrix;
for (size_t i = 0; i < PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::projectionMatrixSize; ++i) {
float f;
if (!decoder.decode(f))
return std::nullopt;
projectionMatrix[i] = f;
view.projection = { WTFMove(projectionMatrix) };
return view;
view.projection = { nullptr };
return view;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::StageParameters::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << id;
encoder << bounds;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::StageParameters> Device::FrameData::StageParameters::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::StageParameters stageParameters;
if (!decoder.decode(stageParameters.id))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(stageParameters.bounds))
return std::nullopt;
return stageParameters;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::LayerData::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
WTF::MachSendRight surfaceSendRight = surface ? surface->createSendRight() : WTF::MachSendRight();
encoder << surfaceSendRight;
encoder << isShared;
encoder << opaqueTexture;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::LayerData> Device::FrameData::LayerData::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::LayerData layerData;
WTF::MachSendRight surfaceSendRight;
if (!decoder.decode(surfaceSendRight))
return std::nullopt;
layerData.surface = WebCore::IOSurface::createFromSendRight(WTFMove(surfaceSendRight), WebCore::DestinationColorSpace::SRGB());
if (!decoder.decode(layerData.isShared))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(layerData.opaqueTexture))
return std::nullopt;
return layerData;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::InputSourceButton::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << touched;
encoder << pressed;
encoder << pressedValue;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::InputSourceButton> Device::FrameData::InputSourceButton::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::InputSourceButton button;
if (!decoder.decode(button.touched))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(button.pressed))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(button.pressedValue))
return std::nullopt;
return button;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::InputSourcePose::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << pose;
encoder << isPositionEmulated;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::InputSourcePose> Device::FrameData::InputSourcePose::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::InputSourcePose inputSourcePose;
if (!decoder.decode(inputSourcePose.pose))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(inputSourcePose.isPositionEmulated))
return std::nullopt;
return inputSourcePose;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::InputSource::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << handle;
encoder << handeness;
encoder << targetRayMode;
encoder << profiles;
encoder << pointerOrigin;
encoder << gripOrigin;
encoder << buttons;
encoder << axes;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData::InputSource> Device::FrameData::InputSource::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData::InputSource source;
if (!decoder.decode(source.handle))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.handeness))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.targetRayMode))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.profiles))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.pointerOrigin))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.gripOrigin))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.buttons))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(source.axes))
return std::nullopt;
return source;
template<class Encoder>
void Device::FrameData::encode(Encoder& encoder) const
encoder << isTrackingValid;
encoder << isPositionValid;
encoder << isPositionEmulated;
encoder << shouldRender;
encoder << predictedDisplayTime;
encoder << origin;
encoder << floorTransform;
encoder << stageParameters;
encoder << views;
encoder << layers;
encoder << inputSources;
template<class Decoder>
std::optional<Device::FrameData> Device::FrameData::decode(Decoder& decoder)
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData frameData;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.isTrackingValid))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.isPositionValid))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.isPositionEmulated))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.shouldRender))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.predictedDisplayTime))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.origin))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.floorTransform))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.stageParameters))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.views))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.layers))
return std::nullopt;
if (!decoder.decode(frameData.inputSources))
return std::nullopt;
return frameData;
inline Device::FrameData Device::FrameData::copy() const
PlatformXR::Device::FrameData frameData;
frameData.isTrackingValid = isTrackingValid;
frameData.isPositionValid = isPositionValid;
frameData.isPositionEmulated = isPositionEmulated;
frameData.shouldRender = shouldRender;
frameData.predictedDisplayTime = predictedDisplayTime;
frameData.origin = origin;
frameData.floorTransform = floorTransform;
frameData.stageParameters = stageParameters;
frameData.views = views;
frameData.inputSources = inputSources;
return frameData;
#endif // ENABLE(WEBXR)
} // namespace PlatformXR
namespace WTF {
template<> struct EnumTraits<PlatformXR::ReferenceSpaceType> {
using values = EnumValues<
template<> struct EnumTraits<PlatformXR::XRHandedness> {
using values = EnumValues<
template<> struct EnumTraits<PlatformXR::XRTargetRayMode> {
using values = EnumValues<