
1001 lines
44 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "AudioParamTimeline.h"
#include "AudioUtilities.h"
#include "FloatConversion.h"
#include "VectorMath.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
namespace WebCore {
static void fillWithValue(float* values, float value, unsigned endFrame, unsigned& writeIndex)
if (writeIndex < endFrame) {
std::fill_n(values + writeIndex, endFrame - writeIndex, value);
writeIndex = endFrame;
// Test that for a SetTarget event, the current value is close enough to the target value that
// we can consider the event to have converged to the target.
static bool hasSetTargetConverged(float value, float target, Seconds currentTime, Seconds startTime, double timeConstant)
// For a SetTarget event, we want the event to terminate eventually so that we can stop using
// the timeline to compute the values.
constexpr float timeConstantsToConverge = 10;
constexpr float setTargetThreshold = 4.539992976248485e-05;
// Converged if enough time constants (|timeConstantsToConverge|) have passed since the start
// of the event.
if (currentTime.value() > startTime.value() + timeConstantsToConverge * timeConstant)
return true;
// If |target| is 0, converged if |value| is less than |setTargetThreshold|.
if (!target && std::abs(value) < setTargetThreshold)
return true;
// If |target| is not zero, converged if relative difference between |value|
// and |target| is small. That is |target - value| / |target| < |setTargetThreshold|.
if (target && std::abs(target - value) < setTargetThreshold * std::abs(value))
return true;
return false;
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::setValueAtTime(float value, Seconds time)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
return insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(value, time));
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::linearRampToValueAtTime(float targetValue, Seconds endTime, float currentValue, Seconds currentTime)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
// Linear ramp events need a preceding event so that they have an initial value.
if (m_events.isEmpty())
insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(currentValue, currentTime));
return insertEvent(ParamEvent::createLinearRampEvent(targetValue, endTime));
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float targetValue, Seconds endTime, float currentValue, Seconds currentTime)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
// Exponential ramp events need a preceding event so that they have an initial value.
if (m_events.isEmpty())
insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(currentValue, currentTime));
return insertEvent(ParamEvent::createExponentialRampEvent(targetValue, endTime));
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::setTargetAtTime(float target, Seconds time, float timeConstant)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
// If timeConstant is 0, we instantly jump to the target value, so insert a SetValueEvent instead of SetTargetEvent.
if (!timeConstant)
return insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(target, time));
return insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetTargetEvent(target, time, timeConstant));
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::setValueCurveAtTime(Vector<float>&& curve, Seconds time, Seconds duration)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
float curveEndValue = curve.last();
auto result = insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetValueCurveEvent(WTFMove(curve), time, duration));
if (result.hasException())
return result.releaseException();
// The specification says an implicit call to setValueAtTime() is made at time T0+TD with value V[N-1]
// so that following automations will start from the end of the setValueCurveAtTime() event.
return insertEvent(ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(curveEndValue, time + duration));
static bool isValidNumber(float x)
return !std::isnan(x) && !std::isinf(x);
static bool isValidNumber(Seconds s)
return !std::isnan(s.value()) && !std::isinf(s.value());
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::insertEvent(ParamEvent&& event)
// Sanity check the event. Be super careful we're not getting infected with NaN or Inf.
bool isValid = event.type() < ParamEvent::LastType
&& isValidNumber(event.value())
&& isValidNumber(event.time())
&& isValidNumber(event.timeConstant())
&& isValidNumber(event.duration())
&& event.duration() >= 0_s;
if (!isValid)
return { };
unsigned i = 0;
auto insertTime = event.time();
for (auto& paramEvent : m_events) {
if (event.type() == ParamEvent::SetValueCurve) {
if (paramEvent.type() != ParamEvent::CancelValues) {
// If this event is a SetValueCurve, make sure it doesn't overlap any existing event.
// It's ok if the SetValueCurve starts at the same time as the end of some other duration.
auto endTime = event.time() + event.duration();
if (paramEvent.type() == ParamEvent::SetValueCurve) {
auto paramEventEndTime = paramEvent.time() + paramEvent.duration();
if ((paramEvent.time() >= event.time() && paramEvent.time() < endTime)
|| (paramEventEndTime > event.time() && paramEventEndTime < endTime)
|| (event.time() >= paramEvent.time() && event.time() < paramEventEndTime)
|| (endTime >= paramEvent.time() && endTime < paramEventEndTime)) {
return Exception { NotSupportedError, "Events are overlapping"_s };
} else if (paramEvent.time() > event.time() && paramEvent.time() < endTime)
return Exception { NotSupportedError, "Events are overlapping"_s };
} else if (paramEvent.type() == ParamEvent::SetValueCurve) {
// Otherwise, make sure this event doesn't overlap any existing SetValueCurve event.
auto parentEventEndTime = paramEvent.time() + paramEvent.duration();
if (event.time() >= paramEvent.time() && event.time() < parentEventEndTime)
return Exception { NotSupportedError, "Events are overlapping" };
if (paramEvent.time() > insertTime)
m_events.insert(i, WTFMove(event));
return { };
void AudioParamTimeline::cancelScheduledValues(Seconds cancelTime)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
// Remove all events whose start time is greater than or equal to the cancel time.
// Also handle the special case where the cancel time lies in the middle of a
// SetValueCurve event.
// This critically depends on the fact that no event can be scheduled in the middle
// of the curve or at the same start time. Then removing the SetValueCurve doesn't
// remove any events that shouldn't have been.
auto isAfter = [](const ParamEvent& event, Seconds cancelTime) {
auto eventTime = event.time();
if (eventTime >= cancelTime)
return true;
return event.type() == ParamEvent::SetValueCurve
&& eventTime <= cancelTime
&& (eventTime + event.duration() > cancelTime);
// Remove all events starting at cancelTime.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_events.size(); ++i) {
if (isAfter(m_events[i], cancelTime)) {
m_events.remove(i, m_events.size() - i);
ExceptionOr<void> AudioParamTimeline::cancelAndHoldAtTime(Seconds cancelTime)
Locker locker { m_eventsLock };
// Find the first event at or just past cancelTime.
size_t i = m_events.findMatching([&](auto& event) {
return event.time() > cancelTime;
i = (i == notFound) ? m_events.size() : i;
// The event that is being cancelled. This is the event just past cancelTime, if any.
size_t cancelledEventIndex = i;
// If the event just before cancelTime is a SetTarget or SetValueCurve event, we need
// to handle that event specially instead of the event after.
if (i > 0 && ((m_events[i - 1].type() == ParamEvent::SetTarget) || (m_events[i - 1].type() == ParamEvent::SetValueCurve)))
cancelledEventIndex = i - 1;
else if (i >= m_events.size()) {
// If there were no events occurring after |cancelTime| (and the
// previous event is not SetTarget or SetValueCurve, we're done.
return { };
// cancelledEvent is the event that is being cancelled.
auto& cancelledEvent = m_events[cancelledEventIndex];
auto eventType = cancelledEvent.type();
// New event to be inserted, if any, and a SetValueEvent if needed.
std::optional<ParamEvent> newEvent;
std::optional<ParamEvent> newSetValueEvent;
switch (eventType) {
case ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue:
case ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue: {
// For these events we need to remember the parameters of the event
// for a CancelValues event so that we can properly cancel the event
// and hold the value.
auto savedEvent = ParamEvent::SavedEvent { eventType, cancelledEvent.value(), cancelledEvent.time() };
newEvent = ParamEvent::createCancelValuesEvent(cancelTime, WTFMove(savedEvent));
case ParamEvent::SetTarget: {
if (cancelledEvent.time() < cancelTime) {
// Don't want to remove the SetTarget event if it started before the
// cancel time, so bump the index. But we do want to insert a
// cancelEvent so that we stop this automation and hold the value when
// we get there.
newEvent = ParamEvent::createCancelValuesEvent(cancelTime, std::nullopt);
case ParamEvent::SetValueCurve: {
// If the setValueCurve event started strictly before the cancel time,
// there might be something to do....
if (cancelledEvent.time() < cancelTime) {
if (cancelTime > cancelledEvent.time() + cancelledEvent.duration()) {
// If the cancellation time is past the end of the curve there's
// nothing to do except remove the following events.
} else {
// Cancellation time is in the middle of the curve. Therefore,
// create a new SetValueCurve event with the appropriate new
// parameters to cancel this event properly. Since it's illegal
// to insert any event within a SetValueCurve event, we can
// compute the new end value now instead of doing when running
// the timeline.
auto newDuration = cancelTime - cancelledEvent.time();
float endValue = valueCurveAtTime(cancelTime, cancelledEvent.time(), cancelledEvent.duration(), cancelledEvent.curve().data(), cancelledEvent.curve().size());
// Replace the existing SetValueCurve with this new one that is identical except for the duration.
newEvent = ParamEvent { eventType, cancelledEvent.value(), cancelledEvent.time(), cancelledEvent.timeConstant(), newDuration, Vector<float> { cancelledEvent.curve() }, cancelledEvent.curvePointsPerSecond(), endValue, std::nullopt };
newSetValueEvent = ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(endValue, cancelledEvent.time() + newDuration);
case ParamEvent::SetValue:
case ParamEvent::CancelValues:
// Nothing needs to be done for a SetValue or CancelValues event.
case ParamEvent::LastType:
// Now remove all the following events from the timeline.
if (cancelledEventIndex < m_events.size())
// Insert the new event, if any.
if (newEvent) {
auto result = insertEvent(WTFMove(*newEvent));
if (result.hasException())
return result.releaseException();
if (newSetValueEvent) {
if (result.hasException())
return result.releaseException();
return { };
void AudioParamTimeline::removeCancelledEvents(size_t firstEventToRemove)
m_events.remove(firstEventToRemove, m_events.size() - firstEventToRemove);
std::optional<float> AudioParamTimeline::valueForContextTime(BaseAudioContext& context, float defaultValue, float minValue, float maxValue)
if (!m_eventsLock.tryLock())
return std::nullopt;
Locker locker { AdoptLock, m_eventsLock };
if (!m_events.size() || Seconds { context.currentTime() } < m_events[0].time())
return std::nullopt;
// Ask for just a single value.
float value;
double sampleRate = context.sampleRate();
size_t startFrame = context.currentSampleFrame();
size_t endFrame = startFrame + 1;
double controlRate = sampleRate / AudioUtilities::renderQuantumSize; // one parameter change per render quantum
value = valuesForFrameRange(startFrame, endFrame, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, &value, 1, sampleRate, controlRate);
return value;
float AudioParamTimeline::valuesForFrameRange(size_t startFrame, size_t endFrame, float defaultValue, float minValue, float maxValue, float* values, unsigned numberOfValues, double sampleRate, double controlRate)
// We can't contend the lock in the realtime audio thread.
if (!m_eventsLock.tryLock()) {
std::fill_n(values, numberOfValues, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
Locker locker { AdoptLock, m_eventsLock };
float value = valuesForFrameRangeImpl(startFrame, endFrame, defaultValue, values, numberOfValues, sampleRate, controlRate);
// Clamp values based on range allowed by AudioParam's min and max values.
VectorMath::clamp(values, minValue, maxValue, values, numberOfValues);
return value;
float AudioParamTimeline::valuesForFrameRangeImpl(size_t startFrame, size_t endFrame, float defaultValue, float* values, unsigned numberOfValues, double sampleRate, double controlRate)
if (!values)
return defaultValue;
double samplingPeriod = 1. / sampleRate;
// Return default value if there are no events matching the desired time range.
if (!m_events.size() || endFrame * samplingPeriod <= m_events[0].time().value()) {
std::fill_n(values, numberOfValues, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
// Maintain a running time and index for writing the values buffer.
size_t currentFrame = startFrame;
unsigned writeIndex = 0;
// If first event is after startTime then fill initial part of values buffer with defaultValue
// until we reach the first event time.
auto firstEventTime = m_events[0].time();
if (firstEventTime.value() > startFrame * samplingPeriod) {
size_t fillToEndFrame = endFrame;
double firstEventFrame = ceil(firstEventTime.value() * sampleRate);
if (endFrame > firstEventFrame)
fillToEndFrame = firstEventFrame;
ASSERT(fillToEndFrame >= startFrame);
unsigned fillToFrame = static_cast<unsigned>(fillToEndFrame - startFrame);
fillToFrame = std::min(fillToFrame, numberOfValues);
fillWithValue(values, defaultValue, fillToFrame, writeIndex);
currentFrame += fillToFrame;
float value = defaultValue;
// Go through each event and render the value buffer where the times overlap,
// stopping when we've rendered all the requested values.
// FIXME: could try to optimize by avoiding having to iterate starting from the very first event
// and keeping track of a "current" event index.
int n = m_events.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n && writeIndex < numberOfValues; ++i) {
auto* event = &m_events[i];
auto* nextEvent = i < n - 1 ? &m_events[i + 1] : nullptr;
// Wait until we get a more recent event.
if (!isEventCurrent(*event, nextEvent, currentFrame, sampleRate))
auto nextEventType = nextEvent ? static_cast<ParamEvent::Type>(nextEvent->type()) : ParamEvent::LastType /* unknown */;
processSetTargetFollowedByRamp(i, event, nextEventType, currentFrame, sampleRate, controlRate, value);
float value1 = event->value();
auto time1 = event->time();
float value2 = nextEvent ? nextEvent->value() : value1;
auto time2 = nextEvent ? nextEvent->time() : Seconds { endFrame * samplingPeriod + 1 };
ASSERT(time2 >= time1);
handleCancelValues(*event, nextEvent, value2, time2, nextEventType);
size_t fillToEndFrame = endFrame;
if (endFrame > time2.value() * sampleRate)
fillToEndFrame = static_cast<size_t>(ceil(time2.value() * sampleRate));
ASSERT(fillToEndFrame >= startFrame);
unsigned fillToFrame = static_cast<unsigned>(fillToEndFrame - startFrame);
fillToFrame = std::min(fillToFrame, numberOfValues);
const AutomationState currentState = {
// First handle linear and exponential ramps which require looking ahead to the next event.
if (nextEventType == ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue)
processLinearRamp(currentState, values, currentFrame, value, writeIndex);
else if (nextEventType == ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue)
processExponentialRamp(currentState, values, currentFrame, value, writeIndex);
else {
// Handle event types not requiring looking ahead to the next event.
switch (event->type()) {
case ParamEvent::SetValue:
case ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue:
case ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue:
currentFrame = fillToEndFrame;
// Simply stay at a constant value.
value = event->value();
fillWithValue(values, value, fillToFrame, writeIndex);
case ParamEvent::CancelValues:
processCancelValues(currentState, values, currentFrame, value, writeIndex);
case ParamEvent::SetTarget:
processSetTarget(currentState, values, currentFrame, value, writeIndex);
case ParamEvent::SetValueCurve:
processSetValueCurve(currentState, values, currentFrame, value, writeIndex);
case ParamEvent::LastType:
// If there's any time left after processing the last event then just propagate the last value
// to the end of the values buffer.
fillWithValue(values, value, numberOfValues, writeIndex);
return value;
void AudioParamTimeline::processLinearRamp(const AutomationState& currentState, float* values, size_t& currentFrame, float& value, unsigned& writeIndex)
auto deltaTime = currentState.time2 - currentState.time1;
float valueDelta = currentState.value2 - currentState.value1;
// Since deltaTime is a double, 1/deltaTime can easily overflow a float. Thus, if deltaTime
// is close enough to zero (less than float min), treat it as zero.
float k = deltaTime.value() <= std::numeric_limits<float>::min() ? 0 : 1 / deltaTime.value();
unsigned fillToFrameTrunc = writeIndex + ((currentState.fillToFrame - writeIndex) / 4) * 4;
if (fillToFrameTrunc > writeIndex) {
// Minimize in-loop operations. Calculate starting value and increment.
// Next step: value += inc.
// value = value1 + (currentFrame/sampleRate - time1) * k * (value2 - value1);
// inc = 4 / sampleRate * k * (value2 - value1);
// Resolve recursion by expanding constants to achieve a 4-step loop unrolling.
// value = value1 + ((currentFrame/sampleRate - time1) + i * sampleFrameTimeIncr) * k * (value2 - value1), i in 0..3
values[writeIndex] = 0;
values[writeIndex + 1] = 1;
values[writeIndex + 2] = 2;
values[writeIndex + 3] = 3;
VectorMath::multiplyByScalar(values + writeIndex, currentState.samplingPeriod, values + writeIndex, 4);
VectorMath::addScalar(values + writeIndex, currentFrame * currentState.samplingPeriod - currentState.time1.value(), values + writeIndex, 4);
VectorMath::multiplyByScalar(values + writeIndex, k * valueDelta, values + writeIndex, 4);
VectorMath::addScalar(values + writeIndex, currentState.value1, values + writeIndex, 4);
float inc = 4 * currentState.samplingPeriod * k * valueDelta;
// Truncate loop steps to multiple of 4.
unsigned fillToFrameTrunc = writeIndex + ((currentState.fillToFrame - writeIndex) / 4) * 4;
// Compute final frame.
currentFrame += fillToFrameTrunc - writeIndex;
// Process 4 loop steps.
writeIndex += 4;
for (; writeIndex < fillToFrameTrunc; writeIndex += 4)
VectorMath::addScalar(values + writeIndex - 4, inc, values + writeIndex, 4);
// Update |value| with the last value computed so that the .value attribute of the AudioParam gets
// the correct linear ramp value, in case the following loop doesn't execute.
if (writeIndex >= 1)
value = values[writeIndex - 1];
// Serially process remaining values.
for (; writeIndex < currentState.fillToFrame; ++writeIndex) {
float x = (currentFrame * currentState.samplingPeriod - currentState.time1.value()) * k;
value = currentState.value1 + valueDelta * x;
values[writeIndex] = value;
void AudioParamTimeline::processExponentialRamp(const AutomationState& currentState, float* values, size_t& currentFrame, float& value, unsigned& writeIndex)
if (!currentState.value1 || currentState.value1 * currentState.value2 < 0) {
// Per the specification:
// If value1 and value2 have opposite signs or if value1 is zero, then v(t) = value1 for T0 <= t < T1.
value = currentState.value1;
fillWithValue(values, value, currentState.fillToFrame, writeIndex);
auto deltaTime = currentState.time2 - currentState.time1;
float numSampleFrames = deltaTime.value() * currentState.sampleRate;
// The value goes exponentially from value1 to value2 in a duration of deltaTime seconds (corresponding to numSampleFrames).
// Compute the per-sample multiplier.
float multiplier = powf(currentState.value2 / currentState.value1, 1 / numSampleFrames);
// Set the starting value of the exponential ramp.
value = currentState.value1 * pow(currentState.value2 / static_cast<double>(currentState.value1), (currentFrame * currentState.samplingPeriod - currentState.time1.value()) / deltaTime.value());
for (; writeIndex < currentState.fillToFrame; ++writeIndex) {
values[writeIndex] = value;
value *= multiplier;
// |value| got updated one extra time in the above loop. Restore it to the last computed value.
if (writeIndex >= 1)
value /= multiplier;
void AudioParamTimeline::processCancelValues(const AutomationState& currentState, float* values, size_t& currentFrame, float& value, unsigned& writeIndex)
// If the previous event was a SetTarget or ExponentialRamp
// event, the current value is one sample behind. Update
// the sample value by one sample, but only at the start of
// this CancelValues event.
if (currentState.event->hasDefaultCancelledValue())
value = currentState.event->value();
else {
double cancelFrame = currentState.time1.value() * currentState.sampleRate;
if (currentState.eventIndex >= 1 && cancelFrame <= currentFrame && currentFrame < cancelFrame + 1) {
auto lastEventType = m_events[currentState.eventIndex - 1].type();
if (lastEventType == ParamEvent::SetTarget) {
float target = m_events[currentState.eventIndex - 1].value();
float timeConstant = m_events[currentState.eventIndex - 1].timeConstant();
float discreteTimeConstant = static_cast<float>(AudioUtilities::discreteTimeConstantForSampleRate(timeConstant, currentState.controlRate));
value += (target - value) * discreteTimeConstant;
fillWithValue(values, value, currentState.fillToFrame, writeIndex);
currentFrame = currentState.fillToEndFrame;
void AudioParamTimeline::processSetTarget(const AutomationState& currentState, float* values, size_t& currentFrame, float& value, unsigned& writeIndex)
// Exponential approach to target value with given time constant.
float target = currentState.event->value();
float timeConstant = currentState.event->timeConstant();
float discreteTimeConstant = static_cast<float>(AudioUtilities::discreteTimeConstantForSampleRate(timeConstant, currentState.controlRate));
// Set the starting value correctly. This is only needed when the
// current time is "equal" to the start time of this event. This is
// to get the sampling correct if the start time of this automation
// isn't on a frame boundary. Otherwise, we can just continue from
// where we left off from the previous rendering quantum.
double rampStartFrame = currentState.time1.value() * currentState.sampleRate;
// Condition is c - 1 < r <= c where c = currentFrame and r =
// rampStartFrame. Compute it this way because currentFrame is
// unsigned and could be 0.
if (rampStartFrame <= currentFrame && currentFrame < rampStartFrame + 1)
value = target + (value - target) * exp(-(currentFrame * currentState.samplingPeriod - currentState.time1.value()) / timeConstant);
else {
// Otherwise, need to compute a new value because |value| is the
// last computed value of SetTarget. Time has progressed by one
// frame, so we need to update the value for the new frame.
value += (target - value) * discreteTimeConstant;
// If the value is close enough to the target, just fill in the data
// with the target value.
if (hasSetTargetConverged(value, target, Seconds { currentFrame * currentState.samplingPeriod }, currentState.time1, timeConstant)) {
currentFrame += currentState.fillToFrame - writeIndex;
fillWithValue(values, target, currentState.fillToFrame, writeIndex);
value = target;
if (currentState.fillToFrame > writeIndex) {
// Resolve recursion by expanding constants to achieve a 4-step loop unrolling.
// v1 = v0 + (t - v0) * c
// v2 = v1 + (t - v1) * c
// v2 = v0 + (t - v0) * c + (t - (v0 + (t - v0) * c)) * c
// v2 = v0 + (t - v0) * c + (t - v0) * c - (t - v0) * c * c
// v2 = v0 + (t - v0) * c * (2 - c)
// Thus c0 = c, c1 = c*(2-c). The same logic applies to c2 and c3.
const float c0 = discreteTimeConstant;
const float c1 = c0 * (2 - c0);
const float c2 = c0 * ((c0 - 3) * c0 + 3);
const float c3 = c0 * (c0 * ((4 - c0) * c0 - 6) + 4);
float delta;
// Process 4 loop steps.
unsigned fillToFrameTrunc = writeIndex + ((currentState.fillToFrame - writeIndex) / 4) * 4;
const float cVector[4] = { 0, c0, c1, c2 };
for (; writeIndex < fillToFrameTrunc; writeIndex += 4) {
delta = target - value;
VectorMath::multiplyByScalar(&cVector[0], delta, &values[writeIndex], 4);
VectorMath::addScalar(&values[writeIndex], value, &values[writeIndex], 4);
value += delta * c3;
// Serially process remaining values.
for (; writeIndex < currentState.fillToFrame; ++writeIndex) {
values[writeIndex] = value;
value += (target - value) * discreteTimeConstant;
// The previous loops may have updated |value| one extra time.
// Reset it to the last computed value.
if (writeIndex >= 1)
value = values[writeIndex - 1];
currentFrame = currentState.fillToEndFrame;
void AudioParamTimeline::processSetValueCurve(const AutomationState& currentState, float* values, size_t& currentFrame, float& value, unsigned& writeIndex)
auto* curveData = currentState.event->curve().data();
unsigned numberOfCurvePoints = currentState.event->curve().size();
float curveEndValue = currentState.event->curveEndValue();
size_t fillToEndFrame = currentState.fillToEndFrame;
unsigned fillToFrame = currentState.fillToFrame;
// Curve events have duration, so don't just use next event time.
auto duration = currentState.event->duration();
double curvePointsPerFrame = currentState.event->curvePointsPerSecond() * currentState.samplingPeriod;
if (!curveData || !numberOfCurvePoints || duration <= 0_s || currentState.sampleRate <= 0) {
// Error condition - simply propagate previous value.
currentFrame = fillToEndFrame;
fillWithValue(values, value, fillToFrame, writeIndex);
// Save old values and recalculate information based on the curve's duration
// instead of the next event time.
unsigned nextEventFillToFrame = fillToFrame;
double curveEndFrame = ceil(currentState.sampleRate * (currentState.time1 + duration).value());
if (currentState.endFrame > curveEndFrame)
fillToEndFrame = static_cast<size_t>(curveEndFrame);
fillToEndFrame = currentState.endFrame;
fillToFrame = (fillToEndFrame < currentState.startFrame) ? 0 : static_cast<unsigned>(fillToEndFrame - currentState.startFrame);
fillToFrame = std::min(fillToFrame, currentState.numberOfValues);
// Index into the curve data using a floating-point value.
// We're scaling the number of curve points by the duration (see curvePointsPerFrame).
double curveVirtualIndex = 0;
if (currentState.time1.value() < currentFrame * currentState.samplingPeriod) {
// Index somewhere in the middle of the curve data.
// Don't use timeToSampleFrame() since we want the exact floating-point frame.
double frameOffset = currentFrame - currentState.time1.value() * currentState.sampleRate;
curveVirtualIndex = curvePointsPerFrame * frameOffset;
// Set the default value in case fillToFrame is 0.
value = curveEndValue;
// Render the stretched curve data using nearest neighbor sampling.
// Oversampled curve data can be provided if smoothness is desired.
int k = 0;
for (; writeIndex < fillToFrame; ++writeIndex, ++k) {
// Compute current index this way to minimize round-off that would
// have occurred by incrementing the index by curvePointsPerFrame.
double currentVirtualIndex = curveVirtualIndex + k * curvePointsPerFrame;
unsigned curveIndex0;
// Clamp index to the last element of the array.
if (currentVirtualIndex < numberOfCurvePoints)
curveIndex0 = static_cast<unsigned>(currentVirtualIndex);
curveIndex0 = numberOfCurvePoints - 1;
unsigned curveIndex1 = std::min(curveIndex0 + 1, numberOfCurvePoints - 1);
// Linearly interpolate between the two nearest curve points.
// |delta| is clamped to 1 because currentVirtualIndex can exceed
// curveIndex0 by more than one. This can happen when we reached
// the end of the curve but still need values to fill out the
// current rendering quantum.
ASSERT(curveIndex0 < numberOfCurvePoints);
ASSERT(curveIndex1 < numberOfCurvePoints);
float c0 = curveData[curveIndex0];
float c1 = curveData[curveIndex1];
double delta = std::min(currentVirtualIndex - curveIndex0, 1.0);
value = c0 + (c1 - c0) * delta;
values[writeIndex] = value;
// If there's any time left after the duration of this event and the start
// of the next, then just propagate the last value.
if (writeIndex < nextEventFillToFrame) {
value = curveEndValue;
fillWithValue(values, value, nextEventFillToFrame, writeIndex);
// Re-adjust current time
currentFrame += nextEventFillToFrame;
void AudioParamTimeline::processSetTargetFollowedByRamp(int eventIndex, ParamEvent*& event, ParamEvent::Type nextEventType, size_t currentFrame, double sampleRate, double controlRate, float& value)
// If the current event is SetTarget and the next event is a LinearRampToValue or ExponentialRampToValue,
// special handling is needed. In this case, the linear and exponential ramp should start at wherever
// the SetTarget processing has reached.
if (event->type() != ParamEvent::SetTarget)
if (nextEventType != ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue && nextEventType != ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue)
// Replace the SetTarget with a SetValue to set the starting time and value for the ramp using the
// current frame. We need to update |value| appropriately depending on whether the ramp has started
// or not.
// If SetTarget starts somewhere between currentFrame - 1 and currentFrame, we directly compute the
// value it would have at currentFrame. If not, we update the value from the value from currentFrame - 1.
// Can't use the condition currentFrame - 1 <= t0 * sampleRate <= currentFrame because currentFrame
// is unsigned and could be 0. Instead, compute the condition this way, where f = currentFrame and
// Fs = sampleRate:
// f - 1 <= t0 * Fs <= f
// 2 * f - 2 <= 2 * Fs * t0 <= 2 * f
// -2 <= 2 * Fs * t0 - 2 * f <= 0
// -1 <= 2 * Fs * t0 - 2 * f + 1 <= 1
// abs(2 * Fs * t0 - 2 * f + 1) <= 1
if (fabs(2 * sampleRate * event->time().value() - 2 * currentFrame + 1) <= 1) {
// SetTarget is starting somewhere between currentFrame - 1 and currentFrame. Compute the value
// the SetTarget would have at the currentFrame.
value = event->value() + (value - event->value()) * exp(-(currentFrame / sampleRate - event->time().value()) / event->timeConstant());
} else {
// SetTarget has already started. Update |value| one frame because it's the value from the previous frame.
float discreteTimeConstant = static_cast<float>(AudioUtilities::discreteTimeConstantForSampleRate(event->timeConstant(), controlRate));
value += (event->value() - value) * discreteTimeConstant;
// Insert a SetValueEvent to mark the starting value and time.
// Clear the clamp check because this doesn't need it.
m_events[eventIndex] = ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(value, Seconds { currentFrame / sampleRate });
// Update our pointer to the current event because we just changed it.
event = &m_events[eventIndex];
float AudioParamTimeline::linearRampAtTime(Seconds t, float value1, Seconds time1, float value2, Seconds time2)
return value1 + (value2 - value1) * (t - time1).value() / (time2 - time1).value();
float AudioParamTimeline::exponentialRampAtTime(Seconds t, float value1, Seconds time1, float value2, Seconds time2)
return value1 * pow(value2 / value1, (t - time1).value() / (time2 - time1).value());
float AudioParamTimeline::valueCurveAtTime(Seconds t, Seconds time1, Seconds duration, const float* curveData, size_t curveLength)
double curveIndex = (curveLength - 1) / duration.value() * (t - time1).value();
size_t k = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(curveIndex), curveLength - 1);
size_t k1 = std::min(k + 1, curveLength - 1);
float c0 = curveData[k];
float c1 = curveData[k1];
float delta = std::min(curveIndex - k, 1.0);
return c0 + (c1 - c0) * delta;
void AudioParamTimeline::handleCancelValues(ParamEvent& event, ParamEvent* nextEvent, float& value2, Seconds& time2, ParamEvent::Type& nextEventType)
if (!nextEvent || nextEvent->type() != ParamEvent::CancelValues || !nextEvent->savedEvent())
float value1 = event.value();
auto time1 = event.time();
switch (event.type()) {
case ParamEvent::CancelValues:
case ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue:
case ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue:
case ParamEvent::SetValue: {
// These three events potentially establish a starting value for
// the following event, so we need to examine the cancelled
// event to see what to do.
auto* savedEvent = nextEvent->savedEvent();
// Update the end time and type to pretend that we're running
// this saved event type.
time2 = nextEvent->time();
nextEventType = savedEvent->type;
if (nextEvent->hasDefaultCancelledValue()) {
// We've already established a value for the cancelled
// event, so just return it.
value2 = nextEvent->value();
} else {
// If the next event would have been a LinearRamp or
// ExponentialRamp, we need to compute a new end value for
// the event so that the curve works continues as if it were
// not cancelled.
switch (savedEvent->type) {
case ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue:
value2 = linearRampAtTime(nextEvent->time(), value1, time1, savedEvent->value, savedEvent->time);
case ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue:
value2 = exponentialRampAtTime(nextEvent->time(), value1, time1, savedEvent->value, savedEvent->time);
case ParamEvent::SetValueCurve:
case ParamEvent::SetValue:
case ParamEvent::SetTarget:
case ParamEvent::CancelValues:
// These cannot be possible types for the saved event because they can't be created.
// createCancelValuesEvent doesn't allow them (SetValue, SetTarget, CancelValues) or
// cancelScheduledValues() doesn't create such an event (SetValueCurve).
case ParamEvent::LastType:
// Cache the new value so we don't keep computing it over and over.
} break;
case ParamEvent::SetValueCurve:
// Everything needed for this was handled when cancelling was
// done.
case ParamEvent::SetTarget:
// Nothing special needs to be done for SetTarget
// followed by CancelValues.
case ParamEvent::LastType:
auto AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::createSetValueEvent(float value, Seconds time) -> ParamEvent
return ParamEvent { ParamEvent::SetValue, value, time, 0, Seconds { }, Vector<float> { }, 0, 0, std::nullopt };
auto AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::createLinearRampEvent(float value, Seconds time) -> ParamEvent
return { ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue, value, time, 0, Seconds { }, Vector<float> { }, 0, 0, std::nullopt };
auto AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::createExponentialRampEvent(float value, Seconds time) -> ParamEvent
return { ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue, value, time, 0, Seconds { }, Vector<float> { }, 0, 0, std::nullopt };
auto AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::createSetTargetEvent(float target, Seconds time, float timeConstant) -> ParamEvent
// The time line code does not expect a timeConstant of 0. (It returns NaN or Infinity due to division by zero. The caller
// should have converted this to a SetValueEvent.
return { ParamEvent::SetTarget, target, time, timeConstant, Seconds { }, Vector<float> { }, 0, 0, std::nullopt };
auto AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::createSetValueCurveEvent(Vector<float>&& curve, Seconds time, Seconds duration) -> ParamEvent
double curvePointsPerSecond = (curve.size() - 1) / duration.value();
float curveEndValue = curve.last();
return { ParamEvent::SetValueCurve, 0, time, 0, duration, WTFMove(curve), curvePointsPerSecond, curveEndValue, std::nullopt };
auto AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::createCancelValuesEvent(Seconds cancelTime, std::optional<SavedEvent>&& savedEvent) -> ParamEvent
if (savedEvent) {
// The savedEvent can only have certain event types. Verify that.
auto savedEventType = savedEvent->type;
ASSERT(savedEventType != ParamEvent::LastType);
ASSERT(savedEventType == ParamEvent::LinearRampToValue
|| savedEventType == ParamEvent::ExponentialRampToValue
|| savedEventType == ParamEvent::SetValueCurve);
return { ParamEvent::CancelValues, 0, cancelTime, 0, Seconds { }, Vector<float> { }, 0, 0, WTFMove(savedEvent) };
bool AudioParamTimeline::isEventCurrent(const ParamEvent& event, const ParamEvent* nextEvent, size_t currentFrame, double sampleRate) const
// WARNING: due to round-off it might happen that nextEvent->time() is
// just larger than currentFrame/sampleRate. This means that we will end
// up running the |event| again. The code below had better be prepared
// for this case! What should happen is the fillToFrame should be 0 so
// that while the event is actually run again, nothing actually gets
// computed, and we move on to the next event.
// An example of this case is setValueCurveAtTime. The time at which
// setValueCurveAtTime ends (and the setValueAtTime begins) might be
// just past currentTime/sampleRate. Then setValueCurveAtTime will be
// processed again before advancing to setValueAtTime. The number of
// frames to be processed should be zero in this case.
if (nextEvent && nextEvent->time().value() < currentFrame / sampleRate) {
// But if the current event is a SetValue event and the event time is
// between currentFrame - 1 and curentFrame (in time). we don't want to
// skip it. If we do skip it, the SetValue event is completely skipped
// and not applied, which is wrong. Other events don't have this problem.
// (Because currentFrame is unsigned, we do the time check in this funny,
// but equivalent way.)
double eventFrame = event.time().value() * sampleRate;
// Condition is currentFrame - 1 < eventFrame <= currentFrame, but
// currentFrame is unsigned and could be 0, so use
// currentFrame < eventFrame + 1 instead.
if (!((event.type() == ParamEvent::SetValue && (eventFrame <= currentFrame) && (currentFrame < eventFrame + 1)))) {
// This is not the special SetValue event case, and nextEvent is
// in the past. We can skip processing of this event since it's
// in past.
return false;
return true;
bool AudioParamTimeline::hasValues(size_t startFrame, double sampleRate) const
if (!m_eventsLock.tryLock())
return true;
Locker locker { AdoptLock, m_eventsLock };
// Return false if there are no events in the time range.
auto endFrame = startFrame + AudioUtilities::renderQuantumSize;
return !m_events.isEmpty() && endFrame / sampleRate > m_events[0].time().value();
} // namespace WebCore