
80 lines
3.5 KiB

"use strict";
function lookForMatchingBracket(program, pc, level) {
if (pc >= program.length)
throw "Error: Unbalanced brackets in the BF program, too many opening brackets";
switch(program[pc]) {
case '[':
return lookForMatchingBracket(program, pc+1, level+1);
case ']':
if (level == 1)
return pc;
return lookForMatchingBracket(program, pc+1, level-1);
return lookForMatchingBracket(program, pc+1, level);
// (leftTape, tapeCursor, rightTape) form a zipper:
// leftTape is the (infinite) list of all values to the left of the cursor (from right to left),
// while rightTape is the (infinite) list of all values to the right of the cursor (from left to right).
// These lists are represented as functions that return an object with the first value, and a function for the rest of the list.
function evalRec(program, pc, input, output, leftTape, tapeCursor, rightTape, loopContinuation)
if (pc >= program.length)
return output;
switch(program[pc]) {
case '.':
const newOutput = output.concat(String.fromCharCode(tapeCursor));
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input, newOutput, leftTape, tapeCursor, rightTape, loopContinuation);
case ',':
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input.slice(1), output, leftTape, input.charCodeAt(0), rightTape, loopContinuation);
case '+':
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input, output, leftTape, tapeCursor+1, rightTape, loopContinuation);
case '-':
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input, output, leftTape, tapeCursor-1, rightTape, loopContinuation);
case '>':
const evaluatedRightTape = rightTape();
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input, output, ()=>({cursor: tapeCursor, rest: leftTape}), evaluatedRightTape.cursor, evaluatedRightTape.rest, loopContinuation);
case '<':
const evaluatedLeftTape = leftTape();
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input, output, evaluatedLeftTape.rest, evaluatedLeftTape.cursor, ()=>({cursor: tapeCursor, rest: rightTape}), loopContinuation);
case '[':
const matchingPC = lookForMatchingBracket(program, pc, 0);
if (tapeCursor == 0)
return evalRec(program, matchingPC+1, input, output, leftTape, tapeCursor, rightTape, loopContinuation);
return evalRec(program, pc+1, input, output, leftTape, tapeCursor, rightTape, (...varargs) => evalRec(program, pc, ...varargs, loopContinuation));
case ']':
return loopContinuation(input, output, leftTape, tapeCursor, rightTape);
throw "Unsupported character: " + program[pc] + " at pc " + pc;
function infiniteTape()
return {cursor: 0, rest: infiniteTape};
function evalShort(program, input)
return evalRec(program, 0, input, "", infiniteTape, 0, infiniteTape, ()=>{throw "Error: Unbalanced brackets in the BF program, too many closing brackets";});
function test(program, input, expectedOutput)
const result = evalShort(program, input);
if (result != expectedOutput)
throw ("Wrong result, program: " + program + " on input " + input + " had output " + result + " instead of " + expectedOutput);
for (var i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) {
test(",...", "A", "AAA");
test(",..+..--.", "C", "CCDDB");
test(",<,>..<..", "EF", "EEFF");
// The following program is taken from the Wikipedia brainfuck page:
test("++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.", "", "Hello World!\n")