
1837 lines
106 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
const _fail = (msg, extra) => {
throw new Error(msg + (extra ? ": " + extra : ""));
const assert = {};
const isNotA = assert.isNotA = (v, t, msg) => {
if (typeof v === t)
_fail(`Shouldn't be ${t}`, msg);
const isA = assert.isA = (v, t, msg) => {
if (typeof v !== t)
_fail(`Should be ${t}, got ${typeof(v)}`, msg);
const isNotUndef = assert.isNotUndef = (v, msg) => isNotA(v, "undefined", msg);
assert.isUndef = (v, msg) => isA(v, "undefined", msg);
assert.notObject = (v, msg) => isNotA(v, "object", msg);
const isObject = assert.isObject = (v, msg) => isA(v, "object", msg);
assert.notString = (v, msg) => isNotA(v, "string", msg);
assert.isString = (v, msg) => isA(v, "string", msg);
assert.notNumber = (v, msg) => isNotA(v, "number", msg);
assert.isNumber = (v, msg) => isA(v, "number", msg);
assert.notFunction = (v, msg) => isNotA(v, "function", msg);
assert.isFunction = (v, msg) => isA(v, "function", msg);
assert.hasObjectProperty = (o, p, msg) => {
isObject(o, msg);
isNotUndef(o[p], msg, `expected object to have property ${p}`);
assert.isArray = (v, msg) => {
if (!Array.isArray(v))
_fail(`Expected an array, got ${typeof(v)}`, msg);
assert.isNotArray = (v, msg) => {
if (Array.isArray(v))
_fail(`Expected to not be an array`, msg);
assert.truthy = (v, msg) => {
if (!v)
_fail(`Expected truthy`, msg);
assert.falsy = (v, msg) => {
if (v)
_fail(`Expected falsy`, msg);
assert.eq = (lhs, rhs, msg) => {
if (typeof lhs !== typeof rhs)
_fail(`Not the same: "${lhs}" and "${rhs}"`, msg);
if (Array.isArray(lhs) && Array.isArray(rhs) && (lhs.length === rhs.length)) {
for (let i = 0; i !== lhs.length; ++i)
eq(lhs[i], rhs[i], msg);
} else if (lhs !== rhs) {
if (typeof lhs === "number" && isNaN(lhs) && isNaN(rhs))
_fail(`Not the same: "${lhs}" and "${rhs}"`, msg);
} else {
if (typeof lhs === "number" && (1.0 / lhs !== 1.0 / rhs)) // Distinguish -0.0 from 0.0.
_fail(`Not the same: "${lhs}" and "${rhs}"`, msg);
const canonicalizeI32 = (number) => {
if (Math.round(number) === number && number >= 2 ** 31)
number = number - 2 ** 32;
return number;
assert.eqI32 = (lhs, rhs, msg) => {
return eq(canonicalizeI32(lhs), canonicalizeI32(rhs), msg);
assert.ge = (lhs, rhs, msg) => {
if (!(lhs >= rhs))
_fail(`Expected: "${lhs}" < "${rhs}"`, msg);
assert.le = (lhs, rhs, msg) => {
if (!(lhs <= rhs))
_fail(`Expected: "${lhs}" > "${rhs}"`, msg);
const _throws = (func, type, message, ...args) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof type) {
if (e.message === message)
return e;
// Ignore source information at the end of the error message if the
// expected message didn't specify that information. Sometimes it
// changes, or it's tricky to get just right.
const evaluatingIndex = e.message.indexOf(" (evaluating '");
if (evaluatingIndex !== -1) {
const cleanMessage = e.message.substring(0, evaluatingIndex);
if (cleanMessage === message)
return e;
_fail(`Expected to throw a ${type.name} with message "${message}", got ${e.name} with message "${e.message}"`);
_fail(`Expected to throw a ${type.name} with message "${message}"`);
const _instanceof = (obj, type, msg) => {
if (!(obj instanceof type))
_fail(`Expected a ${typeof(type)}, got ${typeof obj}`);
// Use underscore names to avoid clashing with builtin names.
assert.throws = _throws;
assert.instanceof = _instanceof;
const asyncTestImpl = (promise, thenFunc, catchFunc) => {
const printExn = (e) => {
print("Failed: ", e);
assert.asyncTest = (promise) => asyncTestImpl(promise, asyncTestPassed, printExn);
assert.asyncTestEq = (promise, expected) => {
const thenCheck = (value) => {
if (value === expected)
return asyncTestPassed();
print("Failed: got ", value, " but expected ", expected);
asyncTestImpl(promise, thenCheck, printExn);
const WASM_JSON = `
"comments": ["This file describes the WebAssembly ISA.",
"Scripts in this folder auto-generate C++ code for JavaScriptCore as well as the testing DSL which WebKit's WebAssembly tests use."
"preamble": [
{ "name": "magic number", "type": "uint32", "value": 1836278016, "description": "NULL character followed by 'asm'" },
{ "name": "version", "type": "uint32", "value": 1, "description": "Version number" }
"type" : {
"i32": { "type": "varint7", "value": -1, "b3type": "B3::Int32" },
"i64": { "type": "varint7", "value": -2, "b3type": "B3::Int64" },
"f32": { "type": "varint7", "value": -3, "b3type": "B3::Float" },
"f64": { "type": "varint7", "value": -4, "b3type": "B3::Double" },
"anyfunc": { "type": "varint7", "value": -16, "b3type": "B3::Void" },
"func": { "type": "varint7", "value": -32, "b3type": "B3::Void" },
"void": { "type": "varint7", "value": -64, "b3type": "B3::Void" }
"value_type": ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"],
"block_type": ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64", "void"],
"elem_type": ["anyfunc"],
"external_kind": {
"Function": { "type": "uint8", "value": 0 },
"Table": { "type": "uint8", "value": 1 },
"Memory": { "type": "uint8", "value": 2 },
"Global": { "type": "uint8", "value": 3 }
"section" : {
"Type": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 1, "description": "Function signature declarations" },
"Import": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 2, "description": "Import declarations" },
"Function": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 3, "description": "Function declarations" },
"Table": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 4, "description": "Indirect function table and other tables" },
"Memory": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 5, "description": "Memory attributes" },
"Global": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 6, "description": "Global declarations" },
"Export": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 7, "description": "Exports" },
"Start": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 8, "description": "Start function declaration" },
"Element": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 9, "description": "Elements section" },
"Code": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 10, "description": "Function bodies (code)" },
"Data": { "type": "varuint7", "value": 11, "description": "Data segments" }
"opcode": {
"unreachable": { "category": "control", "value": 0, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [], "description": "trap immediately" },
"block": { "category": "control", "value": 2, "return": ["control"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "sig", "type": "block_type"}], "description": "begin a sequence of expressions, yielding 0 or 1 values" },
"loop": { "category": "control", "value": 3, "return": ["control"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "sig", "type": "block_type"}], "description": "begin a block which can also form control flow loops" },
"if": { "category": "control", "value": 4, "return": ["control"], "parameter": ["bool"], "immediate": [{"name": "sig", "type": "block_type"}], "description": "begin if expression" },
"else": { "category": "control", "value": 5, "return": ["control"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [], "description": "begin else expression of if" },
"select": { "category": "control", "value": 27, "return": ["prev"], "parameter": ["any", "prev", "bool"], "immediate": [], "description": "select one of two values based on condition" },
"br": { "category": "control", "value": 12, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "relative_depth", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "break that targets an outer nested block" },
"br_if": { "category": "control", "value": 13, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "relative_depth", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "conditional break that targets an outer nested block" },
"br_table": { "category": "control", "value": 14, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "target_count", "type": "varuint32", "description": "number of entries in the target_table"},
{"name": "target_table", "type": "varuint32*", "description": "target entries that indicate an outer block or loop to which to break"},
{"name": "default_target", "type": "varuint32", "description": "an outer block or loop to which to break in the default case"}],
"description": "branch table control flow construct" },
"return": { "category": "control", "value": 15, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [], "description": "return zero or one value from this function" },
"drop": { "category": "control", "value": 26, "return": [], "parameter": ["any"], "immediate": [], "description": "ignore value" },
"nop": { "category": "control", "value": 1, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [], "description": "no operation" },
"end": { "category": "control", "value": 11, "return": [], "parameter": [], "immediate": [], "description": "end a block, loop, or if" },
"i32.const": { "category": "special", "value": 65, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "value", "type": "varint32"}], "description": "a constant value interpreted as i32" },
"i64.const": { "category": "special", "value": 66, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "value", "type": "varint64"}], "description": "a constant value interpreted as i64" },
"f64.const": { "category": "special", "value": 68, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "value", "type": "double"}], "description": "a constant value interpreted as f64" },
"f32.const": { "category": "special", "value": 67, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "value", "type": "float"}], "description": "a constant value interpreted as f32" },
"get_local": { "category": "special", "value": 32, "return": ["any"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "local_index", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "read a local variable or parameter" },
"set_local": { "category": "special", "value": 33, "return": [], "parameter": ["any"], "immediate": [{"name": "local_index", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "write a local variable or parameter" },
"tee_local": { "category": "special", "value": 34, "return": ["any"], "parameter": ["any"], "immediate": [{"name": "local_index", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "write a local variable or parameter and return the same value" },
"get_global": { "category": "special", "value": 35, "return": ["any"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "global_index", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "read a global variable" },
"set_global": { "category": "special", "value": 36, "return": [], "parameter": ["any"], "immediate": [{"name": "global_index", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "write a global variable" },
"call": { "category": "call", "value": 16, "return": ["call"], "parameter": ["call"], "immediate": [{"name": "function_index", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "call a function by its index" },
"call_indirect": { "category": "call", "value": 17, "return": ["call"], "parameter": ["call"], "immediate": [{"name": "type_index", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "reserved", "type": "varuint1"}], "description": "call a function indirect with an expected signature" },
"i32.load8_s": { "category": "memory", "value": 44, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i32.load8_u": { "category": "memory", "value": 45, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i32.load16_s": { "category": "memory", "value": 46, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i32.load16_u": { "category": "memory", "value": 47, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load8_s": { "category": "memory", "value": 48, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load8_u": { "category": "memory", "value": 49, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load16_s": { "category": "memory", "value": 50, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load16_u": { "category": "memory", "value": 51, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load32_s": { "category": "memory", "value": 52, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load32_u": { "category": "memory", "value": 53, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i32.load": { "category": "memory", "value": 40, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i64.load": { "category": "memory", "value": 41, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"f32.load": { "category": "memory", "value": 42, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"f64.load": { "category": "memory", "value": 43, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["addr"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "load from memory" },
"i32.store8": { "category": "memory", "value": 58, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i32"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"i32.store16": { "category": "memory", "value": 59, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i32"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"i64.store8": { "category": "memory", "value": 60, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i64"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"i64.store16": { "category": "memory", "value": 61, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i64"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"i64.store32": { "category": "memory", "value": 62, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i64"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"i32.store": { "category": "memory", "value": 54, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i32"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"i64.store": { "category": "memory", "value": 55, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "i64"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"f32.store": { "category": "memory", "value": 56, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "f32"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"f64.store": { "category": "memory", "value": 57, "return": [], "parameter": ["addr", "f64"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}, {"name": "offset", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "store to memory" },
"current_memory": { "category": "operation", "value": 63, "return": ["size"], "parameter": [], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "query the size of memory" },
"grow_memory": { "category": "operation", "value": 64, "return": ["size"], "parameter": ["size"], "immediate": [{"name": "flags", "type": "varuint32"}], "description": "grow the size of memory" },
"i32.add": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 106, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Add" },
"i32.sub": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 107, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Sub" },
"i32.mul": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 108, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Mul" },
"i32.div_s": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 109, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.div_u": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 110, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.rem_s": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 111, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.rem_u": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 112, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.and": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 113, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitAnd" },
"i32.or": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 114, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitOr" },
"i32.xor": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 115, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitXor" },
"i32.shl": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 116, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Shl" },
"i32.shr_u": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 118, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "ZShr" },
"i32.shr_s": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 117, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "SShr" },
"i32.rotr": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 120, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "RotR" },
"i32.rotl": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 119, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "RotL" },
"i32.eq": { "category": "comparison", "value": 70, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Equal" },
"i32.ne": { "category": "comparison", "value": 71, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "NotEqual" },
"i32.lt_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 72, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessThan" },
"i32.le_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 76, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessEqual" },
"i32.lt_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 73, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Below" },
"i32.le_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 77, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BelowEqual" },
"i32.gt_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 74, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterThan" },
"i32.ge_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 78, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterEqual" },
"i32.gt_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 75, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Above" },
"i32.ge_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 79, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32", "i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "AboveEqual" },
"i32.clz": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 103, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Clz" },
"i32.ctz": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 104, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.popcnt": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 105, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.eqz": { "category": "comparison", "value": 69, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Equal(i32(0), @0)" },
"i64.add": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 124, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Add" },
"i64.sub": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 125, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Sub" },
"i64.mul": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 126, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Mul" },
"i64.div_s": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 127, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.div_u": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 128, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.rem_s": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 129, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.rem_u": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 130, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.and": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 131, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitAnd" },
"i64.or": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 132, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitOr" },
"i64.xor": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 133, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitXor" },
"i64.shl": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 134, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Shl(@0, Trunc(@1))" },
"i64.shr_u": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 136, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "ZShr(@0, Trunc(@1))" },
"i64.shr_s": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 135, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "SShr(@0, Trunc(@1))" },
"i64.rotr": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 138, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "RotR(@0, Trunc(@1))" },
"i64.rotl": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 137, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "RotL(@0, Trunc(@1))" },
"i64.eq": { "category": "comparison", "value": 81, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Equal" },
"i64.ne": { "category": "comparison", "value": 82, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "NotEqual" },
"i64.lt_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 83, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessThan" },
"i64.le_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 87, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessEqual" },
"i64.lt_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 84, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Below" },
"i64.le_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 88, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BelowEqual" },
"i64.gt_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 85, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterThan" },
"i64.ge_s": { "category": "comparison", "value": 89, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterEqual" },
"i64.gt_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 86, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Above" },
"i64.ge_u": { "category": "comparison", "value": 90, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64", "i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "AboveEqual" },
"i64.clz": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 121, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Clz" },
"i64.ctz": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 122, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.popcnt": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 123, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.eqz": { "category": "comparison", "value": 80, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Equal(i64(0), @0)" },
"f32.add": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 146, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Add" },
"f32.sub": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 147, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Sub" },
"f32.mul": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 148, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Mul" },
"f32.div": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 149, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Div" },
"f32.min": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 150, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Select(Equal(@0, @1), BitOr(@0, @1), Select(LessThan(@0, @1), @0, @1))" },
"f32.max": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 151, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Select(Equal(@0, @1), BitAnd(@0, @1), Select(LessThan(@0, @1), @1, @0))" },
"f32.abs": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 139, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Abs" },
"f32.neg": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 140, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Neg" },
"f32.copysign": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 152, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitwiseCast(BitOr(BitAnd(BitwiseCast(@1), i32(0x80000000)), BitAnd(BitwiseCast(@0), i32(0x7fffffff))))" },
"f32.ceil": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 141, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Ceil" },
"f32.floor": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 142, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Floor" },
"f32.trunc": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 143, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [] },
"f32.nearest": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 144, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [] },
"f32.sqrt": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 145, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Sqrt" },
"f32.eq": { "category": "comparison", "value": 91, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Equal" },
"f32.ne": { "category": "comparison", "value": 92, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "NotEqual" },
"f32.lt": { "category": "comparison", "value": 93, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessThan" },
"f32.le": { "category": "comparison", "value": 95, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessEqual" },
"f32.gt": { "category": "comparison", "value": 94, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterThan" },
"f32.ge": { "category": "comparison", "value": 96, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f32", "f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterEqual" },
"f64.add": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 160, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Add" },
"f64.sub": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 161, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Sub" },
"f64.mul": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 162, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Mul" },
"f64.div": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 163, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Div" },
"f64.min": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 164, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Select(Equal(@0, @1), BitOr(@0, @1), Select(LessThan(@0, @1), @0, @1))" },
"f64.max": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 165, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Select(Equal(@0, @1), BitAnd(@0, @1), Select(LessThan(@0, @1), @1, @0))" },
"f64.abs": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 153, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Abs" },
"f64.neg": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 154, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Neg" },
"f64.copysign": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 166, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitwiseCast(BitOr(BitAnd(BitwiseCast(@1), i64(0x8000000000000000)), BitAnd(BitwiseCast(@0), i64(0x7fffffffffffffff))))" },
"f64.ceil": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 155, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Ceil" },
"f64.floor": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 156, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Floor" },
"f64.trunc": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 157, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [] },
"f64.nearest": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 158, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [] },
"f64.sqrt": { "category": "arithmetic", "value": 159, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Sqrt" },
"f64.eq": { "category": "comparison", "value": 97, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Equal" },
"f64.ne": { "category": "comparison", "value": 98, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "NotEqual" },
"f64.lt": { "category": "comparison", "value": 99, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessThan" },
"f64.le": { "category": "comparison", "value": 101, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "LessEqual" },
"f64.gt": { "category": "comparison", "value": 100, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterThan" },
"f64.ge": { "category": "comparison", "value": 102, "return": ["bool"], "parameter": ["f64", "f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "GreaterEqual" },
"i32.trunc_s/f32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 168, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.trunc_s/f64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 170, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.trunc_u/f32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 169, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.trunc_u/f64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 171, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [] },
"i32.wrap/i64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 167, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "Trunc" },
"i64.trunc_s/f32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 174, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.trunc_s/f64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 176, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.trunc_u/f32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 175, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.trunc_u/f64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 177, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [] },
"i64.extend_s/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 172, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "SExt32" },
"i64.extend_u/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 173, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "ZExt32" },
"f32.convert_s/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 178, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "IToF" },
"f32.convert_u/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 179, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "IToF(ZExt32(@0))" },
"f32.convert_s/i64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 180, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "IToF" },
"f32.convert_u/i64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 181, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [] },
"f32.demote/f64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 182, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "DoubleToFloat"},
"f32.reinterpret/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 190, "return": ["f32"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitwiseCast" },
"f64.convert_s/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 183, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "IToD" },
"f64.convert_u/i32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 184, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["i32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "IToD(ZExt32(@0))" },
"f64.convert_s/i64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 185, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "IToD" },
"f64.convert_u/i64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 186, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [] },
"f64.promote/f32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 187, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "FloatToDouble"},
"f64.reinterpret/i64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 191, "return": ["f64"], "parameter": ["i64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitwiseCast" },
"i32.reinterpret/f32": { "category": "conversion", "value": 188, "return": ["i32"], "parameter": ["f32"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitwiseCast" },
"i64.reinterpret/f64": { "category": "conversion", "value": 189, "return": ["i64"], "parameter": ["f64"], "immediate": [], "b3op": "BitwiseCast" }
const _environment =
((typeof process === "object" && typeof require === "function") ? "node"
: (typeof window === "object" ? "web"
: (typeof importScripts === "function" ? "worker"
: "shell")));
let _global = (typeof global !== 'object' || !global || global.Math !== Math || global.Array !== Array)
? ((typeof self !== 'undefined') ? self
: (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window
: (typeof global !== 'undefined') ? global
: Function('return this')())
: global;
const _eval = x => eval.call(null, x);
const _read = filename => {
switch (_environment) {
case "node": return read(filename);
case "web": // fallthrough
case "worker": let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", filename, /*async=*/false); return xhr.responseText;
case "shell": return read(filename);
const _load = filename => {
switch (_environment) {
case "node": // fallthrough
case "web": // fallthrough
case "shell": return _eval(_read(filename));
case "worker": return importScripts(filename);
const _json = filename => {
assert.eq(filename, "wasm.json");
return JSON.parse(WASM_JSON);
switch (_environment) {
case "node": // fallthrough
case "shell": return JSON.parse(_read(filename));
case "web": // fallthrough
case "worker": let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json"); xhr.open("GET", filename, /*async=*/false); return xhr.response;
const _dump = (what, name, pad = ' ') => {
const value = v => {
try { return `"${v}"`; }
catch (e) { return `Error: "${e.message}"`; }
let s = `${pad}${name} ${typeof what}: ${value(what)}`;
for (let p in what) {
s += `\n${pad}${pad}${p}: ${value(what[p])} ${typeof v}`;
s += '\n' + _dump(what[p], p, pad + pad);
return s;
// Use underscore names to avoid clashing with builtin names.
const utilities = {
dump : _dump,
eval : _eval,
read : _read,
load : _load,
json : _json,
global : _global
const _mapValues = from => {
let values = {};
for (const key in from)
values[key] = from[key].value;
return values;
const WASM = {};
const description = WASM.description = utilities.json("wasm.json");
const type = WASM.type = Object.keys(description.type);
const _typeSet = new Set(type);
WASM.isValidType = v => _typeSet.has(v);
WASM.typeValue = _mapValues(description.type);
const _valueTypeSet = new Set(description.value_type);
WASM.isValidValueType = v => _valueTypeSet.has(v);
const _blockTypeSet = new Set(description.block_type);
WASM.isValidBlockType = v => _blockTypeSet.has(v);
WASM.externalKindValue = _mapValues(description.external_kind);
const sections = WASM.sections = Object.keys(description.section);
WASM.sectionEncodingType = description.section[sections[0]].type;
// LowLevelBinary.js
const _initialAllocationSize = 1024;
const _growAllocationSize = allocated => allocated * 2;
const varuint32Min = 0;
const varint7Min = -0b1000000;
const varint7Max = 0b111111;
const varuint7Max = 0b1111111;
const varuint32Max = ((((1 << 31) >>> 0) - 1) * 2) + 1;
const varint32Min = -((1 << 31) >>> 0);
const varint32Max = ((1 << 31) - 1) >>> 0;
const varBitsMax = 5;
const _getterRangeCheck = (llb, at, size) => {
if (0 > at || at + size > llb._used)
throw new RangeError(`[${at}, ${at + size}) is out of buffer range [0, ${llb._used})`);
const _hexdump = (buf, size) => {
let s = "";
const width = 16;
const base = 16;
for (let row = 0; row * width < size; ++row) {
const address = (row * width).toString(base);
s += "0".repeat(8 - address.length) + address;
let chars = "";
for (let col = 0; col !== width; ++col) {
const idx = row * width + col;
if (idx < size) {
const byte = buf[idx];
const bytestr = byte.toString(base);
s += " " + (bytestr.length === 1 ? "0" + bytestr : bytestr);
chars += 0x20 <= byte && byte < 0x7F ? String.fromCharCode(byte) : "·";
} else {
s += " ";
chars += " ";
s+= " |" + chars + "|\n";
return s;
class LowLevelBinary {
constructor() {
this._buf = new Uint8Array(_initialAllocationSize);
this._used = 0;
newPatchable(type) { return new PatchableLowLevelBinary(type, this); }
// Utilities.
get() { return this._buf; }
trim() { this._buf = this._buf.slice(0, this._used); }
hexdump() { return _hexdump(this._buf, this._used); }
_maybeGrow(bytes) {
const allocated = this._buf.length;
if (allocated - this._used < bytes) {
let buf = new Uint8Array(_growAllocationSize(allocated));
this._buf = buf;
_push8(v) { this._buf[this._used] = v & 0xFF; this._used += 1; }
// Data types.
uint8(v) {
if ((v & 0xFF) >>> 0 !== v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid uint8 ${v}`);
uint16(v) {
if ((v & 0xFFFF) >>> 0 !== v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid uint16 ${v}`);
this._push8(v >>> 8);
uint24(v) {
if ((v & 0xFFFFFF) >>> 0 !== v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid uint24 ${v}`);
this._push8(v >>> 8);
this._push8(v >>> 16);
uint32(v) {
if ((v & 0xFFFFFFFF) >>> 0 !== v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid uint32 ${v}`);
this._push8(v >>> 8);
this._push8(v >>> 16);
this._push8(v >>> 24);
float(v) {
if (isNaN(v))
throw new RangeError("unimplemented, NaNs");
// Unfortunately, we cannot just view the actual buffer as a Float32Array since it needs to be 4 byte aligned
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
let floatView = new Float32Array(buffer);
let int8View = new Uint8Array(buffer);
floatView[0] = v;
for (let byte of int8View)
double(v) {
if (isNaN(v))
throw new RangeError("unimplemented, NaNs");
// Unfortunately, we cannot just view the actual buffer as a Float64Array since it needs to be 4 byte aligned
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let floatView = new Float64Array(buffer);
let int8View = new Uint8Array(buffer);
floatView[0] = v;
for (let byte of int8View)
varuint32(v) {
if (v < varuint32Min || varuint32Max < v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid varuint32 ${v} range is [${varuint32Min}, ${varuint32Max}]`);
while (v >= 0x80) {
this.uint8(0x80 | (v & 0x7F));
v >>>= 7;
varint32(v) {
if (v < varint32Min || varint32Max < v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid varint32 ${v} range is [${varint32Min}, ${varint32Max}]`);
do {
const b = v & 0x7F;
v >>= 7;
if ((v === 0 && ((b & 0x40) === 0)) || (v === -1 && ((b & 0x40) === 0x40))) {
this.uint8(b & 0x7F);
this.uint8(0x80 | b);
} while (true);
varuint64(v) {
if (v < varuint32Min || varuint32Max < v)
throw new RangeError(`unimplemented: varuint64 larger than 32-bit`);
this.varuint32(v); // FIXME implement 64-bit var{u}int https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163420
varint64(v) {
if (v < varint32Min || varint32Max < v)
throw new RangeError(`unimplemented: varint64 larger than 32-bit`);
this.varint32(v); // FIXME implement 64-bit var{u}int https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163420
varuint1(v) {
if (v !== 0 && v !== 1)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid varuint1 ${v} range is [0, 1]`);
varint7(v) {
if (v < varint7Min || varint7Max < v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid varint7 ${v} range is [${varint7Min}, ${varint7Max}]`);
varuint7(v) {
if (v < varuint32Min || varuint7Max < v)
throw new RangeError(`Invalid varuint7 ${v} range is [${varuint32Min}, ${varuint7Max}]`);
block_type(v) {
if (!WASM.isValidBlockType(v))
throw new Error(`Invalid block type ${v}`);
string(str) {
let patch = this.newPatchable("varuint32");
for (const char of str) {
// Encode UTF-8 2003 code points.
const code = char.codePointAt();
if (code <= 0x007F) {
const utf8 = code;
} else if (code <= 0x07FF) {
const utf8 = 0x80C0 | ((code & 0x7C0) >> 6) | ((code & 0x3F) << 8);
} else if (code <= 0xFFFF) {
const utf8 = 0x8080E0 | ((code & 0xF000) >> 12) | ((code & 0xFC0) << 2) | ((code & 0x3F) << 16);
} else if (code <= 0x10FFFF) {
const utf8 = (0x808080F0 | ((code & 0x1C0000) >> 18) | ((code & 0x3F000) >> 4) | ((code & 0xFC0) << 10) | ((code & 0x3F) << 24)) >>> 0;
} else
throw new Error(`Unexpectedly large UTF-8 character code point '${char}' 0x${code.toString(16)}`);
// Getters.
getSize() { return this._used; }
getUint8(at) {
_getterRangeCheck(this, at, 1);
return this._buf[at];
getUint16(at) {
_getterRangeCheck(this, at, 2);
return this._buf[at] | (this._buf[at + 1] << 8);
getUint24(at) {
_getterRangeCheck(this, at, 3);
return this._buf[at] | (this._buf[at + 1] << 8) | (this._buf[at + 2] << 16);
getUint32(at) {
_getterRangeCheck(this, at, 4);
return (this._buf[at] | (this._buf[at + 1] << 8) | (this._buf[at + 2] << 16) | (this._buf[at + 3] << 24)) >>> 0;
getVaruint32(at) {
let v = 0;
let shift = 0;
let byte = 0;
do {
byte = this.getUint8(at++);
v = (v | ((byte & 0x7F) << shift) >>> 0) >>> 0;
shift += 7;
} while ((byte & 0x80) !== 0);
if (shift - 7 > 32) throw new RangeError(`Shifting too much at ${at}`);
if ((shift == 35) && ((byte & 0xF0) != 0)) throw new Error(`Unexpected non-significant varuint32 bits in last byte 0x${byte.toString(16)}`);
return { value: v, next: at };
getVarint32(at) {
let v = 0;
let shift = 0;
let byte = 0;
do {
byte = this.getUint8(at++);
v = (v | ((byte & 0x7F) << shift) >>> 0) >>> 0;
shift += 7;
} while ((byte & 0x80) !== 0);
if (shift - 7 > 32) throw new RangeError(`Shifting too much at ${at}`);
if ((shift == 35) && (((byte << 26) >> 30) != ((byte << 25) >> 31))) throw new Error(`Unexpected non-significant varint32 bits in last byte 0x${byte.toString(16)}`);
if ((byte & 0x40) === 0x40) {
const sext = shift < 32 ? 32 - shift : 0;
v = (v << sext) >> sext;
return { value: v, next: at };
getVaruint1(at) {
const res = this.getVaruint32(at);
if (res.value !== 0 && res.value !== 1) throw new Error(`Expected a varuint1, got value ${res.value}`);
return res;
getVaruint7(at) {
const res = this.getVaruint32(at);
if (res.value > varuint7Max) throw new Error(`Expected a varuint7, got value ${res.value}`);
return res;
getString(at) {
const size = this.getVaruint32(at);
const last = size.next + size.value;
let i = size.next;
let str = "";
while (i < last) {
// Decode UTF-8 2003 code points.
const peek = this.getUint8(i);
let code;
if ((peek & 0x80) === 0x0) {
const utf8 = this.getUint8(i);
assert.eq(utf8 & 0x80, 0x00);
i += 1;
code = utf8;
} else if ((peek & 0xE0) === 0xC0) {
const utf8 = this.getUint16(i);
assert.eq(utf8 & 0xC0E0, 0x80C0);
i += 2;
code = ((utf8 & 0x1F) << 6) | ((utf8 & 0x3F00) >> 8);
} else if ((peek & 0xF0) === 0xE0) {
const utf8 = this.getUint24(i);
assert.eq(utf8 & 0xC0C0F0, 0x8080E0);
i += 3;
code = ((utf8 & 0xF) << 12) | ((utf8 & 0x3F00) >> 2) | ((utf8 & 0x3F0000) >> 16);
} else if ((peek & 0xF8) === 0xF0) {
const utf8 = this.getUint32(i);
assert.eq((utf8 & 0xC0C0C0F8) | 0, 0x808080F0 | 0);
i += 4;
code = ((utf8 & 0x7) << 18) | ((utf8 & 0x3F00) << 4) | ((utf8 & 0x3F0000) >> 10) | ((utf8 & 0x3F000000) >> 24);
} else
throw new Error(`Unexpectedly large UTF-8 initial byte 0x${peek.toString(16)}`);
str += String.fromCodePoint(code);
if (i !== last)
throw new Error(`String decoding read up to ${i}, expected ${last}, UTF-8 decoding was too greedy`);
return str;
class PatchableLowLevelBinary extends LowLevelBinary {
constructor(type, lowLevelBinary) {
this.type = type;
this.target = lowLevelBinary;
this._buffered_bytes = 0;
_push8(v) { ++this._buffered_bytes; super._push8(v); }
apply() {
for (let i = 0; i < this._buffered_bytes; ++i)
LowLevelBinary.varuint32Min = 0;
LowLevelBinary.varint7Min = -0b1000000;
LowLevelBinary.varint7Max = 0b111111;
LowLevelBinary.varuint7Max = 0b1111111;
LowLevelBinary.varuint32Max = ((((1 << 31) >>> 0) - 1) * 2) + 1;
LowLevelBinary.varint32Min = -((1 << 31) >>> 0);
LowLevelBinary.varint32Max = ((1 << 31) - 1) >>> 0;
LowLevelBinary.varBitsMax = 5;
// Builder_WebAssemblyBinary.js
const BuildWebAssembly = {};
const put = (bin, type, value) => bin[type](value);
const putResizableLimits = (bin, initial, maximum) => {
assert.truthy(typeof initial === "number", "We expect 'initial' to be an integer");
let hasMaximum = 0;
if (typeof maximum === "number") {
hasMaximum = 1;
} else {
assert.truthy(typeof maximum === "undefined", "We expect 'maximum' to be an integer if it's defined");
put(bin, "varuint1", hasMaximum);
put(bin, "varuint32", initial);
if (hasMaximum)
put(bin, "varuint32", maximum);
const putTable = (bin, {initial, maximum, element}) => {
assert.truthy(WASM.isValidType(element), "We expect 'element' to be a valid type. It was: " + element);
put(bin, "varint7", WASM.typeValue[element]);
putResizableLimits(bin, initial, maximum);
const valueType = WASM.description.type.i32.type
const putGlobalType = (bin, global) => {
put(bin, valueType, WASM.typeValue[global.type]);
put(bin, "varuint1", global.mutability);
const putOp = (bin, op) => {
put(bin, "uint8", op.value);
if (op.arguments.length !== 0)
throw new Error(`Unimplemented: arguments`); // FIXME https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162706
switch (op.name) {
for (let i = 0; i < op.immediates.length; ++i) {
const type = WASM.description.opcode[op.name].immediate[i].type
if (!bin[type])
throw new TypeError(`Unknown type: ${type} in op: ${op.name}`);
put(bin, type, op.immediates[i]);
case "i32.const": {
assert.eq(op.immediates.length, 1);
let imm = op.immediates[0];
// Do a static cast to make large int32s signed.
if (imm >= 2 ** 31)
imm = imm - (2 ** 32);
put(bin, "varint32", imm);
case "br_table":
put(bin, "varuint32", op.immediates.length - 1);
for (let imm of op.immediates)
put(bin, "varuint32", imm);
const putInitExpr = (bin, expr) => {
putOp(bin, { value: WASM.description.opcode[expr.op].value, name: expr.op, immediates: [expr.initValue], arguments: [] });
putOp(bin, { value: WASM.description.opcode.end.value, name: "end", immediates: [], arguments: [] });
const emitters = {
Type: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const entry of section.data) {
put(bin, "varint7", WASM.typeValue["func"]);
put(bin, "varuint32", entry.params.length);
for (const param of entry.params)
put(bin, "varint7", WASM.typeValue[param]);
if (entry.ret === "void")
put(bin, "varuint1", 0);
else {
put(bin, "varuint1", 1);
put(bin, "varint7", WASM.typeValue[entry.ret]);
Import: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const entry of section.data) {
put(bin, "string", entry.module);
put(bin, "string", entry.field);
put(bin, "uint8", WASM.externalKindValue[entry.kind]);
switch (entry.kind) {
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: unexpected kind ${entry.kind}`);
case "Function": {
put(bin, "varuint32", entry.type);
case "Table": {
putTable(bin, entry.tableDescription);
case "Memory": {
let {initial, maximum} = entry.memoryDescription;
putResizableLimits(bin, initial, maximum);
case "Global":
putGlobalType(bin, entry.globalDescription);
Function: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const signature of section.data)
put(bin, "varuint32", signature);
Table: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const {tableDescription} of section.data) {
putTable(bin, tableDescription);
Memory: (section, bin) => {
// Flags, currently can only be [0,1]
put(bin, "varuint1", section.data.length);
for (const memory of section.data) {
put(bin, "varuint32", memory.max ? 1 : 0);
put(bin, "varuint32", memory.initial);
if (memory.max)
put(bin, "varuint32", memory.max);
Global: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const global of section.data) {
putGlobalType(bin, global);
putInitExpr(bin, global)
Export: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const entry of section.data) {
put(bin, "string", entry.field);
put(bin, "uint8", WASM.externalKindValue[entry.kind]);
switch (entry.kind) {
case "Global":
case "Function":
case "Memory":
case "Table":
put(bin, "varuint32", entry.index);
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: unexpected kind ${entry.kind}`);
Start: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data[0]);
Element: (section, bin) => {
const data = section.data;
put(bin, "varuint32", data.length);
for (const {tableIndex, offset, functionIndices} of data) {
put(bin, "varuint32", tableIndex);
let initExpr;
if (typeof offset === "number")
initExpr = {op: "i32.const", initValue: offset};
initExpr = offset;
putInitExpr(bin, initExpr);
put(bin, "varuint32", functionIndices.length);
for (const functionIndex of functionIndices)
put(bin, "varuint32", functionIndex);
Code: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const func of section.data) {
let funcBin = bin.newPatchable("varuint32");
const localCount = func.locals.length - func.parameterCount;
put(funcBin, "varuint32", localCount);
for (let i = func.parameterCount; i < func.locals.length; ++i) {
put(funcBin, "varuint32", 1);
put(funcBin, "varint7", WASM.typeValue[func.locals[i]]);
for (const op of func.code)
putOp(funcBin, op);
Data: (section, bin) => {
put(bin, "varuint32", section.data.length);
for (const datum of section.data) {
put(bin, "varuint32", datum.index);
// FIXME allow complex init_expr here. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165700
// For now we only handle i32.const as offset.
put(bin, "uint8", WASM.description.opcode["i32.const"].value);
put(bin, WASM.description.opcode["i32.const"].immediate[0].type, datum.offset);
put(bin, "uint8", WASM.description.opcode["end"].value);
put(bin, "varuint32", datum.data.length);
for (const byte of datum.data)
put(bin, "uint8", byte);
BuildWebAssembly.Binary = (preamble, sections) => {
let wasmBin = new LowLevelBinary();
for (const p of WASM.description.preamble)
put(wasmBin, p.type, preamble[p.name]);
for (const section of sections) {
put(wasmBin, WASM.sectionEncodingType, section.id);
let sectionBin = wasmBin.newPatchable("varuint32");
const emitter = emitters[section.name];
if (emitter)
emitter(section, sectionBin);
else {
// Unknown section.
put(sectionBin, "string", section.name);
for (const byte of section.data)
put(sectionBin, "uint8", byte);
return wasmBin;
const LLB = LowLevelBinary;
const _toJavaScriptName = name => {
const camelCase = name.replace(/([^a-z0-9].)/g, c => c[1].toUpperCase());
const CamelCase = camelCase.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + camelCase.slice(1);
return CamelCase;
const _isValidValue = (value, type) => {
switch (type) {
// We allow both signed and unsigned numbers.
case "i32": return Math.round(value) === value && LLB.varint32Min <= value && value <= LLB.varuint32Max;
case "i64": return true; // FIXME https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163420 64-bit values
case "f32": return typeof(value) === "number" && isFinite(value);
case "f64": return typeof(value) === "number" && isFinite(value);
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: unknown type ${type}`);
const _unknownSectionId = 0;
const _normalizeFunctionSignature = (params, ret) => {
for (const p of params)
assert.truthy(WASM.isValidValueType(p), `Type parameter ${p} needs a valid value type`);
if (typeof(ret) === "undefined")
ret = "void";
assert.isNotArray(ret, `Multiple return values not supported by WebAssembly yet`);
assert.truthy(WASM.isValidBlockType(ret), `Type return ${ret} must be valid block type`);
return [params, ret];
const _errorHandlingProxyFor = builder => builder["__isProxy"] ? builder : new Proxy(builder, {
get: (target, property, receiver) => {
if (property === "__isProxy")
return true;
if (target[property] === undefined)
throw new Error(`WebAssembly builder received unknown property '${property}'`);
return target[property];
const _maybeRegisterType = (builder, type) => {
const typeSection = builder._getSection("Type");
if (typeof(type) === "number") {
// Type numbers already refer to the type section, no need to register them.
if (builder._checked) {
assert.isNotUndef(typeSection, `Can not use type ${type} if a type section is not present`);
assert.isNotUndef(typeSection.data[type], `Type ${type} does not exist in type section`);
return type;
assert.hasObjectProperty(type, "params", `Expected type to be a number or object with 'params' and optionally 'ret' fields`);
const [params, ret] = _normalizeFunctionSignature(type.params, type.ret);
assert.isNotUndef(typeSection, `Can not add type if a type section is not present`);
// Try reusing an equivalent type from the type section.
for (let i = 0; i !== typeSection.data.length; ++i) {
const t = typeSection.data[i];
if (t.ret === ret && params.length === t.params.length) {
for (let j = 0; j !== t.params.length; ++j) {
if (params[j] !== t.params[j])
continue types;
type = i;
if (typeof(type) !== "number") {
// Couldn't reuse a pre-existing type, register this type in the type section.
typeSection.data.push({ params: params, ret: ret });
type = typeSection.data.length - 1;
return type;
const _importFunctionContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (module, field, type) => {
assert.isString(module, `Import function module should be a string, got "${module}"`);
assert.isString(field, `Import function field should be a string, got "${field}"`);
const typeSection = builder._getSection("Type");
type = _maybeRegisterType(builder, type);
section.data.push({ field: field, type: type, kind: "Function", module: module });
// Imports also count in the function index space. Map them as objects to avoid clashing with Code functions' names.
builder._registerFunctionToIndexSpace({ module: module, field: field });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _importMemoryContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (module, field, {initial, maximum}) => {
assert.isString(module, `Import Memory module should be a string, got "${module}"`);
assert.isString(field, `Import Memory field should be a string, got "${field}"`);
section.data.push({module, field, kind: "Memory", memoryDescription: {initial, maximum}});
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _importTableContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (module, field, {initial, maximum, element}) => {
assert.isString(module, `Import Table module should be a string, got "${module}"`);
assert.isString(field, `Import Table field should be a string, got "${field}"`);
section.data.push({module, field, kind: "Table", tableDescription: {initial, maximum, element}});
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _exportFunctionContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (field, index, type) => {
assert.isString(field, `Export function field should be a string, got "${field}"`);
const typeSection = builder._getSection("Type");
if (typeof(type) !== "undefined") {
// Exports can leave the type unspecified, letting the Code builder patch them up later.
type = _maybeRegisterType(builder, type);
// We can't check much about "index" here because the Code section succeeds the Export section. More work is done at Code().End() time.
switch (typeof(index)) {
case "string": break; // Assume it's a function name which will be revealed in the Code section.
case "number": break; // Assume it's a number in the "function index space".
case "object":
// Re-exporting an import.
assert.hasObjectProperty(index, "module", `Re-exporting "${field}" from an import`);
assert.hasObjectProperty(index, "field", `Re-exporting "${field}" from an import`);
case "undefined":
// Assume it's the same as the field (i.e. it's not being renamed).
index = field;
default: throw new Error(`Export section's index must be a string or a number, got ${index}`);
const correspondingImport = builder._getFunctionFromIndexSpace(index);
const importSection = builder._getSection("Import");
if (typeof(index) === "object") {
// Re-exporting an import using its module+field name.
assert.isNotUndef(correspondingImport, `Re-exporting "${field}" couldn't find import from module "${index.module}" field "${index.field}"`);
index = correspondingImport;
if (typeof(type) === "undefined")
type = importSection.data[index].type;
if (builder._checked)
assert.eq(type, importSection.data[index].type, `Re-exporting import "${importSection.data[index].field}" as "${field}" has mismatching type`);
} else if (typeof(correspondingImport) !== "undefined") {
// Re-exporting an import using its index.
let exportedImport;
for (const i of importSection.data) {
if (i.module === correspondingImport.module && i.field === correspondingImport.field) {
exportedImport = i;
if (typeof(type) === "undefined")
type = exportedImport.type;
if (builder._checked)
assert.eq(type, exportedImport.type, `Re-exporting import "${exportedImport.field}" as "${field}" has mismatching type`);
section.data.push({ field: field, type: type, kind: "Function", index: index });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _normalizeMutability = (mutability) => {
if (mutability === "mutable")
return 1;
else if (mutability === "immutable")
return 0;
throw new Error(`mutability should be either "mutable" or "immutable", but got ${mutability}`);
const _exportGlobalContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (field, index) => {
assert.isNumber(index, `Global exports only support number indices right now`);
section.data.push({ field, kind: "Global", index });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _exportMemoryContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (field, index) => {
assert.isNumber(index, `Memory exports only support number indices`);
section.data.push({field, kind: "Memory", index});
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _exportTableContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return (field, index) => {
assert.isNumber(index, `Table exports only support number indices`);
section.data.push({field, kind: "Table", index});
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
const _importGlobalContinuation = (builder, section, nextBuilder) => {
return () => {
const globalBuilder = {
End: () => nextBuilder
for (let op of WASM.description.value_type) {
globalBuilder[_toJavaScriptName(op)] = (module, field, mutability) => {
assert.isString(module, `Import global module should be a string, got "${module}"`);
assert.isString(field, `Import global field should be a string, got "${field}"`);
assert.isString(mutability, `Import global mutability should be a string, got "${mutability}"`);
section.data.push({ globalDescription: { type: op, mutability: _normalizeMutability(mutability) }, module, field, kind: "Global" });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(globalBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(globalBuilder);
const _checkStackArgs = (op, param) => {
for (let expect of param) {
if (WASM.isValidType(expect)) {
// FIXME implement stack checks for arguments. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
} else {
// Handle our own meta-types.
switch (expect) {
case "addr": break; // FIXME implement addr. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "any": break; // FIXME implement any. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "bool": break; // FIXME implement bool. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "call": break; // FIXME implement call stack argument checks based on function signature. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "global": break; // FIXME implement global. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "local": break; // FIXME implement local. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "prev": break; // FIXME implement prev, checking for whetever the previous value was. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "size": break; // FIXME implement size. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: unhandled meta-type "${expect}" on "${op}"`);
const _checkStackReturn = (op, ret) => {
for (let expect of ret) {
if (WASM.isValidType(expect)) {
// FIXME implement stack checks for return. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
} else {
// Handle our own meta-types.
switch (expect) {
case "any": break;
case "bool": break; // FIXME implement bool. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "call": break; // FIXME implement call stack return check based on function signature. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "control": break; // FIXME implement control. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "global": break; // FIXME implement global. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "local": break; // FIXME implement local. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "prev": break; // FIXME implement prev, checking for whetever the parameter type was. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "size": break; // FIXME implement size. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: unhandled meta-type "${expect}" on "${op}"`);
const _checkImms = (op, imms, expectedImms, ret) => {
const minExpectedImms = expectedImms.filter(i => i.type.slice(-1) !== '*').length;
if (minExpectedImms !== expectedImms.length)
assert.ge(imms.length, minExpectedImms, `"${op}" expects at least ${minExpectedImms} immediate${minExpectedImms !== 1 ? 's' : ''}, got ${imms.length}`);
assert.eq(imms.length, minExpectedImms, `"${op}" expects exactly ${minExpectedImms} immediate${minExpectedImms !== 1 ? 's' : ''}, got ${imms.length}`);
for (let idx = 0; idx !== expectedImms.length; ++idx) {
const got = imms[idx];
const expect = expectedImms[idx];
switch (expect.name) {
case "function_index":
assert.truthy(_isValidValue(got, "i32") && got >= 0, `Invalid value on ${op}: got "${got}", expected non-negative i32`);
// FIXME check function indices. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "local_index": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "global_index": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "type_index": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "value":
assert.truthy(_isValidValue(got, ret[0]), `Invalid value on ${op}: got "${got}", expected ${ret[0]}`);
case "flags": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "offset": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
// Control:
case "default_target": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "relative_depth": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "sig":
assert.truthy(WASM.isValidBlockType(imms[idx]), `Invalid block type on ${op}: "${imms[idx]}"`);
case "target_count": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "target_table": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
case "reserved": break; // improve checking https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163421
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: unhandled immediate "${expect.name}" on "${op}"`);
const _createFunctionBuilder = (func, builder, previousBuilder) => {
let functionBuilder = {};
for (const op in WASM.description.opcode) {
const name = _toJavaScriptName(op);
const value = WASM.description.opcode[op].value;
const ret = WASM.description.opcode[op]["return"];
const param = WASM.description.opcode[op].parameter;
const imm = WASM.description.opcode[op].immediate;
const checkStackArgs = builder._checked ? _checkStackArgs : () => {};
const checkStackReturn = builder._checked ? _checkStackReturn : () => {};
const checkImms = builder._checked ? _checkImms : () => {};
functionBuilder[name] = (...args) => {
let nextBuilder;
switch (name) {
nextBuilder = functionBuilder;
case "End":
nextBuilder = previousBuilder;
case "Block":
case "Loop":
case "If":
nextBuilder = _createFunctionBuilder(func, builder, functionBuilder);
// Passing a function as the argument is a way to nest blocks lexically.
const continuation = args[args.length - 1];
const hasContinuation = typeof(continuation) === "function";
const imms = hasContinuation ? args.slice(0, -1) : args; // FIXME: allow passing in stack values, as-if code were a stack machine. Just check for a builder to this function, and drop. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163422
checkImms(op, imms, imm, ret);
checkStackArgs(op, param);
checkStackReturn(op, ret);
const stackArgs = []; // FIXME https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162706
func.code.push({ name: op, value: value, arguments: stackArgs, immediates: imms });
if (hasContinuation)
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(continuation(nextBuilder).End());
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(nextBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(functionBuilder);
const _createFunction = (section, builder, previousBuilder) => {
return (...args) => {
const nameOffset = (typeof(args[0]) === "string") >>> 0;
const functionName = nameOffset ? args[0] : undefined;
let signature = args[0 + nameOffset];
const locals = args[1 + nameOffset] === undefined ? [] : args[1 + nameOffset];
for (const local of locals)
assert.truthy(WASM.isValidValueType(local), `Type of local: ${local} needs to be a valid value type`);
if (typeof(signature) === "undefined")
signature = { params: [] };
let type;
let params;
if (typeof signature === "object") {
assert.hasObjectProperty(signature, "params", `Expect function signature to be an object with a "params" field, got "${signature}"`);
let ret;
([params, ret] = _normalizeFunctionSignature(signature.params, signature.ret));
signature = {params, ret};
type = _maybeRegisterType(builder, signature);
} else {
assert.truthy(typeof signature === "number");
const typeSection = builder._getSection("Type");
// FIXME: we should allow indices that exceed this to be able to
// test JSCs validator is correct. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165786
assert.truthy(signature < typeSection.data.length);
type = signature;
signature = typeSection.data[signature];
assert.hasObjectProperty(signature, "params", `Expect function signature to be an object with a "params" field, got "${signature}"`);
params = signature.params;
const func = {
name: functionName,
signature: signature,
locals: params.concat(locals), // Parameters are the first locals.
parameterCount: params.length,
code: []
const functionSection = builder._getSection("Function");
if (functionSection)
return _createFunctionBuilder(func, builder, previousBuilder);
class Builder {
constructor() {
let preamble = {};
for (const p of WASM.description.preamble)
preamble[p.name] = p.value;
this._sections = [];
this._functionIndexSpace = new Map();
this._functionIndexSpaceCount = 0;
setChecked(checked) {
this._checked = checked;
return this;
setPreamble(p) {
this._preamble = Object.assign(this._preamble || {}, p);
return this;
_functionIndexSpaceKeyHash(obj) {
// We don't need a full hash, just something that has a defined order for Map. Objects we insert aren't nested.
if (typeof(obj) !== 'object')
return obj;
const keys = Object.keys(obj).sort();
let entries = [];
for (let k in keys)
entries.push([k, obj[k]]);
return JSON.stringify(entries);
_registerFunctionToIndexSpace(name) {
if (typeof(name) === "undefined") {
// Registering a nameless function still adds it to the function index space. Register it as something that can't normally be registered.
name = {};
const value = this._functionIndexSpaceCount++;
// Collisions are fine: we'll simply count the function and forget the previous one.
this._functionIndexSpace.set(this._functionIndexSpaceKeyHash(name), value);
// Map it both ways, the number space is distinct from the name space.
this._functionIndexSpace.set(this._functionIndexSpaceKeyHash(value), name);
_getFunctionFromIndexSpace(name) {
return this._functionIndexSpace.get(this._functionIndexSpaceKeyHash(name));
_registerSectionBuilders() {
for (const section in WASM.description.section) {
switch (section) {
case "Type":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const builder = this;
const typeBuilder = {
End: () => builder,
Func: (params, ret) => {
[params, ret] = _normalizeFunctionSignature(params, ret);
s.data.push({ params: params, ret: ret });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(typeBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(typeBuilder);
case "Import":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const importBuilder = {
End: () => this,
importBuilder.Global = _importGlobalContinuation(this, s, importBuilder);
importBuilder.Function = _importFunctionContinuation(this, s, importBuilder);
importBuilder.Memory = _importMemoryContinuation(this, s, importBuilder);
importBuilder.Table = _importTableContinuation(this, s, importBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(importBuilder);
case "Function":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const functionBuilder = {
End: () => this
// FIXME: add ability to add this with whatever.
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(functionBuilder);
case "Table":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const tableBuilder = {
End: () => this,
Table: ({initial, maximum, element}) => {
s.data.push({tableDescription: {initial, maximum, element}});
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(tableBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(tableBuilder);
case "Memory":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const memoryBuilder = {
End: () => this,
InitialMaxPages: (initial, max) => {
s.data.push({ initial, max });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(memoryBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(memoryBuilder);
case "Global":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const globalBuilder = {
End: () => this,
GetGlobal: (type, initValue, mutability) => {
s.data.push({ type, op: "get_global", mutability: _normalizeMutability(mutability), initValue });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(globalBuilder);
for (let op of WASM.description.value_type) {
globalBuilder[_toJavaScriptName(op)] = (initValue, mutability) => {
s.data.push({ type: op, op: op + ".const", mutability: _normalizeMutability(mutability), initValue });
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(globalBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(globalBuilder);
case "Export":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const exportBuilder = {
End: () => this,
exportBuilder.Global = _exportGlobalContinuation(this, s, exportBuilder);
exportBuilder.Function = _exportFunctionContinuation(this, s, exportBuilder);
exportBuilder.Memory = _exportMemoryContinuation(this, s, exportBuilder);
exportBuilder.Table = _exportTableContinuation(this, s, exportBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(exportBuilder);
case "Start":
this[section] = function(functionIndexOrName) {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const startBuilder = {
End: () => this,
if (typeof(functionIndexOrName) !== "number" && typeof(functionIndexOrName) !== "string")
throw new Error(`Start section's function index must either be a number or a string`);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(startBuilder);
case "Element":
this[section] = function(...args) {
if (args.length !== 0)
throw new Error("You're doing it wrong. This element does not take arguments. You must chain the call with another Element()");
const s = this._addSection(section);
const elementBuilder = {
End: () => this,
Element: ({tableIndex = 0, offset, functionIndices}) => {
s.data.push({tableIndex, offset, functionIndices});
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(elementBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(elementBuilder);
case "Code":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const builder = this;
const codeBuilder = {
End: () => {
// We now have enough information to remap the export section's "type" and "index" according to the Code section we are currently ending.
const typeSection = builder._getSection("Type");
const importSection = builder._getSection("Import");
const exportSection = builder._getSection("Export");
const startSection = builder._getSection("Start");
const codeSection = s;
if (exportSection) {
for (const e of exportSection.data) {
if (e.kind !== "Function" || typeof(e.type) !== "undefined")
switch (typeof(e.index)) {
default: throw new Error(`Unexpected export index "${e.index}"`);
case "string": {
const index = builder._getFunctionFromIndexSpace(e.index);
assert.isNumber(index, `Export section contains undefined function "${e.index}"`);
e.index = index;
} // Fallthrough.
case "number": {
const index = builder._getFunctionFromIndexSpace(e.index);
if (builder._checked)
assert.isNotUndef(index, `Export "${e.field}" does not correspond to a defined value in the function index space`);
} break;
case "undefined":
throw new Error(`Unimplemented: Function().End() with undefined export index`); // FIXME
if (typeof(e.type) === "undefined") {
// This must be a function export from the Code section (re-exports were handled earlier).
let functionIndexSpaceOffset = 0;
if (importSection) {
for (const {kind} of importSection.data) {
if (kind === "Function")
const functionIndex = e.index - functionIndexSpaceOffset;
e.type = codeSection.data[functionIndex].type;
if (startSection) {
const start = startSection.data[0];
let mapped = builder._getFunctionFromIndexSpace(start);
if (!builder._checked) {
if (typeof(mapped) === "undefined")
mapped = start; // In unchecked mode, simply use what was provided if it's nonsensical.
assert.isA(start, "number"); // It can't be too nonsensical, otherwise we can't create a binary.
startSection.data[0] = start;
} else {
if (typeof(mapped) === "undefined")
throw new Error(`Start section refers to non-existant function '${start}'`);
if (typeof(start) === "string" || typeof(start) === "object")
startSection.data[0] = mapped;
// FIXME in checked mode, test that the type is acceptable for start function. We probably want _registerFunctionToIndexSpace to also register types per index. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165658
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(builder);
codeBuilder.Function = _createFunction(s, builder, codeBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(codeBuilder);
case "Data":
this[section] = function() {
const s = this._addSection(section);
const dataBuilder = {
End: () => this,
Segment: data => {
for (const datum of data) {
assert.ge(datum, 0);
assert.le(datum, 0xff);
s.data.push({ data: data, index: 0, offset: 0 });
let thisSegment = s.data[s.data.length - 1];
const segmentBuilder = {
End: () => dataBuilder,
Index: index => {
assert.eq(index, 0); // Linear memory index must be zero in MVP.
thisSegment.index = index;
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(segmentBuilder);
Offset: offset => {
// FIXME allow complex init_expr here. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165700
thisSegment.offset = offset;
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(segmentBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(segmentBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(dataBuilder);
this[section] = () => { throw new Error(`Unknown section type "${section}"`); };
this.Unknown = function(name) {
const s = this._addSection(name);
const builder = this;
const unknownBuilder = {
End: () => builder,
Byte: b => {
assert.eq(b & 0xFF, b, `Unknown section expected byte, got: "${b}"`);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(unknownBuilder);
return _errorHandlingProxyFor(unknownBuilder);
_addSection(nameOrNumber, extraObject) {
const name = typeof(nameOrNumber) === "string" ? nameOrNumber : "";
const number = typeof(nameOrNumber) === "number" ? nameOrNumber : (WASM.description.section[name] ? WASM.description.section[name].value : _unknownSectionId);
if (this._checked) {
// Check uniqueness.
for (const s of this._sections)
if (number !== _unknownSectionId)
assert.falsy(s.name === name && s.id === number, `Cannot have two sections with the same name "${name}" and ID ${number}`);
// Check ordering.
if ((number !== _unknownSectionId) && (this._sections.length !== 0)) {
for (let i = this._sections.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (this._sections[i].id === _unknownSectionId)
assert.le(this._sections[i].id, number, `Bad section ordering: "${this._sections[i].name}" cannot precede "${name}"`);
const s = Object.assign({ name: name, id: number, data: [] }, extraObject || {});
return s;
_getSection(nameOrNumber) {
switch (typeof(nameOrNumber)) {
default: throw new Error(`Implementation problem: can not get section "${nameOrNumber}"`);
case "string":
for (const s of this._sections)
if (s.name === nameOrNumber)
return s;
return undefined;
case "number":
for (const s of this._sections)
if (s.id === nameOrNumber)
return s;
return undefined;
optimize() {
// FIXME Add more optimizations. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163424
return this;
json() {
const obj = {
preamble: this._preamble,
section: this._sections
// JSON.stringify serializes -0.0 as 0.0.
const replacer = (key, value) => {
if (value === 0.0 && 1.0 / value === -Infinity)
return value;
return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer);
AsmJS() {
"use asm"; // For speed.
// FIXME Create an asm.js equivalent string which can be eval'd. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163425
throw new Error("asm.js not implemented yet");
WebAssembly() { return BuildWebAssembly.Binary(this._preamble, this._sections); }
// ------ end builder
let builder = new Builder();
builder = builder.Type().End()
.Function("f1", { params: ["i32"], ret: "i32" })
const count = 7000;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
builder = builder.GetLocal(0).I32Add();
builder = builder.Return().End().End();
const module = new WebAssembly.Module(builder.WebAssembly().get());
let start = Date.now();
WebAssembly.instantiate(module).then((instance) => {
assert.eq(instance.exports.f1(2), 2*count + 2*2);