
135 lines
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"This test checks whether various seal/freeze/preventExtentions work on a regular object."
function obj()
// Add an accessor property to check 'isFrozen' returns the correct result for objects with accessors.
return Object.defineProperty({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 'g', { get: function() { return "getter"; } });
function test(obj)
obj.c =3;
obj.b =4;
delete obj.a;
var result = "";
for (key in obj)
result += ("(" + key + ":" + obj[key] + ")");
if (Object.isSealed(obj))
result += "S";
if (Object.isFrozen(obj))
result += "F";
if (Object.isExtensible(obj))
result += "E";
return result;
function seal(obj)
return obj;
function freeze(obj)
return obj;
function preventExtensions(obj)
return obj;
function inextensible(){}
function sealed(){}
function frozen(){};
new inextensible;
new sealed;
new frozen;
inextensible.prototype.prototypeExists = true;
sealed.prototype.prototypeExists = true;
frozen.prototype.prototypeExists = true;
shouldBeTrue("(new inextensible).prototypeExists");
shouldBeTrue("(new sealed).prototypeExists");
shouldBeTrue("(new frozen).prototypeExists");
shouldBe('test(obj())', '"(b:4)(c:3)E"'); // extensible, can delete a, can modify b, and can add c
shouldBe('test(preventExtensions(obj()))', '"(b:4)"'); // <nothing>, can delete a, can modify b, and CANNOT add c
shouldBe('test(seal(obj()))', '"(a:1)(b:4)S"'); // sealed, CANNOT delete a, can modify b, and CANNOT add c
shouldBe('test(freeze(obj()))', '"(a:1)(b:2)SF"'); // sealed and frozen, CANNOT delete a, CANNOT modify b, and CANNOT add c
// check that we can preventExtensions on a host function.
shouldBe('Object.preventExtensions(Math.sin)', 'Math.sin');
shouldThrow('var o = {}; Object.preventExtensions(o); o.__proto__ = { newProp: "Should not see this" }; o.newProp;');
shouldThrow('"use strict"; var o = {}; Object.preventExtensions(o); o.__proto__ = { newProp: "Should not see this" }; o.newProp;');
// check that we can still access static properties on an object after calling preventExtensions.
shouldBe('Object.preventExtensions(Math); Math.sqrt(4)', '2');
// Should not be able to add properties to a preventExtensions array.
shouldBeUndefined('var arr = Object.preventExtensions([]); arr[0] = 42; arr[0]');
shouldBe('var arr = Object.preventExtensions([]); arr[0] = 42; arr.length', '0');
// In strict mode, this throws.
shouldThrow('"use strict"; var arr = Object.preventExtensions([]); arr[0] = 42; arr[0]');
// A read-only property on the prototype should prevent a [[Put]] .
function Constructor() {}
Constructor.prototype.foo = 1;
var obj = new Constructor();
obj.foo = 2;
shouldBe('obj.foo', '1');
// Check that freezing a function works correctly.
var func = freeze(function foo(){});
func.prototype = 42;
shouldBeFalse('func.prototype === 42');
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(func, "prototype").writable')
// Check that freezing a strict function works correctly.
var strictFunc = freeze(function foo(){ "use strict"; });
strictFunc.prototype = 42;
shouldBeFalse('strictFunc.prototype === 42');
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(strictFunc, "prototype").writable')
// Check that freezing array objects works correctly.
var array = freeze([0,1,2]);
array[0] = 3;
shouldBe('array[0]', '0');
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(array, "length").writable')
// Check that freezing arguments objects works correctly.
var args = freeze((function(){ return arguments; })(0,1,2));
args[0] = 3;
shouldBe('args[0]', '0');
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(args, "length").writable')
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(args, "callee").writable')
// Check that freeze still works if preventExtensions has been called on the object.
function preventExtensionsFreezeIsFrozen(x)
return Object.isFrozen(x);
shouldBeTrue('preventExtensionsFreezeIsFrozen(function foo(){})')
shouldBeTrue('preventExtensionsFreezeIsFrozen(function foo(){ "use strict"; })')
shouldBeTrue('preventExtensionsFreezeIsFrozen((function(){ return arguments; })(0,1,2))')
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(freeze({0:0}), 0).configurable');
shouldBeFalse('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(freeze({10000001:0}), 10000001).configurable');