
24 lines
969 B

"This tests that integer addition optimizations in the DFG are not performed too overzealously."
function doAdd(a,b) {
// The point of this test is to see if the DFG CSE's the second (a + b) against the first, after
// optimizing the first to be an integer addition. The first one certainly is an integer addition,
// but the second one isn't - it must either be an integer addition with overflow checking, or a
// double addition.
return {a:((a + b) | 0), b:(a + b)};
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
// Create numbers big enough that we'll start seeing doubles only after about 200 invocations.
var a = i * 1000 * 1000 * 10;
var b = i * 1000 * 1000 * 10 + 1;
var result = doAdd(a, b);
// Use eval() for computing the correct result, to force execution to happen outside the DFG.
shouldBe("result.a", "" + eval("((" + a + " + " + b + ") | 0)"))
shouldBe("result.b", "" + eval(a + " + " + b))