
44 lines
1.6 KiB

"This test checks the behavior of computed property names in object literals."
var a = "propertyName"
function runTest(test)
test = "(" + test + ")"
shouldBeTrue("'use strict';"+test);
shouldBeTrue("(function(){'use strict';return "+test+"})()");
runTest("{[a]: true}.propertyName")
runTest("{[(1,a)]: true}.propertyName")
runTest("{[a+1]: true}.propertyName1")
runTest("{propertyName: false, [a]: true}.propertyName")
runTest("{[a]: false, propertyName: true}.propertyName")
runTest("{get propertyName(){ return false; }, [a]: true}.propertyName")
runTest("{[a]: false, get propertyName(){ return true; }}.propertyName")
runTest("{__proto__: {get propertyName(){ return false; }}, [a]: true}.propertyName")
runTest("{__proto__: {get propertyName(){ return false; }}, propertyName: true}.propertyName")
a = 0;
runTest("{[a]: true}[0]")
runTest("{[a+1]: true}[1]")
runTest("{0: false, [a]: true}[0]")
runTest("{[a]: false, 0: true}[0]")
runTest("{get '0'(){ return false; }, [a]: true}[0]")
runTest("{[a]: false, get '0'(){ return true; }}[0]")
runTest("{__proto__: {get '0'(){ return false; }}, [a]: true}[0]")
function runTestThrow(test)
test = "(" + test + ")"
shouldThrow("'use strict';"+test);
shouldThrow("(function(){'use strict';return "+test+"})()");
a = "propertyName"
runTestThrow("{[1,a]: true}.propertyName")
runTestThrow("{propertyName: false, [1,a]: true}.propertyName")
runTestThrow("{[1,a]: false, propertyName: true}.propertyName")
runTestThrow("{get propertyName(){ return false; }, [1,a]: true}.propertyName")