
26 lines
1.2 KiB

This test verifies the result returned by the eval function when exceptions are thrown and caught whithin the contents of the evaluated string.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS eval("1;") is 1
PASS eval("1; try { foo = [2,3,throwFunc(), 4]; } catch (e){}") is undefined
PASS eval("1; try { 2; throw \"\"; } catch (e){}") is undefined
PASS eval("1; try { 2; throwFunc(); } catch (e){}") is undefined
PASS eval("1; try { 2; throwFunc(); } catch (e){3;} finally {}") is 3
PASS eval("1; try { 2; throwFunc(); } catch (e){3;} finally {4;}") is 3
PASS eval("function blah() { 1; }\n blah();") is undefined
PASS eval("var x = 1;") is undefined
PASS eval("if (true) { 1; } else { 2; }") is 1
PASS eval("if (false) { 1; } else { 2; }") is 2
PASS eval("try{1; if (true) { 2; throw \"\"; } else { 2; }} catch(e){}") is undefined
PASS eval("1; var i = 0; do { ++i; 2; } while(i!=1);") is 2
PASS eval("try{1; var i = 0; do { ++i; 2; throw \"\"; } while(i!=1);} catch(e){}") is undefined
PASS eval("1; try{2; throwOnReturn();} catch(e){}") is undefined
PASS eval("1; twoFunc();") is undefined
PASS eval("1; with ( { a: 0 } ) { 2; }") is 2
PASS successfullyParsed is true