
30 lines
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Tests for ES6 arrow function lexical bind of arguments
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS arr.length is 2
PASS arr[0] is "ABC"
PASS arr[1] is "DEF"
PASS typeof arr[2] is "undefined"
PASS afFactory1('AB', 'CD', 'EF')('G', 'H') is "AB-CD-EF-G-H"
PASS (new afFactory2('P1', 'Q2', 'R3')).func('A4', 'B5') is "P1_Q2_R3_A4_B5"
PASS (new afFactory3('PQ', 'RS', 'TU')).func('VW', 'XY')('Z', 'A') is "PQ_RS_TU_VW_XY_Z_A"
PASS af5.func('VW', 'XY')('Z', '') is "GH_IJ_KL_VW_XY_Z_"
PASS objInternal.method('H') is "ABC-H"
PASS (() => arguments)() is arguments
PASS func_with_eval("abc", "def")("xyz")[0] is "abc"
PASS func_with_eval("abc", "def")("xyz")[1] is "def"
PASS af_block_scope('A', 'B')('C') is 'branch-1'
PASS af_function_scope(true, 'D', 'E')('F') is 'af_function_scope'
PASS af_mixed_scope(true, 'G', 'H')('I') is 'local-scope'
PASS test() is 40000
PASS foo(10, 11, 12).next().value()[0] is 10
PASS foo(10, 11, 12).next().value()[1] is 11
PASS foo(10, 11, 12).next().value()[2] is 12
PASS (function (a, b, c) { return (a = arguments) => {return a;}; })('1-1', '2-2', '3-3')()[1] is '2-2'
PASS successfullyParsed is true