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<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("InspectorTest.ExpectFunctions.Async");
name: "expectException.WorkIsNotAFunction",
async test() {
InspectorTest.expectException(async () => {
await InspectorTest.expectException(42);
name: "expectException.SyncWorkThatThrowsException",
async test() {
let error;
await InspectorTest.expectException(() => {
error = new Error("A fake exception");
throw error;
}).then((e) => {
InspectorTest.expectNotNull(error, "Returned promise should be resolved with the expected exception.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(error, e, "Exception should not be altered.");
}).catch(() => {
InspectorTest.fail("The returned promise should not reject since an expected exception was raised.");
name: "expectException.SyncWorkThatDoesNotThrowException",
async test() {
InspectorTest.log("The following assertion is expected to fail.");
let returnValue = 42;
await InspectorTest.expectException(() => {
return returnValue;
}).then((e) => {
InspectorTest.fail("The returned promise should reject since an expected exception was not raised.");
}).catch((resolvedValue) => {
InspectorTest.expectEqual(resolvedValue, returnValue, "Rejected value should be the returned value.");
name: "expectException.AsyncWorkThatRejects",
async test() {
let error;
await InspectorTest.expectException(() => {
error = new Error("A fake rejection");
return Promise.reject(error);
}).then((e) => {
InspectorTest.expectNotNull(error, "Returned promise should be resolved with the expected exception.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(error, e, "Exception should not be altered.");
}).catch(() => {
InspectorTest.fail("The returned promise should not reject since an expected exception was raised.");
name: "expectException.AsyncWorkThatResolves",
async test() {
InspectorTest.log("The following assertion is expected to fail.");
let returnValue = 42;
await InspectorTest.expectException(() => {
return Promise.resolve(returnValue);
}).then(() => {
InspectorTest.fail("The returned promise should not resolve since an expected exception was not raised.");
}).catch((resolvedValue) => {
InspectorTest.expectEqual(resolvedValue, returnValue, "Rejected value should be the returned value.");
name: "expectException.AsyncWorkThatResolvesImplicitly",
async test() {
InspectorTest.log("The following assertion is expected to fail.");
let returnValue = 42;
await InspectorTest.expectException(async () => {
1 + 1;
}).then(() => {
InspectorTest.fail("The returned promise should not resolve since an expected exception was not raised.");
}).catch((resolvedValue) => {
InspectorTest.expectEqual(resolvedValue, undefined, "Implicitly resolved value should be undefined.");
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Testing asynchronous TestHarness.expect* functions.</p>