
23 lines
788 B

CONSOLE MESSAGE: inner exception
CONSOLE MESSAGE: outer exception
Checks that $exception is the value of the current exception, even in nested catch blocks.
== Running test suite: CommandLineAPI.$exception
-- Running test case: EmptyBefore
PASS: $exception should throw an error if there is no exception.
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $exception
-- Running test case: CheckExceptionInsideNestedCatchBlocks
OUTER 1: $exception => outer exception
INNER 1: $exception => inner exception
INNER 2: $exception => inner exception
CATCH: $exception === e2 ? true
OUTER 2: $exception => outer exception
CATCH: $exception === e1 ? true
-- Running test case: EmptyAfter
PASS: $exception should throw an error if there is no exception.
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $exception