
164 lines
6.6 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
.scrollable_region {
width: 680px;
.contents {
height: 1024px;
background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(silver, white 200px);
<script src="../../../resources/ui-helper.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
jsTestIsAsync = true;
var wrapperTarget;
var divTarget;
var pageScrollPositionBefore;
var wrapperScrollPositionBefore;
var divScrollPositionBefore;
function checkForSecondScroll()
// 'parent' should have scrolled, the content of 'target' should
// not have scrolled, and 'wrapper' should not have scrolled.
var pageScrollPositionAfter = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
var wrapperScrollPositionAfter = wrapperTarget.scrollTop;
var divScrollPositionAfter = divTarget.scrollTop;
debug("Second scroll event:");
if (pageScrollPositionBefore != pageScrollPositionAfter)
testPassed("Page received wheel events during the second gesture.");
testFailed("Page did not receive wheel events during the second gesture.");
if (wrapperScrollPositionBefore != wrapperScrollPositionAfter)
testFailed("Wrapper received wheel events during the second gesture.");
testPassed("Wrapper did not receive wheel events during the second gesture.");
if (divScrollPositionBefore != divScrollPositionAfter)
testFailed("div received wheel events during the second gesture.");
testPassed("div did not receive wheel events during the second gesture.");
async function doSecondScroll()
// 'parent' should not have scrolled, and the content of 'target' should
// not have moved. However, 'wrapper' should have moved.
var pageScrollPositionAfter = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
var wrapperScrollPositionAfter = wrapperTarget.scrollTop;
var divScrollPositionAfter = divTarget.scrollTop;
debug("First scroll event:");
if (pageScrollPositionBefore != pageScrollPositionAfter)
testFailed("Page received wheel events during the first gesture.");
testPassed("Page did not receive wheel events during the first gesture.");
if (wrapperScrollPositionBefore != wrapperScrollPositionAfter)
testPassed("Wrapper received wheel events during the first gesture.");
testFailed("Wrapper did not receive wheel events during the first gesture.");
if (divScrollPositionBefore != divScrollPositionAfter)
testFailed("div received wheel events during the first gesture.");
testPassed("div did not receive wheel events during the first gesture.");
wrapperScrollPositionBefore = wrapperTarget.scrollTop;
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'began', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'changed', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'changed', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, 0, 'ended', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'none', 'begin');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'none', 'continue');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, 0, 'none', 'end');
await UIHelper.waitForScrollCompletion();
async function doFirstScroll()
pageScrollPositionBefore = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
divTarget = document.getElementById('target');
divTarget.scrollTop = divTarget.scrollHeight - divTarget.clientHeight - 100;
divScrollPositionBefore = divTarget.scrollTop;
wrapperTarget = document.getElementById('wrapper');
wrapperScrollPositionBefore = wrapperTarget.scrollTop;
debug("wrapperTarget = " + wrapperTarget);
// Move mouse to a position to the right side of the table, and near the bottom.
var startPosX = divTarget.offsetLeft + divTarget.clientWidth + 50;
var startPosY = Math.round(divTarget.offsetTop) - 42; // One wheel turn before end.
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(startPosX, startPosY); // Make sure we are just outside the iFrame
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'began', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'changed', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'changed', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, 0, 'ended', 'none');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -5, 'none', 'begin');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -10, 'none', 'continue');
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, 0, 'none', 'end');
await UIHelper.waitForScrollCompletion();
async function scrollTest()
await doFirstScroll();
await doSecondScroll();
function setupTopLevel()
description("Tests that a scrollable div nested inside another scrollable div properly handles wheel events under sub-pixel conditions.");
if (window.eventSender) {
setTimeout(scrollTest, 0);
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
}, false);
<div id="parent" style="height: 2000px; width: 800px;">
<div id="wrapper" style='overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; max-height: 600px;'>
<div id="source" style="height: 100px; width: 600px;">
Put mouse next to the table labeled 'Scrollable Region' and flick downward. The scroll movement
should come to a halt. Then flick again. The overall page should scroll.
<div class="scrollable_region">
<h3>Scrollable Region</h3>
<div id="target" style='overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; max-height: 485.55px;'>
<div class="contents">
<div id="bottom" style="height: 100px; width: 600px;">
<p>A set of information at the bottom of the table.</p>
<div id="console"></div>
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script>