
40 lines
1018 B

<title>CSS4 media query test: prefers-contrast.</title>
<style type="text/css">
#a { color: black; }
#b { color: black; }
#c { color: black; }
#d { color: black; }
@media (prefers-contrast) {
#a { color: green; }
@media (prefers-contrast: more) {
#b { color: green; }
@media (prefers-contrast: less) {
#c { color: green; }
@media (prefers-contrast: no-preference) {
#d { color: green; }
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
if (window.matchMedia("(prefers-contrast)").matches)
document.getElementById("c").style.color = "green";
}, false);
<p id="a">This text should be green if the user requested contrast. Black otherwise.</p>
<p id="b">This text should be green if the user requested contrast. Black otherwise.</p>
<p id="c">This text should be green if the user requested contrast. Black otherwise.</p>
<p id="d">This text should be green if the user has not requested contrast. Black otherwise.</p>