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Test HTMLUnknownElement
This test verifies the following:
<li>The <code><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/elements.html#htmlunknownelement">HTMLUnknownElement</a></code>
interface is used for HTML elements that are not defined by the HTML5
specification (or other applicable specifications).
<li>The <code><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/elements.html#htmlunknownelement">HTMLUnknownElement</a></code>
interface is <b>not</b> used for HTML elements that <b>are</b> defined
by the HTML5 specification (or other applicable specifications).
<div id="console"></div>
// These tags are required by the HTML spec
var validTags = ["div", "font", "h1", "table"];
// These tags are manufactured and should not be recognized by any browser
var bogusTags = ["foo1", "foo2"];
var allTags = validTags.concat(bogusTags);
function isBogusTag (tag) {
for (var k in bogusTags) {
var bogusTag = bogusTags[k];
if (tag == bogusTag) {
return true;
return false;
var DynamicElements = new Array();
for (var k in allTags) {
var tag = allTags[k];
DynamicElements[tag] = document.createElement(tag);
for (var element in DynamicElements) {
shouldBeTrue("DynamicElements[\"" + element + "\"]" + " instanceof HTMLElement");
if (isBogusTag(element)) {
shouldBeTrue("DynamicElements[\"" + element + "\"]" + " instanceof HTMLUnknownElement");
} else {
shouldBeFalse("DynamicElements[\"" + element + "\"]" + " instanceof HTMLUnknownElement");
var staticElements = new Array();
for (var k in allTags) {
var tag = allTags[k];
staticElements[tag] = document.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0];
for (var staticElement in staticElements) {
if (staticElements[staticElement]) {
if (isBogusTag(staticElement)) {
shouldBeTrue("staticElements[\"" + staticElement + "\"]" + " instanceof HTMLUnknownElement");
} else {
shouldBeFalse("staticElements[\"" + staticElement + "\"]" + " instanceof HTMLUnknownElement");
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