
740 lines
24 KiB

// These are helpers to be evaluated inside a worklet
// They are mostly from the wpt testharness.js.
* Convert a value to a nice, human-readable string
function format_value(val, seen)
if (!seen) {
seen = [];
if (typeof val === "object" && val !== null) {
if (seen.indexOf(val) >= 0) {
return "[...]";
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
return "[" + val.map(function(x) {return format_value(x, seen);}).join(", ") + "]";
switch (typeof val) {
case "string":
val = val.replace("\\", "\\\\");
for (var p in replacements) {
var replace = "\\" + replacements[p];
val = val.replace(RegExp(String.fromCharCode(p), "g"), replace);
return '"' + val.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
case "boolean":
case "undefined":
return String(val);
case "number":
// In JavaScript, -0 === 0 and String(-0) == "0", so we have to
// special-case.
if (val === -0 && 1/val === -Infinity) {
return "-0";
return String(val);
case "object":
if (val === null) {
return "null";
// Special-case Node objects, since those come up a lot in my tests. I
// ignore namespaces.
if (is_node(val)) {
switch (val.nodeType) {
var ret = "<" + val.localName;
for (var i = 0; i < val.attributes.length; i++) {
ret += " " + val.attributes[i].name + '="' + val.attributes[i].value + '"';
ret += ">" + val.innerHTML + "</" + val.localName + ">";
return "Element node " + truncate(ret, 60);
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
return 'Text node "' + truncate(val.data, 60) + '"';
return "ProcessingInstruction node with target " + format_value(truncate(val.target, 60)) + " and data " + format_value(truncate(val.data, 60));
return "Comment node <!--" + truncate(val.data, 60) + "-->";
return "Document node with " + val.childNodes.length + (val.childNodes.length == 1 ? " child" : " children");
return "DocumentType node";
return "DocumentFragment node with " + val.childNodes.length + (val.childNodes.length == 1 ? " child" : " children");
return "Node object of unknown type";
/* falls through */
try {
return typeof val + ' "' + truncate(String(val), 1000) + '"';
} catch(e) {
return ("[stringifying object threw " + String(e) +
" with type " + String(typeof e) + "]");
function is_single_node(template)
return typeof template[0] === "string";
function substitute(template, substitutions)
if (typeof template === "function") {
var replacement = template(substitutions);
if (!replacement) {
return null;
return substitute(replacement, substitutions);
if (is_single_node(template)) {
return substitute_single(template, substitutions);
return filter(map(template, function(x) {
return substitute(x, substitutions);
}), function(x) {return x !== null;});
function substitute_single(template, substitutions)
var substitution_re = /\$\{([^ }]*)\}/g;
function do_substitution(input) {
var components = input.split(substitution_re);
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i += 2) {
if (components[i + 1]) {
rv.push(String(substitutions[components[i + 1]]));
return rv;
function substitute_attrs(attrs, rv)
rv[1] = {};
for (var name in template[1]) {
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var new_name = do_substitution(name).join("");
var new_value = do_substitution(attrs[name]).join("");
rv[1][new_name] = new_value;
function substitute_children(children, rv)
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i] instanceof Object) {
var replacement = substitute(children[i], substitutions);
if (replacement !== null) {
if (is_single_node(replacement)) {
} else {
extend(rv, replacement);
} else {
extend(rv, do_substitution(String(children[i])));
return rv;
var rv = [];
if (template[0] === "{text}") {
substitute_children(template.slice(1), rv);
} else {
substitute_attrs(template[1], rv);
substitute_children(template.slice(2), rv);
return rv;
function assert(expected_true, function_name, description, error, substitutions)
if (expected_true !== true) {
var msg = make_message(function_name, description,
error, substitutions);
throw new AssertionError(msg);
function AssertionError(message)
this.message = message;
this.stack = this.get_stack();
AssertionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
AssertionError.prototype.get_stack = function() {
var stack = new Error().stack;
// IE11 does not initialize 'Error.stack' until the object is thrown.
if (!stack) {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
stack = e.stack;
// 'Error.stack' is not supported in all browsers/versions
if (!stack) {
return "(Stack trace unavailable)";
var lines = stack.split("\n");
// Create a pattern to match stack frames originating within testharness.js. These include the
// script URL, followed by the line/col (e.g., '/resources/testharness.js:120:21').
// Escape the URL per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561493/is-there-a-regexp-escape-function-in-javascript
// in case it contains RegExp characters.
var script_url = get_script_url();
var re_text = script_url ? script_url.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') : "\\btestharness.js";
var re = new RegExp(re_text + ":\\d+:\\d+");
// Some browsers include a preamble that specifies the type of the error object. Skip this by
// advancing until we find the first stack frame originating from testharness.js.
var i = 0;
while (!re.test(lines[i]) && i < lines.length) {
// Then skip the top frames originating from testharness.js to begin the stack at the test code.
while (re.test(lines[i]) && i < lines.length) {
// Paranoid check that we didn't skip all frames. If so, return the original stack unmodified.
if (i >= lines.length) {
return stack;
return lines.slice(i).join("\n");
function make_message(function_name, description, error, substitutions)
for (var p in substitutions) {
if (substitutions.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
substitutions[p] = format_value(substitutions[p]);
var node_form = substitute(["{text}", "${function_name}: ${description}" + error],
description:(description?description + " ":"")},
return node_form.slice(1).join("");
function filter(array, callable, thisObj) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var pass = callable.call(thisObj, array[i], i, array);
if (pass) {
return rv;
function map(array, callable, thisObj)
var rv = [];
rv.length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
rv[i] = callable.call(thisObj, array[i], i, array);
return rv;
function forEach(array, callback, thisObj)
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
callback.call(thisObj, array[i], i, array);
function merge(a,b)
var rv = {};
var p;
for (p in a) {
rv[p] = a[p];
for (p in b) {
rv[p] = b[p];
return rv;
function same_value(x, y) {
if (y !== y) {
//NaN case
return x !== x;
if (x === 0 && y === 0) {
//Distinguish +0 and -0
return 1/x === 1/y;
return x === y;
function assert_equals(actual, expected, description)
* Test if two primitives are equal or two objects
* are the same object
if (typeof actual != typeof expected) {
assert(false, "assert_equals", description,
"expected (" + typeof expected + ") ${expected} but got (" + typeof actual + ") ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual});
assert(same_value(actual, expected), "assert_equals", description,
"expected ${expected} but got ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual});
function assert_not_equals(actual, expected, description)
* Test if two primitives are unequal or two objects
* are different objects
assert(!same_value(actual, expected), "assert_not_equals", description,
"got disallowed value ${actual}",
function assert_in_array(actual, expected, description)
assert(expected.indexOf(actual) != -1, "assert_in_array", description,
"value ${actual} not in array ${expected}",
{actual:actual, expected:expected});
function assert_object_equals(actual, expected, description)
//This needs to be improved a great deal
function check_equal(actual, expected, stack)
var p;
for (p in actual) {
assert(expected.hasOwnProperty(p), "assert_object_equals", description,
"unexpected property ${p}", {p:p});
if (typeof actual[p] === "object" && actual[p] !== null) {
if (stack.indexOf(actual[p]) === -1) {
check_equal(actual[p], expected[p], stack);
} else {
assert(same_value(actual[p], expected[p]), "assert_object_equals", description,
"property ${p} expected ${expected} got ${actual}",
{p:p, expected:expected, actual:actual});
for (p in expected) {
"assert_object_equals", description,
"expected property ${p} missing", {p:p});
check_equal(actual, expected, []);
function assert_array_equals(actual, expected, description)
assert(actual.length === expected.length,
"assert_array_equals", description,
"lengths differ, expected ${expected} got ${actual}",
{expected:expected.length, actual:actual.length});
for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
assert(actual.hasOwnProperty(i) === expected.hasOwnProperty(i),
"assert_array_equals", description,
"property ${i}, property expected to be ${expected} but was ${actual}",
{i:i, expected:expected.hasOwnProperty(i) ? "present" : "missing",
actual:actual.hasOwnProperty(i) ? "present" : "missing"});
assert(same_value(expected[i], actual[i]),
"assert_array_equals", description,
"property ${i}, expected ${expected} but got ${actual}",
{i:i, expected:expected[i], actual:actual[i]});
function assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, epsilon, description)
* Test if two primitive numbers are equal withing +/- epsilon
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_approx_equals", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(Math.abs(actual - expected) <= epsilon,
"assert_approx_equals", description,
"expected ${expected} +/- ${epsilon} but got ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual, epsilon:epsilon});
function assert_less_than(actual, expected, description)
* Test if a primitive number is less than another
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_less_than", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(actual < expected,
"assert_less_than", description,
"expected a number less than ${expected} but got ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual});
function assert_greater_than(actual, expected, description)
* Test if a primitive number is greater than another
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_greater_than", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(actual > expected,
"assert_greater_than", description,
"expected a number greater than ${expected} but got ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual});
function assert_between_exclusive(actual, lower, upper, description)
* Test if a primitive number is between two others
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_between_exclusive", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(actual > lower && actual < upper,
"assert_between_exclusive", description,
"expected a number greater than ${lower} " +
"and less than ${upper} but got ${actual}",
{lower:lower, upper:upper, actual:actual});
function assert_less_than_equal(actual, expected, description)
* Test if a primitive number is less than or equal to another
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_less_than_equal", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(actual <= expected,
"assert_less_than_equal", description,
"expected a number less than or equal to ${expected} but got ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual});
function assert_greater_than_equal(actual, expected, description)
* Test if a primitive number is greater than or equal to another
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_greater_than_equal", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(actual >= expected,
"assert_greater_than_equal", description,
"expected a number greater than or equal to ${expected} but got ${actual}",
{expected:expected, actual:actual});
function assert_between_inclusive(actual, lower, upper, description)
* Test if a primitive number is between to two others or equal to either of them
assert(typeof actual === "number",
"assert_between_inclusive", description,
"expected a number but got a ${type_actual}",
{type_actual:typeof actual});
assert(actual >= lower && actual <= upper,
"assert_between_inclusive", description,
"expected a number greater than or equal to ${lower} " +
"and less than or equal to ${upper} but got ${actual}",
{lower:lower, upper:upper, actual:actual});
function assert_throws(code, func, description)
try {
assert(false, "assert_throws", description,
"${func} did not throw", {func:func});
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof AssertionError) {
throw e;
if (code === null) {
if (typeof code === "object") {
assert(typeof e == "object" && "name" in e && e.name == code.name,
"assert_throws", description,
"${func} threw ${actual} (${actual_name}) expected ${expected} (${expected_name})",
{func:func, actual:e, actual_name:e.name,
var code_name_map = {
INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 'IndexSizeError',
HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: 'HierarchyRequestError',
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: 'WrongDocumentError',
INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: 'InvalidCharacterError',
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: 'NoModificationAllowedError',
NOT_FOUND_ERR: 'NotFoundError',
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: 'NotSupportedError',
INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: 'InUseAttributeError',
INVALID_STATE_ERR: 'InvalidStateError',
SYNTAX_ERR: 'SyntaxError',
INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: 'InvalidModificationError',
NAMESPACE_ERR: 'NamespaceError',
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: 'InvalidAccessError',
TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 'TypeMismatchError',
SECURITY_ERR: 'SecurityError',
NETWORK_ERR: 'NetworkError',
ABORT_ERR: 'AbortError',
QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: 'QuotaExceededError',
TIMEOUT_ERR: 'TimeoutError',
INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: 'InvalidNodeTypeError',
DATA_CLONE_ERR: 'DataCloneError'
var name = code in code_name_map ? code_name_map[code] : code;
var name_code_map = {
IndexSizeError: 1,
HierarchyRequestError: 3,
WrongDocumentError: 4,
InvalidCharacterError: 5,
NoModificationAllowedError: 7,
NotFoundError: 8,
NotSupportedError: 9,
InUseAttributeError: 10,
InvalidStateError: 11,
SyntaxError: 12,
InvalidModificationError: 13,
NamespaceError: 14,
InvalidAccessError: 15,
TypeMismatchError: 17,
SecurityError: 18,
NetworkError: 19,
AbortError: 20,
URLMismatchError: 21,
QuotaExceededError: 22,
TimeoutError: 23,
InvalidNodeTypeError: 24,
DataCloneError: 25,
EncodingError: 0,
NotReadableError: 0,
UnknownError: 0,
ConstraintError: 0,
DataError: 0,
TransactionInactiveError: 0,
ReadOnlyError: 0,
VersionError: 0,
OperationError: 0,
NotAllowedError: 0
if (!(name in name_code_map)) {
throw new AssertionError('Test bug: unrecognized DOMException code "' + code + '" passed to assert_throws()');
var required_props = { code: name_code_map[name] };
if (required_props.code === 0 ||
(typeof e == "object" &&
"name" in e &&
e.name !== e.name.toUpperCase() &&
e.name !== "DOMException")) {
// New style exception: also test the name property.
required_props.name = name;
//We'd like to test that e instanceof the appropriate interface,
//but we can't, because we don't know what window it was created
//in. It might be an instanceof the appropriate interface on some
//unknown other window. TODO: Work around this somehow?
assert(typeof e == "object",
"assert_throws", description,
"${func} threw ${e} with type ${type}, not an object",
{func:func, e:e, type:typeof e});
for (var prop in required_props) {
assert(typeof e == "object" && prop in e && e[prop] == required_props[prop],
"assert_throws", description,
"${func} threw ${e} that is not a DOMException " + code + ": property ${prop} is equal to ${actual}, expected ${expected}",
{func:func, e:e, prop:prop, actual:e[prop], expected:required_props[prop]});
* Return true if object is probably a Node object.
function is_node(object)
// I use duck-typing instead of instanceof, because
// instanceof doesn't work if the node is from another window (like an
// iframe's contentWindow):
// http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12295
try {
var has_node_properties = ("nodeType" in object &&
"nodeName" in object &&
"nodeValue" in object &&
"childNodes" in object);
} catch (e) {
// We're probably cross-origin, which means we aren't a node
return false;
if (has_node_properties) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// The object is probably Node.prototype or another prototype
// object that inherits from it, and not a Node instance.
return false;
return true;
return false;
var replacements = {
"0": "0",
"1": "x01",
"2": "x02",
"3": "x03",
"4": "x04",
"5": "x05",
"6": "x06",
"7": "x07",
"8": "b",
"9": "t",
"10": "n",
"11": "v",
"12": "f",
"13": "r",
"14": "x0e",
"15": "x0f",
"16": "x10",
"17": "x11",
"18": "x12",
"19": "x13",
"20": "x14",
"21": "x15",
"22": "x16",
"23": "x17",
"24": "x18",
"25": "x19",
"26": "x1a",
"27": "x1b",
"28": "x1c",
"29": "x1d",
"30": "x1e",
"31": "x1f",
"0xfffd": "ufffd",
"0xfffe": "ufffe",
"0xffff": "uffff",
function extend(array, items)
Array.prototype.push.apply(array, items);
function get_script_url()
return "/";
* Return a string truncated to the given length, with ... added at the end
* if it was longer.
function truncate(s, len)
if (s.length > len) {
return s.substring(0, len - 3) + "...";
return s;
function assert_true(actual, description)
assert(actual === true, "assert_true", description,
"expected true got ${actual}", {actual:actual});
function assert_false(actual, description)
assert(actual === false, "assert_false", description,
"expected false got ${actual}", {actual:actual});
function test(tst, name) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!PaintWorkletGlobalScope.errors)
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.errors = [];
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.errors.push({ name: name, error: e.message });
PaintWorkletGlobalScope.hasRunATest = true;