
24 lines
933 B

This test verifies that the increment/decrement actions post keyboard events that are correct for LTR and orientation.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Increment/Decrement - LTR
Horizontal orientation
Keycode received: identifier: Right key name: ArrowRight key code: 39
Keycode received: identifier: Left key name: ArrowLeft key code: 37
Vertical orientation
Keycode received: identifier: Up key name: ArrowUp key code: 38
Keycode received: identifier: Down key name: ArrowDown key code: 40
Increment/Decrement - RTL
Horizontal orientation
Keycode received: identifier: Left key name: ArrowLeft key code: 37
Keycode received: identifier: Right key name: ArrowRight key code: 39
Vertical orientation
Keycode received: identifier: Up key name: ArrowUp key code: 38
Keycode received: identifier: Down key name: ArrowDown key code: 40
PASS successfullyParsed is true