
229 lines
6.2 KiB

function shouldBe(actual, expected) {
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error('bad value: ' + actual);
function shouldThrow(func, message) {
var error = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!error)
throw new Error("not thrown.");
if (String(error) !== message)
throw new Error("bad error: " + String(error));
shouldBe(Reflect.construct.length, 2);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct("hello", 42);
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the first argument be a constructor`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct(Array.prototype.forEach, []);
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the first argument be a constructor`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct(function () { }, 42, null);
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the third argument be a constructor if present`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct(function () { }, 42, {});
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the third argument be a constructor if present`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct(function () { }, 42, Array.prototype.forEach);
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the third argument be a constructor if present`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct(function () { }, 42, function () { });
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the second argument be an object`);
shouldThrow(() => {
var array = {
get length() {
throw new Error("ok");
get 0() {
throw new Error("ng");
Reflect.construct(function () { }, array);
}, `Error: ok`);
shouldThrow(() => {
var array = {
get length() {
return 1;
get 0() {
throw new Error("ok");
Reflect.construct(function () { }, array);
}, `Error: ok`);
var array = {
get length() {
return 0;
get 0() {
throw new Error("ng");
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(function () { this.length = arguments.length; }, array).length, 0);
var globalObject = this;
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(function Hello() {
"use strict";
shouldBe(arguments[0], 0);
shouldBe(arguments[1], 1);
shouldBe(arguments[2], 2);
shouldBe(typeof this, "object");
shouldBe(new.target, Hello);
this.result = arguments.length;
}, [0,1,2]).result, 3)
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(function Hello() {
shouldBe(arguments[0], 0);
shouldBe(arguments[1], 1);
shouldBe(arguments[2], 2);
shouldBe(typeof this, "object");
shouldBe(new.target, Hello);
this.result = arguments.length;
}, [0,1,2]).result, 3)
var newTarget = function () { };
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(function () {
"use strict";
shouldBe(new.target, newTarget);
this.result = arguments.length;
}, [], newTarget).result, 0)
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(function () {
shouldBe(new.target, newTarget);
this.result = arguments.length;
}, [], newTarget).result, 0)
class A {
this.type = "A";
class B extends A {
this.type = "B";
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(A, []).type, "A");
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(B, []).type, "B");
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(B, [], B).__proto__, B.prototype);
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(B, [], A).__proto__, A.prototype);
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(B, [], A).type, "B");
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(B, [], B).type, "B");
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(A, [], A).__proto__, A.prototype);
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(A, [], B).__proto__, B.prototype);
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(A, [], A).type, "A");
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(A, [], B).type, "A");
function nativeConstructorTest()
class DerivedMap {
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(Map, [], DerivedMap).__proto__, DerivedMap.prototype);
let map = Reflect.construct(Map, [], DerivedMap);
map.__proto__ = Map.prototype;
map.set(20, 30);
shouldBe(map.get(20), 30);
class FailedMap {
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(FailedMap, [], Map).__proto__, Map.prototype);
shouldThrow(() => {
let map = Reflect.construct(FailedMap, [], Map);
map.set(20, 30);
}, `TypeError: Map operation called on non-Map object`);
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(Set, [], Map).__proto__, Map.prototype);
shouldThrow(() => {
let map = Reflect.construct(Set, [], Map);
map.set(20, 30);
}, `TypeError: Map operation called on non-Map object`);
let set = Reflect.construct(Set, [], Map);
Set.prototype.add.call(set, 20);
shouldBe(Set.prototype.has.call(set, 20), true);
for (var i = 0; i < 1e4; ++i)
(function () {
function Hello() { }
let result = {};
let proxy = new Proxy(Hello, {
construct(theTarget, argArray, newTarget) {
shouldBe(newTarget, Map);
shouldBe(theTarget, Hello);
shouldBe(argArray.length, 2);
shouldBe(argArray[0], 10);
shouldBe(argArray[1], 20);
return result;
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(proxy, [10, 20], Map), result);
(function () {
var proxy = new Proxy(Map, {
construct(theTarget, argArray, newTarget) {
var result = {};
function Hello() {
shouldBe(new.target, proxy);
shouldBe(new.target.prototype, Map.prototype);
shouldBe(arguments.length, 2);
shouldBe(arguments[0], 10);
shouldBe(arguments[1], 20);
return result;
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(Hello, [10, 20], proxy), result);
(function () {
function Hello() { }
var result = {};
var proxy1 = new Proxy(Hello, {
construct(theTarget, argArray, newTarget) {
shouldBe(newTarget, proxy2);
shouldBe(theTarget, Hello);
shouldBe(argArray.length, 2);
shouldBe(argArray[0], 10);
shouldBe(argArray[1], 20);
return result;
var proxy2 = new Proxy(Map, {
construct(theTarget, argArray, newTarget) {
shouldBe(Reflect.construct(proxy1, [10, 20], proxy2), result);