
29 lines
930 B

//@ skip if $model == "Apple Watch Series 3" # added by mark-jsc-stress-test.py
//@ runNoFTL
function assert(testedValue, msg) {
if (!testedValue)
throw Error(msg);
// String prototype with overridden @@search.
(function () {
let accesses = [];
var obj = String("");
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, Symbol.search, {
value: function (str) {
return /rch/[Symbol.search](str);
writable: true,
configurable: true,
assert(accesses == "", "unexpected call to overridden props");
let result = "searchme".search(obj);
assert(accesses == "Symbol(Symbol.search)", "Property accesses do not match expectation");
assert(result === 3, "Unexpected result");
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, Symbol.search, { value: undefined, writable: false, configurable: true });