#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Script to check that source file extensions match file types in Xcode project.pbxproj files. # TODO # - Add support for file types other than source code files. # - Can't differentiate between sourcecode.c.h and sourcecode.cpp.h. # (Hint: Use gcc -x c/objective-c/c++/objective-c++ -E. It will # take time to check each header using gcc, so make it a switch.) use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Getopt::Long; # Map of Xcode file types to file extensions. my %typeExtensionMap = qw( sourcecode.c.c .c sourcecode.c.h .h sourcecode.c.objc .m sourcecode.cpp.h .h sourcecode.cpp.cpp .cpp sourcecode.cpp.objcpp .mm sourcecode.exports .exp sourcecode.javascript .js sourcecode.make .make sourcecode.mig .defs sourcecode.yacc .y ); # Map of file extensions to Xcode file types. my %extensionTypeMap = map { $typeExtensionMap{$_} => $_ } keys %typeExtensionMap; $extensionTypeMap{'.h'} = 'sourcecode.c.h'; # See TODO list. my $shouldFixIssues = 0; my $printWarnings = 1; my $showHelp; my $getOptionsResult = GetOptions( 'f|fix' => \$shouldFixIssues, 'h|help' => \$showHelp, 'w|warnings!' => \$printWarnings, ); if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0 && !$showHelp) { print STDERR "ERROR: No Xcode project files (project.pbxproj) listed on command-line.\n"; undef $getOptionsResult; } if (!$getOptionsResult || $showHelp) { print STDERR <<__END__; Usage: @{[ basename($0) ]} [options] path/to/project.pbxproj [path/to/project.pbxproj ...] -f|--fix fix mismatched types in Xcode project file -h|--help show this help message -w|--[no-]warnings show or suppress warnings (default: show warnings) __END__ exit 1; } for my $projectFile (@ARGV) { my $issuesFound = 0; my $issuesFixed = 0; if (basename($projectFile) =~ /\.xcodeproj$/) { $projectFile = File::Spec->catfile($projectFile, "project.pbxproj"); } if (basename($projectFile) ne "project.pbxproj") { print STDERR "WARNING: Not an Xcode project file: $projectFile\n" if $printWarnings; next; } open(IN, "< $projectFile") || die "Could not open $projectFile: $!"; my ($OUT, $tempFileName); if ($shouldFixIssues) { ($OUT, $tempFileName) = tempfile( basename($projectFile) . "-XXXXXXXX", DIR => dirname($projectFile), UNLINK => 0, ); # Clean up temp file in case of die() $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { close(IN); close($OUT); unlink($tempFileName); }; } # Fast-forward to "Begin PBXFileReference section". while (my $line = ) { print $OUT $line if $shouldFixIssues; last if $line =~ m#^\Q/* Begin PBXFileReference section */\E$#; } while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ m#^\Q/* End PBXFileReference section */\E$#) { print $OUT $line if $shouldFixIssues; last; } if ($line =~ m#^\s*[A-Z0-9]{24} /\* (.+) \*/\s+=\s+\{.*\s+explicitFileType = (sourcecode[^;]*);.*\s+path = ([^;]+);.*\};$#) { my $fileName = $1; my $fileType = $2; my $filePath = $3; my (undef, undef, $fileExtension) = map { lc($_) } fileparse(basename($filePath), qr{\.[^.]+$}); if (!exists $typeExtensionMap{$fileType}) { $issuesFound++; print STDERR "WARNING: Unknown file type '$fileType' for file '$filePath'.\n" if $printWarnings; } elsif ($typeExtensionMap{$fileType} ne $fileExtension) { $issuesFound++; print STDERR "WARNING: Incorrect file type '$fileType' for file '$filePath'.\n" if $printWarnings; $line =~ s/(\s+)explicitFileType( = )(sourcecode[^;]*);/$1lastKnownFileType$2$extensionTypeMap{$fileExtension};/; $issuesFixed++ if $shouldFixIssues; } } print $OUT $line if $shouldFixIssues; } # Output the rest of the file. print $OUT if $shouldFixIssues; close(IN); if ($shouldFixIssues) { close($OUT); unlink($projectFile) || die "Could not delete $projectFile: $!"; rename($tempFileName, $projectFile) || die "Could not rename $tempFileName to $projectFile: $!"; } if ($printWarnings) { printf STDERR "%s issues found for $projectFile.\n", ($issuesFound ? $issuesFound : "No"); print STDERR "$issuesFixed issues fixed for $projectFile.\n" if $issuesFixed && $shouldFixIssues; print STDERR "NOTE: Open $projectFile in Xcode to let it have its way with the file.\n" if $issuesFixed; print STDERR "\n"; } } exit 0;