/* * Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org) * (C) 1997 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org) * (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #pragma once #include "RenderTableSection.h" namespace WebCore { static const unsigned unsetRowIndex = 0x7FFFFFFF; static const unsigned maxRowIndex = 0x7FFFFFFE; // 2,147,483,646 class RenderTableRow final : public RenderBox { WTF_MAKE_ISO_ALLOCATED(RenderTableRow); public: RenderTableRow(Element&, RenderStyle&&); RenderTableRow(Document&, RenderStyle&&); RenderTableRow* nextRow() const; RenderTableRow* previousRow() const; RenderTableCell* firstCell() const; RenderTableCell* lastCell() const; RenderTable* table() const; void paintOutlineForRowIfNeeded(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&); static RenderPtr createAnonymousWithParentRenderer(const RenderTableSection&); RenderPtr createAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(const RenderBox&) const override; void setRowIndex(unsigned); bool rowIndexWasSet() const { return m_rowIndex != unsetRowIndex; } unsigned rowIndex() const; const BorderValue& borderAdjoiningTableStart() const; const BorderValue& borderAdjoiningTableEnd() const; const BorderValue& borderAdjoiningStartCell(const RenderTableCell&) const; const BorderValue& borderAdjoiningEndCell(const RenderTableCell&) const; bool nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction) override; RenderTableSection* section() const { return downcast(parent()); } void didInsertTableCell(RenderTableCell& child, RenderObject* beforeChild); private: static RenderPtr createTableRowWithStyle(Document&, const RenderStyle&); const char* renderName() const override { return (isAnonymous() || isPseudoElement()) ? "RenderTableRow (anonymous)" : "RenderTableRow"; } bool canHaveChildren() const override { return true; } void willBeRemovedFromTree(IsInternalMove) override; void layout() override; LayoutRect clippedOverflowRect(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, VisibleRectContext) const override; bool requiresLayer() const override { return hasNonVisibleOverflow() || hasTransformRelatedProperty() || hasHiddenBackface() || hasClipPath() || createsGroup() || isStickilyPositioned(); } void paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) override; void imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect* = 0) override; void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) override; void firstChild() const = delete; void lastChild() const = delete; void nextSibling() const = delete; void previousSibling() const = delete; unsigned m_rowIndex : 31; }; inline void RenderTableRow::setRowIndex(unsigned rowIndex) { if (UNLIKELY(rowIndex > maxRowIndex)) CRASH(); m_rowIndex = rowIndex; } inline unsigned RenderTableRow::rowIndex() const { ASSERT(rowIndexWasSet()); return m_rowIndex; } inline const BorderValue& RenderTableRow::borderAdjoiningTableStart() const { if (isDirectionSame(section(), table())) return style().borderStart(); return style().borderEnd(); } inline const BorderValue& RenderTableRow::borderAdjoiningTableEnd() const { if (isDirectionSame(section(), table())) return style().borderEnd(); return style().borderStart(); } inline RenderTable* RenderTableRow::table() const { RenderTableSection* section = this->section(); if (!section) return nullptr; return downcast(section->parent()); } inline RenderTableRow* RenderTableRow::nextRow() const { return downcast(RenderBox::nextSibling()); } inline RenderTableRow* RenderTableRow::previousRow() const { return downcast(RenderBox::previousSibling()); } inline RenderTableRow* RenderTableSection::firstRow() const { return downcast(RenderBox::firstChild()); } inline RenderTableRow* RenderTableSection::lastRow() const { return downcast(RenderBox::lastChild()); } inline RenderPtr RenderTableRow::createAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(const RenderBox& renderer) const { return RenderTableRow::createTableRowWithStyle(renderer.document(), renderer.style()); } } // namespace WebCore SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_RENDER_OBJECT(RenderTableRow, isTableRow())