/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * (C) 2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (kde@carewolf.com) * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #pragma once #include "CachedImageClient.h" #include "Element.h" #include "FloatQuad.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "LayoutRect.h" #include "Page.h" #include "RenderObjectEnums.h" #include "RenderStyle.h" #include "ScrollAlignment.h" #include "StyleImage.h" #include "TextAffinity.h" #include #include namespace WTF { class TextStream; } namespace WebCore { class AffineTransform; class Color; class Cursor; class Document; class DocumentTimeline; class HitTestLocation; class HitTestRequest; class HitTestResult; class LegacyInlineBox; class Path; class Position; class RenderBoxModelObject; class RenderInline; class RenderBlock; class RenderBlockFlow; class RenderElement; class RenderFragmentedFlow; class RenderGeometryMap; class RenderLayer; class RenderLayerModelObject; class RenderFragmentContainer; class RenderTheme; class RenderTreeBuilder; class HighlightData; class TransformState; class VisiblePosition; #if PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) class SelectionGeometry; #endif struct InlineRunAndOffset; struct PaintInfo; struct SimpleRange; #if PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) const int caretWidth = 2; // This value should be kept in sync with UIKit. See . #else const int caretWidth = 1; #endif struct ScrollRectToVisibleOptions; namespace Style { class PseudoElementRequest; } // Base class for all rendering tree objects. class RenderObject : public CachedImageClient, public CanMakeWeakPtr { WTF_MAKE_ISO_ALLOCATED(RenderObject); friend class RenderBlock; friend class RenderBlockFlow; friend class RenderElement; friend class RenderLayer; friend class RenderLayerScrollableArea; public: // Anonymous objects should pass the document as their node, and they will then automatically be // marked as anonymous in the constructor. explicit RenderObject(Node&); virtual ~RenderObject(); RenderTheme& theme() const; virtual const char* renderName() const = 0; RenderElement* parent() const { return m_parent; } bool isDescendantOf(const RenderObject*) const; RenderObject* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; } RenderObject* nextSibling() const { return m_next; } RenderObject* previousInFlowSibling() const; RenderObject* nextInFlowSibling() const; // Use RenderElement versions instead. virtual RenderObject* firstChildSlow() const { return nullptr; } virtual RenderObject* lastChildSlow() const { return nullptr; } RenderObject* nextInPreOrder() const; RenderObject* nextInPreOrder(const RenderObject* stayWithin) const; RenderObject* nextInPreOrderAfterChildren() const; RenderObject* nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(const RenderObject* stayWithin) const; RenderObject* previousInPreOrder() const; RenderObject* previousInPreOrder(const RenderObject* stayWithin) const; WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderObject* childAt(unsigned) const; RenderObject* firstLeafChild() const; RenderObject* lastLeafChild() const; #if ENABLE(TEXT_AUTOSIZING) // Minimal distance between the block with fixed height and overflowing content and the text block to apply text autosizing. // The greater this constant is the more potential places we have where autosizing is turned off. // So it should be as low as possible. There are sites that break at 2. static const int TextAutoSizingFixedHeightDepth = 3; enum BlockContentHeightType { FixedHeight, FlexibleHeight, OverflowHeight }; typedef BlockContentHeightType (*HeightTypeTraverseNextInclusionFunction)(const RenderObject&); RenderObject* traverseNext(const RenderObject* stayWithin, HeightTypeTraverseNextInclusionFunction, int& currentDepth, int& newFixedDepth) const; #endif WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderLayer* enclosingLayer() const; // Scrolling is a RenderBox concept, however some code just cares about recursively scrolling our enclosing ScrollableArea(s). WEBCORE_EXPORT bool scrollRectToVisible(const LayoutRect& absoluteRect, bool insideFixed, const ScrollRectToVisibleOptions&); WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderBox& enclosingBox() const; RenderBoxModelObject& enclosingBoxModelObject() const; RenderBox* enclosingScrollableContainerForSnapping() const; // Return our enclosing flow thread if we are contained inside one. Follows the containing block chain. RenderFragmentedFlow* enclosingFragmentedFlow() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT bool useDarkAppearance() const; OptionSet styleColorOptions() const; #if ASSERT_ENABLED void setHasAXObject(bool flag) { m_hasAXObject = flag; } bool hasAXObject() const { return m_hasAXObject; } #endif // Creates a scope where this object will assert on calls to setNeedsLayout(). class SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope; // Obtains the nearest enclosing block (including this block) that contributes a first-line style to our inline children. virtual RenderBlock* firstLineBlock() const; // RenderObject tree manipulation ////////////////////////////////////////// virtual bool canHaveChildren() const = 0; virtual bool canHaveGeneratedChildren() const; virtual bool createsAnonymousWrapper() const { return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////// #if ENABLE(TREE_DEBUGGING) void showNodeTreeForThis() const; void showRenderTreeForThis() const; void showLineTreeForThis() const; void outputRenderObject(WTF::TextStream&, bool mark, int depth) const; void outputRenderSubTreeAndMark(WTF::TextStream&, const RenderObject* markedObject, int depth) const; void outputRegionsInformation(WTF::TextStream&) const; #endif bool isPseudoElement() const { return node() && node()->isPseudoElement(); } bool isRenderElement() const { return !isText(); } bool isRenderReplaced() const; bool isBoxModelObject() const; bool isRenderBlock() const; bool isRenderBlockFlow() const; bool isRenderInline() const; bool isRenderLayerModelObject() const; bool isAtomicInlineLevelBox() const; virtual bool isCounter() const { return false; } virtual bool isQuote() const { return false; } virtual bool isDetailsMarker() const { return false; } virtual bool isEmbeddedObject() const { return false; } bool isFieldset() const; virtual bool isFileUploadControl() const { return false; } virtual bool isFrame() const { return false; } virtual bool isFrameSet() const { return false; } virtual bool isImage() const { return false; } virtual bool isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() const { return false; } virtual bool isListBox() const { return false; } virtual bool isListItem() const { return false; } virtual bool isListMarker() const { return false; } virtual bool isMedia() const { return false; } virtual bool isMenuList() const { return false; } virtual bool isMeter() const { return false; } virtual bool isProgress() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderButton() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderIFrame() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderImage() const { return false; } #if ENABLE(MODEL_ELEMENT) virtual bool isRenderModel() const { return false; } #endif virtual bool isRenderFragmentContainer() const { return false; } virtual bool isReplica() const { return false; } virtual bool isRubyInline() const { return false; } virtual bool isRubyBlock() const { return false; } virtual bool isRubyBase() const { return false; } virtual bool isRubyRun() const { return false; } virtual bool isRubyText() const { return false; } virtual bool isSlider() const { return false; } virtual bool isSliderThumb() const { return false; } virtual bool isTable() const { return false; } virtual bool isTableCell() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderTableCol() const { return false; } virtual bool isTableCaption() const { return false; } virtual bool isTableSection() const { return false; } virtual bool isTextControl() const { return false; } virtual bool isTextArea() const { return false; } virtual bool isTextField() const { return false; } virtual bool isSearchField() const { return false; } virtual bool isTextControlInnerBlock() const { return false; } virtual bool isVideo() const { return false; } virtual bool isWidget() const { return false; } virtual bool isCanvas() const { return false; } #if ENABLE(ATTACHMENT_ELEMENT) virtual bool isAttachment() const { return false; } #endif #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) virtual bool isRenderFullScreen() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderFullScreenPlaceholder() const { return false; } #endif virtual bool isRenderGrid() const { return false; } virtual bool isMultiColumnBlockFlow() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnSet() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnFlow() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderScrollbarPart() const { return false; } bool isDocumentElementRenderer() const { return document().documentElement() == &m_node; } bool isBody() const { return node() && node()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag); } bool isHR() const { return node() && node()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::hrTag); } bool isLegend() const; bool isHTMLMarquee() const; bool isTablePart() const { return isTableCell() || isRenderTableCol() || isTableCaption() || isTableRow() || isTableSection(); } inline bool isBeforeContent() const; inline bool isAfterContent() const; inline bool isBeforeOrAfterContent() const; static inline bool isBeforeContent(const RenderObject* obj) { return obj && obj->isBeforeContent(); } static inline bool isAfterContent(const RenderObject* obj) { return obj && obj->isAfterContent(); } static inline bool isBeforeOrAfterContent(const RenderObject* obj) { return obj && obj->isBeforeOrAfterContent(); } bool beingDestroyed() const { return m_bitfields.beingDestroyed(); } bool everHadLayout() const { return m_bitfields.everHadLayout(); } bool childrenInline() const { return m_bitfields.childrenInline(); } virtual void setChildrenInline(bool b) { m_bitfields.setChildrenInline(b); } enum FragmentedFlowState { NotInsideFragmentedFlow = 0, InsideInFragmentedFlow = 1, }; void setFragmentedFlowStateIncludingDescendants(FragmentedFlowState, const RenderElement* fragmentedFlowRoot); FragmentedFlowState fragmentedFlowState() const { return m_bitfields.fragmentedFlowState(); } void setFragmentedFlowState(FragmentedFlowState state) { m_bitfields.setFragmentedFlowState(state); } #if ENABLE(MATHML) virtual bool isRenderMathMLBlock() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLTable() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLOperator() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLRow() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLMath() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLMenclose() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLFenced() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLFencedOperator() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLFraction() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLPadded() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLRoot() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLSpace() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLSquareRoot() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLScripts() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLToken() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderMathMLUnderOver() const { return false; } #endif // ENABLE(MATHML) // FIXME: Until all SVG renders can be subclasses of RenderSVGModelObject we have // to add SVG renderer methods to RenderObject with an ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() default implementation. virtual bool isRenderSVGModelObject() const { return false; } virtual bool isRenderSVGBlock() const { return false; }; virtual bool isSVGRoot() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGContainer() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGTransformableContainer() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGViewportContainer() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGGradientStop() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGHiddenContainer() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGPath() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGShape() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGText() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGTextPath() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGTSpan() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGInline() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGInlineText() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGImage() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGForeignObject() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGResourceContainer() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGResourceFilter() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGResourceClipper() const { return false; } virtual bool isSVGResourceFilterPrimitive() const { return false; } // FIXME: Those belong into a SVG specific base-class for all renderers (see above) // Unfortunately we don't have such a class yet, because it's not possible for all renderers // to inherit from RenderSVGObject -> RenderObject (some need RenderBlock inheritance for instance) virtual void setNeedsTransformUpdate() { } virtual void setNeedsBoundariesUpdate(); virtual bool needsBoundariesUpdate() { return false; } // Per SVG 1.1 objectBoundingBox ignores clipping, masking, filter effects, opacity and stroke-width. // This is used for all computation of objectBoundingBox relative units and by SVGLocatable::getBBox(). // NOTE: Markers are not specifically ignored here by SVG 1.1 spec, but we ignore them // since stroke-width is ignored (and marker size can depend on stroke-width). // objectBoundingBox is returned local coordinates. // The name objectBoundingBox is taken from the SVG 1.1 spec. virtual FloatRect objectBoundingBox() const; virtual FloatRect strokeBoundingBox() const; // Returns the smallest rectangle enclosing all of the painted content // respecting clipping, masking, filters, opacity, stroke-width and markers virtual FloatRect repaintRectInLocalCoordinates() const; // This only returns the transform="" value from the element // most callsites want localToParentTransform() instead. virtual AffineTransform localTransform() const; // Returns the full transform mapping from local coordinates to local coords for the parent SVG renderer // This includes any viewport transforms and x/y offsets as well as the transform="" value off the element. virtual const AffineTransform& localToParentTransform() const; // SVG uses FloatPoint precise hit testing, and passes the point in parent // coordinates instead of in repaint container coordinates. Eventually the // rest of the rendering tree will move to a similar model. virtual bool nodeAtFloatPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const FloatPoint& pointInParent, HitTestAction); bool hasIntrinsicAspectRatio() const { return isReplaced() && (isImage() || isVideo() || isCanvas()); } bool isAnonymous() const { return m_bitfields.isAnonymous(); } bool isAnonymousBlock() const; bool isFloating() const { return m_bitfields.floating(); } bool isPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isPositioned(); } bool isInFlowPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isRelativelyPositioned() || m_bitfields.isStickilyPositioned(); } bool isOutOfFlowPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isOutOfFlowPositioned(); } // absolute or fixed positioning bool isFixedPositioned() const { return isOutOfFlowPositioned() && style().position() == PositionType::Fixed; } bool isAbsolutelyPositioned() const { return isOutOfFlowPositioned() && style().position() == PositionType::Absolute; } bool isRelativelyPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isRelativelyPositioned(); } bool isStickilyPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isStickilyPositioned(); } bool isText() const { return !m_bitfields.isBox() && m_bitfields.isTextOrRenderView(); } bool isLineBreak() const { return m_bitfields.isLineBreak(); } bool isBR() const { return isLineBreak() && !isWBR(); } bool isLineBreakOpportunity() const { return isLineBreak() && isWBR(); } bool isTextOrLineBreak() const { return isText() || isLineBreak(); } bool isBox() const { return m_bitfields.isBox(); } bool isTableRow() const { return m_bitfields.isTableRow(); } bool isRenderView() const { return m_bitfields.isBox() && m_bitfields.isTextOrRenderView(); } bool isInline() const { return m_bitfields.isInline(); } // inline object bool isReplaced() const { return m_bitfields.isReplaced(); } // a "replaced" element (see CSS) bool isHorizontalWritingMode() const { return m_bitfields.horizontalWritingMode(); } bool hasReflection() const { return m_bitfields.hasRareData() && rareData().hasReflection(); } bool isRenderFragmentedFlow() const { return m_bitfields.hasRareData() && rareData().isRenderFragmentedFlow(); } bool hasOutlineAutoAncestor() const { return m_bitfields.hasRareData() && rareData().hasOutlineAutoAncestor(); } bool isExcludedFromNormalLayout() const { return m_bitfields.isExcludedFromNormalLayout(); } void setIsExcludedFromNormalLayout(bool excluded) { m_bitfields.setIsExcludedFromNormalLayout(excluded); } bool isExcludedAndPlacedInBorder() const { return isExcludedFromNormalLayout() && isLegend(); } bool hasLayer() const { return m_bitfields.hasLayer(); } enum BoxDecorationState { NoBoxDecorations, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundMayBeVisible, }; bool hasVisibleBoxDecorations() const { return m_bitfields.boxDecorationState() != NoBoxDecorations; } bool backgroundIsKnownToBeObscured(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset); bool needsLayout() const; bool selfNeedsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.needsLayout(); } bool needsPositionedMovementLayout() const { return m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout(); } bool needsPositionedMovementLayoutOnly() const; bool posChildNeedsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout(); } bool needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() const { return m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(); } bool needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayoutOnly() const; bool normalChildNeedsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout(); } bool preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() const { return m_bitfields.preferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); } bool isSelectionBorder() const; bool hasNonVisibleOverflow() const { return m_bitfields.hasNonVisibleOverflow(); } bool hasPotentiallyScrollableOverflow() const; bool hasTransformRelatedProperty() const { return m_bitfields.hasTransformRelatedProperty(); } // Transform, perspective or transform-style: preserve-3d. bool hasTransform() const { return hasTransformRelatedProperty() && (style().hasTransform() || style().translate() || style().scale() || style().rotate()); } inline bool preservesNewline() const; RenderView& view() const { return *document().renderView(); }; // Returns true if this renderer is rooted. bool isRooted() const; Node* node() const { return isAnonymous() ? nullptr : &m_node; } Node* nonPseudoNode() const { return isPseudoElement() ? nullptr : node(); } // Returns the styled node that caused the generation of this renderer. // This is the same as node() except for renderers of :before and :after // pseudo elements for which their parent node is returned. Node* generatingNode() const { return isPseudoElement() ? generatingPseudoHostElement() : node(); } Document& document() const { return m_node.document(); } Frame& frame() const; Page& page() const; Settings& settings() const { return page().settings(); } // Returns the object containing this one. Can be different from parent for positioned elements. // If repaintContainer and repaintContainerSkipped are not null, on return *repaintContainerSkipped // is true if the renderer returned is an ancestor of repaintContainer. RenderElement* container() const; RenderElement* container(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool& repaintContainerSkipped) const; RenderBoxModelObject* offsetParent() const; void markContainingBlocksForLayout(ScheduleRelayout = ScheduleRelayout::Yes, RenderElement* newRoot = nullptr); void setNeedsLayout(MarkingBehavior = MarkContainingBlockChain); void clearNeedsLayout(); void setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(bool, MarkingBehavior = MarkContainingBlockChain); void invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths(); void setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); void setPositionState(PositionType); void clearPositionedState() { m_bitfields.clearPositionedState(); } void setFloating(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setFloating(b); } void setInline(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setIsInline(b); } void setHasVisibleBoxDecorations(bool = true); void invalidateBackgroundObscurationStatus(); virtual bool computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured(const LayoutPoint&) { return false; } void setIsText() { ASSERT(!isBox()); m_bitfields.setIsTextOrRenderView(true); } void setIsLineBreak() { m_bitfields.setIsLineBreak(true); } void setIsBox() { m_bitfields.setIsBox(true); } void setIsTableRow() { m_bitfields.setIsTableRow(true); } void setIsRenderView() { ASSERT(isBox()); m_bitfields.setIsTextOrRenderView(true); } void setReplaced(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setIsReplaced(b); } void setHorizontalWritingMode(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setHorizontalWritingMode(b); } void setHasNonVisibleOverflow(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setHasNonVisibleOverflow(b); } void setHasLayer(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setHasLayer(b); } void setHasTransformRelatedProperty(bool b = true) { m_bitfields.setHasTransformRelatedProperty(b); } void setHasReflection(bool = true); void setIsRenderFragmentedFlow(bool = true); void setHasOutlineAutoAncestor(bool = true); // Hook so that RenderTextControl can return the line height of its inner renderer. // For other renderers, the value is the same as lineHeight(false). virtual int innerLineHeight() const; // used for element state updates that cannot be fixed with a // repaint and do not need a relayout virtual void updateFromElement() { } bool isComposited() const; bool hitTest(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestFilter = HitTestAll); virtual Node* nodeForHitTest() const; virtual void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&); virtual bool nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction); virtual Position positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&); virtual VisiblePosition positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&, const RenderFragmentContainer*); VisiblePosition createVisiblePosition(int offset, Affinity) const; VisiblePosition createVisiblePosition(const Position&) const; // Returns the containing block level element for this element. WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderBlock* containingBlock() const; RenderBlock* containingBlockForObjectInFlow() const; // Convert the given local point to absolute coordinates. If OptionSet includes UseTransforms, take transforms into account. WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatPoint localToAbsolute(const FloatPoint& localPoint = FloatPoint(), OptionSet = { }, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const; FloatPoint absoluteToLocal(const FloatPoint&, OptionSet = { }) const; // Convert a local quad to absolute coordinates, taking transforms into account. FloatQuad localToAbsoluteQuad(const FloatQuad&, OptionSet = UseTransforms, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const; // Convert an absolute quad to local coordinates. FloatQuad absoluteToLocalQuad(const FloatQuad&, OptionSet = UseTransforms) const; // Convert a local quad into the coordinate system of container, taking transforms into account. WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatQuad localToContainerQuad(const FloatQuad&, const RenderLayerModelObject* container, OptionSet = UseTransforms, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const; WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatPoint localToContainerPoint(const FloatPoint&, const RenderLayerModelObject* container, OptionSet = UseTransforms, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const; // Return the offset from the container() renderer (excluding transforms). In multi-column layout, // different offsets apply at different points, so return the offset that applies to the given point. virtual LayoutSize offsetFromContainer(RenderElement&, const LayoutPoint&, bool* offsetDependsOnPoint = nullptr) const; // Return the offset from an object up the container() chain. Asserts that none of the intermediate objects have transforms. LayoutSize offsetFromAncestorContainer(RenderElement&) const; #if PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) virtual void collectSelectionGeometries(Vector&, unsigned startOffset = 0, unsigned endOffset = std::numeric_limits::max()); virtual void absoluteQuadsForSelection(Vector& quads) const { absoluteQuads(quads); } WEBCORE_EXPORT static Vector collectSelectionGeometries(const SimpleRange&); WEBCORE_EXPORT static Vector collectSelectionGeometriesWithoutUnionInteriorLines(const SimpleRange&); #endif virtual void absoluteRects(Vector&, const LayoutPoint&) const { } WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRect(bool useTransform = true, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const; IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms() const { return absoluteBoundingBoxRect(false); } // Build an array of quads in absolute coords for line boxes virtual void absoluteQuads(Vector&, bool* /*wasFixed*/ = nullptr) const { } virtual void absoluteFocusRingQuads(Vector&); enum class BoundingRectBehavior : uint8_t { RespectClipping = 1 << 0, UseVisibleBounds = 1 << 1, IgnoreTinyRects = 1 << 2, IgnoreEmptyTextSelections = 1 << 3, UseSelectionHeight = 1 << 4, }; WEBCORE_EXPORT static Vector absoluteTextQuads(const SimpleRange&, OptionSet = { }); WEBCORE_EXPORT static Vector absoluteTextRects(const SimpleRange&, OptionSet = { }); WEBCORE_EXPORT static Vector absoluteBorderAndTextRects(const SimpleRange&, OptionSet = { }); static Vector clientBorderAndTextRects(const SimpleRange&); // the rect that will be painted if this object is passed as the paintingRoot WEBCORE_EXPORT LayoutRect paintingRootRect(LayoutRect& topLevelRect); virtual LayoutUnit minPreferredLogicalWidth() const { return 0; } virtual LayoutUnit maxPreferredLogicalWidth() const { return 0; } const RenderStyle& style() const; const RenderStyle& firstLineStyle() const; // Anonymous blocks that are part of of a continuation chain will return their inline continuation's outline style instead. // This is typically only relevant when repainting. virtual const RenderStyle& outlineStyleForRepaint() const { return style(); } virtual CursorDirective getCursor(const LayoutPoint&, Cursor&) const; // Return the RenderLayerModelObject in the container chain which is responsible for painting this object, or nullptr // if painting is root-relative. This is the container that should be passed to the 'forRepaint' functions. RenderLayerModelObject* containerForRepaint() const; // Actually do the repaint of rect r for this object which has been computed in the coordinate space // of repaintContainer. If repaintContainer is nullptr, repaint via the view. void repaintUsingContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, const LayoutRect&, bool shouldClipToLayer = true) const; // Repaint the entire object. Called when, e.g., the color of a border changes, or when a border // style changes. void repaint() const; // Repaint a specific subrectangle within a given object. The rect |r| is in the object's coordinate space. WEBCORE_EXPORT void repaintRectangle(const LayoutRect&, bool shouldClipToLayer = true) const; // Repaint a slow repaint object, which, at this time, means we are repainting an object with background-attachment:fixed. void repaintSlowRepaintObject() const; enum class VisibleRectContextOption { UseEdgeInclusiveIntersection = 1 << 0, ApplyCompositedClips = 1 << 1, ApplyCompositedContainerScrolls = 1 << 2, ApplyContainerClip = 1 << 3, }; struct VisibleRectContext { VisibleRectContext(bool hasPositionFixedDescendant = false, bool dirtyRectIsFlipped = false, OptionSet options = { }) : hasPositionFixedDescendant(hasPositionFixedDescendant) , dirtyRectIsFlipped(dirtyRectIsFlipped) , options(options) { } bool hasPositionFixedDescendant { false }; bool dirtyRectIsFlipped { false }; bool descendantNeedsEnclosingIntRect { false }; OptionSet options; }; // Returns the rect that should be repainted whenever this object changes. The rect is in the view's // coordinate space. This method deals with outlines and overflow. LayoutRect absoluteClippedOverflowRectForRepaint() const { return clippedOverflowRect(nullptr, visibleRectContextForRepaint()); } LayoutRect absoluteClippedOverflowRectForSpatialNavigation() const { return clippedOverflowRect(nullptr, visibleRectContextForSpatialNavigation()); } WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect pixelSnappedAbsoluteClippedOverflowRect() const; virtual LayoutRect clippedOverflowRect(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, VisibleRectContext) const; LayoutRect clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer) const { return clippedOverflowRect(repaintContainer, visibleRectContextForRepaint()); } virtual LayoutRect rectWithOutlineForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutUnit outlineWidth) const; virtual LayoutRect outlineBoundsForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* /*repaintContainer*/, const RenderGeometryMap* = nullptr) const { return LayoutRect(); } // Given a rect in the object's coordinate space, compute a rect suitable for repainting // that rect in view coordinates. LayoutRect computeAbsoluteRepaintRect(const LayoutRect& rect) const { return computeRect(rect, nullptr, visibleRectContextForRepaint()); } // Given a rect in the object's coordinate space, compute a rect in the coordinate space // of repaintContainer suitable for the given VisibleRectContext. LayoutRect computeRect(const LayoutRect&, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, VisibleRectContext) const; LayoutRect computeRectForRepaint(const LayoutRect& rect, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer) const { return computeRect(rect, repaintContainer, visibleRectContextForRepaint()); } FloatRect computeFloatRectForRepaint(const FloatRect&, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer) const; // Given a rect in the object's coordinate space, compute the location in container space where this rect is visible, // when clipping and scrolling as specified by the context. When using edge-inclusive intersection, return std::nullopt // rather than an empty rect if the rect is completely clipped out in container space. virtual std::optional computeVisibleRectInContainer(const LayoutRect&, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, VisibleRectContext) const; virtual std::optional computeFloatVisibleRectInContainer(const FloatRect&, const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, VisibleRectContext) const; WEBCORE_EXPORT bool hasNonEmptyVisibleRectRespectingParentFrames() const; virtual unsigned length() const { return 1; } bool isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() const { return (isFloating() || isOutOfFlowPositioned()); } bool isInFlow() const { return !isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned(); } enum HighlightState { None, // The object is not selected. Start, // The object either contains the start of a selection run or is the start of a run Inside, // The object is fully encompassed by a selection run End, // The object either contains the end of a selection run or is the end of a run Both // The object contains an entire run or is the sole selected object in that run }; // The current selection state for an object. For blocks, the state refers to the state of the leaf // descendants (as described above in the HighlightState enum declaration). HighlightState selectionState() const { return m_bitfields.selectionState(); } virtual void setSelectionState(HighlightState); inline void setSelectionStateIfNeeded(HighlightState); bool canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes(); // A single rectangle that encompasses all of the selected objects within this object. Used to determine the tightest // possible bounding box for the selection. LayoutRect selectionRect(bool clipToVisibleContent = true) { return selectionRectForRepaint(nullptr, clipToVisibleContent); } virtual LayoutRect selectionRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* /*repaintContainer*/, bool /*clipToVisibleContent*/ = true) { return LayoutRect(); } virtual bool canBeSelectionLeaf() const { return false; } // Whether or not a given block needs to paint selection gaps. virtual bool shouldPaintSelectionGaps() const { return false; } // When performing a global document tear-down, or when going into the back/forward cache, the renderer of the document is cleared. bool renderTreeBeingDestroyed() const; void destroy(); // Virtual function helpers for the deprecated Flexible Box Layout (display: -webkit-box). virtual bool isDeprecatedFlexibleBox() const { return false; } // Virtual function helper for the new FlexibleBox Layout (display: -webkit-flex). virtual bool isFlexibleBox() const { return false; } bool isFlexibleBoxIncludingDeprecated() const { return isFlexibleBox() || isDeprecatedFlexibleBox(); } virtual bool isCombineText() const { return false; } virtual int caretMinOffset() const; virtual int caretMaxOffset() const; virtual int previousOffset(int current) const; virtual int previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion(int current) const; virtual int nextOffset(int current) const; void imageChanged(CachedImage*, const IntRect* = nullptr) override; virtual void imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect* = nullptr) { } DocumentTimeline* documentTimeline() const; // Map points and quads through elements, potentially via 3d transforms. You should never need to call these directly; use // localToAbsolute/absoluteToLocal methods instead. virtual void mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState&, OptionSet, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const; virtual void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(OptionSet, TransformState&) const; // Pushes state onto RenderGeometryMap about how to map coordinates from this renderer to its container, or ancestorToStopAt (whichever is encountered first). // Returns the renderer which was mapped to (container or ancestorToStopAt). virtual const RenderObject* pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap&) const; bool shouldUseTransformFromContainer(const RenderObject* container) const; void getTransformFromContainer(const RenderObject* container, const LayoutSize& offsetInContainer, TransformationMatrix&) const; virtual void addFocusRingRects(Vector&, const LayoutPoint& /* additionalOffset */, const RenderLayerModelObject* /* paintContainer */ = nullptr) { }; LayoutRect absoluteOutlineBounds() const { return outlineBoundsForRepaint(nullptr); } // FIXME: Renderers should not need to be notified about internal reparenting (webkit.org/b/224143). enum class IsInternalMove { No, Yes }; virtual void insertedIntoTree(IsInternalMove = IsInternalMove::No); virtual void willBeRemovedFromTree(IsInternalMove = IsInternalMove::No); void resetFragmentedFlowStateOnRemoval(); void initializeFragmentedFlowStateOnInsertion(); virtual String description() const; virtual String debugDescription() const; protected: ////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper functions. Dangerous to use! void setPreviousSibling(RenderObject* previous) { m_previous = previous; } void setNextSibling(RenderObject* next) { m_next = next; } void setParent(RenderElement*); ////////////////////////////////////////// void addPDFURLRect(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&); Node& nodeForNonAnonymous() const { ASSERT(!isAnonymous()); return m_node; } RenderElement* firstNonAnonymousAncestor() const; void adjustRectForOutlineAndShadow(LayoutRect&) const; virtual void willBeDestroyed(); void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayoutBit(bool b) { m_bitfields.setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout(b); } void setNormalChildNeedsLayoutBit(bool b) { m_bitfields.setNormalChildNeedsLayout(b); } void setPosChildNeedsLayoutBit(bool b) { m_bitfields.setPosChildNeedsLayout(b); } void setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayoutBit(bool b) { m_bitfields.setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(b); } virtual RenderFragmentedFlow* locateEnclosingFragmentedFlow() const; static void calculateBorderStyleColor(const BorderStyle&, const BoxSide&, Color&); static FragmentedFlowState computedFragmentedFlowState(const RenderObject&); static VisibleRectContext visibleRectContextForRepaint(); static VisibleRectContext visibleRectContextForSpatialNavigation(); bool isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden() const; private: void addAbsoluteRectForLayer(LayoutRect& result); void setLayerNeedsFullRepaint(); void setLayerNeedsFullRepaintForPositionedMovementLayout(); #if PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) struct SelectionGeometries { Vector geometries; int maxLineNumber; }; WEBCORE_EXPORT static SelectionGeometries collectSelectionGeometriesInternal(const SimpleRange&); #endif Node* generatingPseudoHostElement() const; void propagateRepaintToParentWithOutlineAutoIfNeeded(const RenderLayerModelObject& repaintContainer, const LayoutRect& repaintRect) const; virtual bool isWBR() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } void setEverHadLayout(bool b) { m_bitfields.setEverHadLayout(b); } bool hasRareData() const { return m_bitfields.hasRareData(); } void setHasRareData(bool b) { m_bitfields.setHasRareData(b); } #if ASSERT_ENABLED void setNeedsLayoutIsForbidden(bool flag) const { m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden = flag; } void checkBlockPositionedObjectsNeedLayout(); #endif Node& m_node; RenderElement* m_parent; RenderObject* m_previous; RenderObject* m_next; #if ASSERT_ENABLED bool m_hasAXObject : 1; mutable bool m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden : 1; #endif #define ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(name, Name) \ private:\ unsigned m_##name : 1;\ public:\ bool name() const { return m_##name; }\ void set##Name(bool name) { m_##name = name; }\ #define ADD_ENUM_BITFIELD(name, Name, Type, width) \ private:\ unsigned m_##name : width;\ public:\ Type name() const { return static_cast(m_##name); }\ void set##Name(Type name) { m_##name = static_cast(name); }\ class RenderObjectBitfields { enum PositionedState { IsStaticallyPositioned = 0, IsRelativelyPositioned = 1, IsOutOfFlowPositioned = 2, IsStickilyPositioned = 3 }; public: RenderObjectBitfields(const Node& node) : m_hasRareData(false) , m_beingDestroyed(false) , m_needsLayout(false) , m_needsPositionedMovementLayout(false) , m_normalChildNeedsLayout(false) , m_posChildNeedsLayout(false) , m_needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(false) , m_preferredLogicalWidthsDirty(false) , m_floating(false) , m_isAnonymous(node.isDocumentNode()) , m_isTextOrRenderView(false) , m_isBox(false) , m_isTableRow(false) , m_isInline(true) , m_isReplaced(false) , m_isLineBreak(false) , m_horizontalWritingMode(true) , m_hasLayer(false) , m_hasNonVisibleOverflow(false) , m_hasTransformRelatedProperty(false) , m_everHadLayout(false) , m_childrenInline(false) , m_isExcludedFromNormalLayout(false) , m_positionedState(IsStaticallyPositioned) , m_selectionState(HighlightState::None) , m_fragmentedFlowState(NotInsideFragmentedFlow) , m_boxDecorationState(NoBoxDecorations) { } ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasRareData, HasRareData); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(beingDestroyed, BeingDestroyed); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(needsLayout, NeedsLayout); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(needsPositionedMovementLayout, NeedsPositionedMovementLayout); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(normalChildNeedsLayout, NormalChildNeedsLayout); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(posChildNeedsLayout, PosChildNeedsLayout); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout, NeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(preferredLogicalWidthsDirty, PreferredLogicalWidthsDirty); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(floating, Floating); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isAnonymous, IsAnonymous); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isTextOrRenderView, IsTextOrRenderView); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isBox, IsBox); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isTableRow, IsTableRow); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isInline, IsInline); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isReplaced, IsReplaced); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isLineBreak, IsLineBreak); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(horizontalWritingMode, HorizontalWritingMode); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasLayer, HasLayer); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasNonVisibleOverflow, HasNonVisibleOverflow); // Set in the case of overflow:auto/scroll/hidden ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasTransformRelatedProperty, HasTransformRelatedProperty); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(everHadLayout, EverHadLayout); // from RenderBlock ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(childrenInline, ChildrenInline); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isExcludedFromNormalLayout, IsExcludedFromNormalLayout); private: unsigned m_positionedState : 2; // PositionedState unsigned m_selectionState : 3; // SelectionState unsigned m_fragmentedFlowState : 2; // FragmentedFlowState unsigned m_boxDecorationState : 2; // BoxDecorationState public: bool isOutOfFlowPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsOutOfFlowPositioned; } bool isRelativelyPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsRelativelyPositioned; } bool isStickilyPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsStickilyPositioned; } bool isPositioned() const { return m_positionedState != IsStaticallyPositioned; } void setPositionedState(int positionState) { // This mask maps PositionType::Fixed and PositionType::Absolute to IsOutOfFlowPositioned, saving one bit. m_positionedState = static_cast(positionState & 0x3); } void clearPositionedState() { m_positionedState = static_cast(PositionType::Static); } ALWAYS_INLINE HighlightState selectionState() const { return static_cast(m_selectionState); } ALWAYS_INLINE void setSelectionState(HighlightState selectionState) { m_selectionState = selectionState; } ALWAYS_INLINE FragmentedFlowState fragmentedFlowState() const { return static_cast(m_fragmentedFlowState); } ALWAYS_INLINE void setFragmentedFlowState(FragmentedFlowState fragmentedFlowState) { m_fragmentedFlowState = fragmentedFlowState; } ALWAYS_INLINE BoxDecorationState boxDecorationState() const { return static_cast(m_boxDecorationState); } ALWAYS_INLINE void setBoxDecorationState(BoxDecorationState boxDecorationState) { m_boxDecorationState = boxDecorationState; } }; RenderObjectBitfields m_bitfields; // FIXME: This should be RenderElementRareData. class RenderObjectRareData { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: RenderObjectRareData() : m_hasReflection(false) , m_isRenderFragmentedFlow(false) , m_hasOutlineAutoAncestor(false) { } ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasReflection, HasReflection); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isRenderFragmentedFlow, IsRenderFragmentedFlow); ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasOutlineAutoAncestor, HasOutlineAutoAncestor); // From RenderElement std::unique_ptr cachedFirstLineStyle; WeakPtr backdropRenderer; }; const RenderObject::RenderObjectRareData& rareData() const; RenderObjectRareData& ensureRareData(); void removeRareData(); typedef HashMap> RareDataMap; static RareDataMap& rareDataMap(); #undef ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD }; class RenderObject::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope { public: explicit SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope(const RenderObject&, bool isForbidden = true); #if ASSERT_ENABLED ~SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope(); private: const RenderObject& m_renderObject; bool m_preexistingForbidden; #endif }; inline Frame& RenderObject::frame() const { return *document().frame(); } inline Page& RenderObject::page() const { // The render tree will always be torn down before Frame is disconnected from Page, // so it's safe to assume Frame::page() is non-null as long as there are live RenderObjects. ASSERT(frame().page()); return *frame().page(); } inline DocumentTimeline* RenderObject::documentTimeline() const { return document().existingTimeline(); } inline bool RenderObject::renderTreeBeingDestroyed() const { return document().renderTreeBeingDestroyed(); } inline bool RenderObject::isBeforeContent() const { // Text nodes don't have their own styles, so ignore the style on a text node. if (isText()) return false; if (style().styleType() != PseudoId::Before) return false; return true; } inline bool RenderObject::isAfterContent() const { // Text nodes don't have their own styles, so ignore the style on a text node. if (isText()) return false; if (style().styleType() != PseudoId::After) return false; return true; } inline bool RenderObject::isBeforeOrAfterContent() const { return isBeforeContent() || isAfterContent(); } inline void RenderObject::setNeedsLayout(MarkingBehavior markParents) { ASSERT(!isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden()); if (m_bitfields.needsLayout()) return; m_bitfields.setNeedsLayout(true); if (markParents == MarkContainingBlockChain) markContainingBlocksForLayout(); if (hasLayer()) setLayerNeedsFullRepaint(); } inline bool RenderObject::preservesNewline() const { if (isSVGInlineText()) return false; return style().preserveNewline(); } inline void RenderObject::setSelectionStateIfNeeded(HighlightState state) { if (selectionState() == state) return; setSelectionState(state); } inline void RenderObject::setHasVisibleBoxDecorations(bool b) { if (!b) { m_bitfields.setBoxDecorationState(NoBoxDecorations); return; } if (hasVisibleBoxDecorations()) return; m_bitfields.setBoxDecorationState(HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid); } inline void RenderObject::invalidateBackgroundObscurationStatus() { if (!hasVisibleBoxDecorations()) return; m_bitfields.setBoxDecorationState(HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid); } inline bool RenderObject::backgroundIsKnownToBeObscured(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) { if (m_bitfields.boxDecorationState() == HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid) { BoxDecorationState boxDecorationState = computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured(paintOffset) ? HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured : HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundMayBeVisible; m_bitfields.setBoxDecorationState(boxDecorationState); } return m_bitfields.boxDecorationState() == HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured; } inline bool RenderObject::needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayoutOnly() const { return m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() && !m_bitfields.needsLayout() && !m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout() && !m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout() && !m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout(); } inline RenderFragmentedFlow* RenderObject::enclosingFragmentedFlow() const { if (fragmentedFlowState() == NotInsideFragmentedFlow) return nullptr; return locateEnclosingFragmentedFlow(); } inline bool RenderObject::isAnonymousBlock() const { // This function must be kept in sync with anonymous block creation conditions in RenderBlock::createAnonymousBlock(). // FIXME: That seems difficult. Can we come up with a simpler way to make behavior correct? // FIXME: Does this relatively long function benefit from being inlined? return isAnonymous() && (style().display() == DisplayType::Block || style().display() == DisplayType::Box) && style().styleType() == PseudoId::None && isRenderBlock() #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) && !isRenderFullScreen() && !isRenderFullScreenPlaceholder() #endif #if ENABLE(MATHML) && !isRenderMathMLBlock() #endif && !isListMarker() && !isRenderFragmentedFlow() && !isRenderMultiColumnSet() && !isRenderView(); } inline bool RenderObject::needsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.needsLayout() || m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout() || m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout() || m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() || m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout(); } inline bool RenderObject::needsPositionedMovementLayoutOnly() const { return m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout() && !m_bitfields.needsLayout() && !m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout() && !m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout() && !m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(); } inline void RenderObject::setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc() { setNeedsLayout(); setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true); } inline void RenderObject::setPositionState(PositionType position) { ASSERT((position != PositionType::Absolute && position != PositionType::Fixed) || isBox()); m_bitfields.setPositionedState(static_cast(position)); } inline FloatQuad RenderObject::localToAbsoluteQuad(const FloatQuad& quad, OptionSet mode, bool* wasFixed) const { return localToContainerQuad(quad, nullptr, mode, wasFixed); } inline auto RenderObject::visibleRectContextForRepaint() -> VisibleRectContext { return { false, false, { VisibleRectContextOption::ApplyContainerClip, VisibleRectContextOption::ApplyCompositedContainerScrolls } }; } inline auto RenderObject::visibleRectContextForSpatialNavigation() -> VisibleRectContext { return { false, false, { VisibleRectContextOption::ApplyContainerClip, VisibleRectContextOption::ApplyCompositedContainerScrolls, VisibleRectContextOption::ApplyCompositedClips } }; } inline bool RenderObject::isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden() const { #if ASSERT_ENABLED return m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden; #else return false; #endif } #if !ASSERT_ENABLED inline RenderObject::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope(const RenderObject&, bool) { } #endif inline void Node::setRenderer(RenderObject* renderer) { m_rendererWithStyleFlags.setPointer(renderer); } inline RenderObject* RenderObject::previousInFlowSibling() const { auto* previousSibling = this->previousSibling(); while (previousSibling && !previousSibling->isInFlow()) previousSibling = previousSibling->previousSibling(); return previousSibling; } inline RenderObject* RenderObject::nextInFlowSibling() const { auto* nextSibling = this->nextSibling(); while (nextSibling && !nextSibling->isInFlow()) nextSibling = nextSibling->nextSibling(); return nextSibling; } inline bool RenderObject::isAtomicInlineLevelBox() const { return style().isDisplayInlineType() && !(style().display() == DisplayType::Inline && !isReplaced()); } inline bool RenderObject::hasPotentiallyScrollableOverflow() const { // We only need to test one overflow dimension since 'visible' and 'clip' always get accompanied // with 'clip' or 'visible' in the other dimension (see Style::Adjuster::adjust). return hasNonVisibleOverflow() && style().overflowX() != Overflow::Clip && style().overflowX() != Overflow::Visible; } WTF::TextStream& operator<<(WTF::TextStream&, const RenderObject&); #if ENABLE(TREE_DEBUGGING) void printRenderTreeForLiveDocuments(); void printLayerTreeForLiveDocuments(); void printGraphicsLayerTreeForLiveDocuments(); #endif bool shouldApplyLayoutContainment(const RenderObject&); bool shouldApplySizeContainment(const RenderObject&); } // namespace WebCore #define SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_RENDER_OBJECT(ToValueTypeName, predicate) \ SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_BEGIN(WebCore::ToValueTypeName) \ static bool isType(const WebCore::RenderObject& renderer) { return renderer.predicate; } \ SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_END() #if ENABLE(TREE_DEBUGGING) // Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from the debugger. void showNodeTree(const WebCore::RenderObject*); void showLineTree(const WebCore::RenderObject*); void showRenderTree(const WebCore::RenderObject*); #endif