/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "config.h" #import "ResourceUsageThread.h" #if ENABLE(RESOURCE_USAGE) #import "WorkerThread.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import namespace WebCore { static unsigned categoryForVMTag(unsigned tag) { switch (tag) { case VM_MEMORY_IOKIT: case VM_MEMORY_LAYERKIT: return MemoryCategory::Layers; case VM_MEMORY_IMAGEIO: case VM_MEMORY_CGIMAGE: return MemoryCategory::Images; case VM_MEMORY_JAVASCRIPT_JIT_REGISTER_FILE: return MemoryCategory::IsoHeap; case VM_MEMORY_JAVASCRIPT_JIT_EXECUTABLE_ALLOCATOR: return MemoryCategory::JSJIT; case VM_MEMORY_JAVASCRIPT_CORE: return MemoryCategory::Gigacage; case VM_MEMORY_MALLOC: case VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_HUGE: case VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_LARGE: case VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_SMALL: case VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_TINY: case VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_NANO: return MemoryCategory::LibcMalloc; case VM_MEMORY_TCMALLOC: return MemoryCategory::bmalloc; default: return MemoryCategory::Other; } } struct ThreadInfo { MachSendRight sendRight; float usage { 0 }; String threadName; String dispatchQueueName; }; static Vector threadInfos() { thread_array_t threadList = nullptr; mach_msg_type_number_t threadCount = 0; kern_return_t kr = task_threads(mach_task_self(), &threadList, &threadCount); ASSERT(kr == KERN_SUCCESS); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return { }; // Since we collect thread usage without suspending threads, threads retrieved by task_threads can have gone while iterating // them to get usage information. If a thread has gone, a system call returns non KERN_SUCCESS, and we just ignore these threads. Vector infos; for (mach_msg_type_number_t i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i) { MachSendRight sendRight = MachSendRight::adopt(threadList[i]); thread_info_data_t threadInfo; mach_msg_type_number_t threadInfoCount = THREAD_INFO_MAX; kr = thread_info(sendRight.sendRight(), THREAD_BASIC_INFO, reinterpret_cast(&threadInfo), &threadInfoCount); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) continue; thread_identifier_info_data_t threadIdentifierInfo; mach_msg_type_number_t threadIdentifierInfoCount = THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO_COUNT; kr = thread_info(sendRight.sendRight(), THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO, reinterpret_cast(&threadIdentifierInfo), &threadIdentifierInfoCount); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) continue; thread_extended_info_data_t threadExtendedInfo; mach_msg_type_number_t threadExtendedInfoCount = THREAD_EXTENDED_INFO_COUNT; kr = thread_info(sendRight.sendRight(), THREAD_EXTENDED_INFO, reinterpret_cast(&threadExtendedInfo), &threadExtendedInfoCount); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) continue; float usage = 0; auto threadBasicInfo = reinterpret_cast(threadInfo); if (!(threadBasicInfo->flags & TH_FLAGS_IDLE)) usage = threadBasicInfo->cpu_usage / static_cast(TH_USAGE_SCALE) * 100.0; // FIXME: dispatch_queue_t can be destroyed concurrently while we are accessing to it here. We should not use it. String threadName = String(threadExtendedInfo.pth_name); String dispatchQueueName; if (threadIdentifierInfo.dispatch_qaddr) { dispatch_queue_t queue = *reinterpret_cast(threadIdentifierInfo.dispatch_qaddr); dispatchQueueName = String(dispatch_queue_get_label(queue)); } infos.append(ThreadInfo { WTFMove(sendRight), usage, threadName, dispatchQueueName }); } kr = vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)threadList, threadCount * sizeof(thread_t)); ASSERT(kr == KERN_SUCCESS); return infos; } void ResourceUsageThread::platformSaveStateBeforeStarting() { #if ENABLE(SAMPLING_PROFILER) m_samplingProfilerMachThread = MACH_PORT_NULL; if (auto* profiler = m_vm->samplingProfiler()) { if (auto* thread = profiler->thread()) m_samplingProfilerMachThread = thread->machThread(); } #endif } void ResourceUsageThread::platformCollectCPUData(JSC::VM*, ResourceUsageData& data) { Vector threads = threadInfos(); if (threads.isEmpty()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } // Main thread is always first. ASSERT(threads[0].dispatchQueueName == "com.apple.main-thread"); mach_port_t resourceUsageMachThread = mach_thread_self(); mach_port_t mainThreadMachThread = threads[0].sendRight.sendRight(); HashSet knownWebKitThreads; { Locker locker { Thread::allThreadsLock() }; for (auto* thread : Thread::allThreads()) { mach_port_t machThread = thread->machThread(); if (MACH_PORT_VALID(machThread)) knownWebKitThreads.add(machThread); } } HashMap knownWorkerThreads; { Locker locker { WorkerOrWorkletThread::workerOrWorkletThreadsLock() }; for (auto* thread : WorkerOrWorkletThread::workerOrWorkletThreads()) { // Ignore worker threads that have not been fully started yet. if (!thread->thread()) continue; mach_port_t machThread = thread->thread()->machThread(); if (MACH_PORT_VALID(machThread)) knownWorkerThreads.set(machThread, thread->identifier().isolatedCopy()); } } auto isDebuggerThread = [&](const ThreadInfo& thread) -> bool { mach_port_t machThread = thread.sendRight.sendRight(); if (machThread == resourceUsageMachThread) return true; #if ENABLE(SAMPLING_PROFILER) if (machThread == m_samplingProfilerMachThread) return true; #endif return false; }; auto isWebKitThread = [&](const ThreadInfo& thread) -> bool { mach_port_t machThread = thread.sendRight.sendRight(); if (knownWebKitThreads.contains(machThread)) return true; // The bmalloc scavenger thread is below WTF. Detect it by its name. if (thread.threadName == "JavaScriptCore bmalloc scavenger") return true; // WebKit uses many WorkQueues with common prefixes. if (thread.dispatchQueueName.startsWith("com.apple.IPC.") || thread.dispatchQueueName.startsWith("com.apple.WebKit.") || thread.dispatchQueueName.startsWith("org.webkit.")) return true; return false; }; for (auto& thread : threads) { data.cpu += thread.usage; if (isDebuggerThread(thread)) continue; data.cpuExcludingDebuggerThreads += thread.usage; mach_port_t machThread = thread.sendRight.sendRight(); if (machThread == mainThreadMachThread) { data.cpuThreads.append(ThreadCPUInfo { "Main Thread"_s, String(), thread.usage, ThreadCPUInfo::Type::Main}); continue; } String threadIdentifier = knownWorkerThreads.get(machThread); bool isWorkerThread = !threadIdentifier.isEmpty(); ThreadCPUInfo::Type type = (isWorkerThread || isWebKitThread(thread)) ? ThreadCPUInfo::Type::WebKit : ThreadCPUInfo::Type::Unknown; data.cpuThreads.append(ThreadCPUInfo { thread.threadName, threadIdentifier, thread.usage, type }); } } void ResourceUsageThread::platformCollectMemoryData(JSC::VM* vm, ResourceUsageData& data) { auto tags = pagesPerVMTag(); std::array pagesPerCategory; size_t totalDirtyPages = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { pagesPerCategory[categoryForVMTag(i)].dirty += tags[i].dirty; pagesPerCategory[categoryForVMTag(i)].reclaimable += tags[i].reclaimable; totalDirtyPages += tags[i].dirty; } for (auto& category : data.categories) { if (category.isSubcategory) // Only do automatic tallying for top-level categories. continue; category.dirtySize = pagesPerCategory[category.type].dirty * vmPageSize(); category.reclaimableSize = pagesPerCategory[category.type].reclaimable * vmPageSize(); } data.totalDirtySize = totalDirtyPages * vmPageSize(); size_t currentGCHeapCapacity = vm->heap.blockBytesAllocated(); size_t currentGCOwnedExtra = vm->heap.extraMemorySize(); size_t currentGCOwnedExternal = vm->heap.externalMemorySize(); ASSERT(currentGCOwnedExternal <= currentGCOwnedExtra); data.categories[MemoryCategory::GCHeap].dirtySize = currentGCHeapCapacity; data.categories[MemoryCategory::GCOwned].dirtySize = currentGCOwnedExtra - currentGCOwnedExternal; data.categories[MemoryCategory::GCOwned].externalSize = currentGCOwnedExternal; auto& mallocBucket = isFastMallocEnabled() ? data.categories[MemoryCategory::bmalloc] : data.categories[MemoryCategory::LibcMalloc]; // First subtract memory allocated by the GC heap, since we track that separately. mallocBucket.dirtySize -= currentGCHeapCapacity; // It would be nice to assert that the "GC owned" amount is smaller than the total dirty malloc size, // but since the "GC owned" accounting is inexact, it's not currently feasible. size_t currentGCOwnedGenerallyInMalloc = currentGCOwnedExtra - currentGCOwnedExternal; if (currentGCOwnedGenerallyInMalloc < mallocBucket.dirtySize) mallocBucket.dirtySize -= currentGCOwnedGenerallyInMalloc; data.totalExternalSize = currentGCOwnedExternal; data.timeOfNextEdenCollection = data.timestamp + vm->heap.edenActivityCallback()->timeUntilFire().value_or(Seconds(std::numeric_limits::infinity())); data.timeOfNextFullCollection = data.timestamp + vm->heap.fullActivityCallback()->timeUntilFire().value_or(Seconds(std::numeric_limits::infinity())); } } #endif