/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLSourceElement.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "HTMLImageElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLPictureElement.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MediaList.h" #include "MediaQueryParser.h" #include #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "HTMLMediaElement.h" #endif #if ENABLE(MODEL_ELEMENT) #include "HTMLModelElement.h" #endif namespace WebCore { WTF_MAKE_ISO_ALLOCATED_IMPL(HTMLSourceElement); using namespace HTMLNames; inline HTMLSourceElement::HTMLSourceElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document& document) : HTMLElement(tagName, document) , ActiveDOMObject(document) , m_errorEventTimer(*this, &HTMLSourceElement::errorEventTimerFired) { LOG(Media, "HTMLSourceElement::HTMLSourceElement - %p", this); ASSERT(hasTagName(sourceTag)); } Ref HTMLSourceElement::create(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document& document) { auto sourceElement = adoptRef(*new HTMLSourceElement(tagName, document)); sourceElement->suspendIfNeeded(); return sourceElement; } Ref HTMLSourceElement::create(Document& document) { return create(sourceTag, document); } Node::InsertedIntoAncestorResult HTMLSourceElement::insertedIntoAncestor(InsertionType insertionType, ContainerNode& parentOfInsertedTree) { HTMLElement::insertedIntoAncestor(insertionType, parentOfInsertedTree); RefPtr parent = parentElement(); if (parent == &parentOfInsertedTree) { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (is(*parent)) downcast(*parent).sourceWasAdded(*this); else #endif #if ENABLE(MODEL_ELEMENT) if (is(*parent)) downcast(*parent).sourcesChanged(); else #endif if (is(*parent)) { // The new source element only is a relevant mutation if it precedes any img element. m_shouldCallSourcesChanged = true; for (const Node* node = previousSibling(); node; node = node->previousSibling()) { if (is(*node)) m_shouldCallSourcesChanged = false; } if (m_shouldCallSourcesChanged) downcast(*parent).sourcesChanged(); } } return InsertedIntoAncestorResult::Done; } void HTMLSourceElement::removedFromAncestor(RemovalType removalType, ContainerNode& oldParentOfRemovedTree) { HTMLElement::removedFromAncestor(removalType, oldParentOfRemovedTree); if (!parentNode() && is(oldParentOfRemovedTree)) { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) if (is(oldParentOfRemovedTree)) downcast(oldParentOfRemovedTree).sourceWasRemoved(*this); else #endif #if ENABLE(MODEL_ELEMENT) if (is(oldParentOfRemovedTree)) downcast(oldParentOfRemovedTree).sourcesChanged(); else #endif if (m_shouldCallSourcesChanged) { downcast(oldParentOfRemovedTree).sourcesChanged(); m_shouldCallSourcesChanged = false; } } } void HTMLSourceElement::scheduleErrorEvent() { LOG(Media, "HTMLSourceElement::scheduleErrorEvent - %p", this); if (m_errorEventTimer.isActive()) return; m_errorEventTimer.startOneShot(0_s); } void HTMLSourceElement::cancelPendingErrorEvent() { LOG(Media, "HTMLSourceElement::cancelPendingErrorEvent - %p", this); m_errorEventTimer.stop(); } void HTMLSourceElement::errorEventTimerFired() { LOG(Media, "HTMLSourceElement::errorEventTimerFired - %p", this); dispatchEvent(Event::create(eventNames().errorEvent, Event::CanBubble::No, Event::IsCancelable::Yes)); } bool HTMLSourceElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const { return attribute.name() == srcAttr || HTMLElement::isURLAttribute(attribute); } const char* HTMLSourceElement::activeDOMObjectName() const { return "HTMLSourceElement"; } void HTMLSourceElement::suspend(ReasonForSuspension reason) { // FIXME: Shouldn't this also stop the timer for PageWillBeSuspended? if (reason == ReasonForSuspension::BackForwardCache) { m_shouldRescheduleErrorEventOnResume = m_errorEventTimer.isActive(); m_errorEventTimer.stop(); } } void HTMLSourceElement::resume() { if (m_shouldRescheduleErrorEventOnResume) { m_errorEventTimer.startOneShot(0_s); m_shouldRescheduleErrorEventOnResume = false; } } void HTMLSourceElement::stop() { cancelPendingErrorEvent(); } void HTMLSourceElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomString& value) { HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); if (name == srcsetAttr || name == sizesAttr || name == mediaAttr || name == typeAttr) { if (name == mediaAttr) m_cachedParsedMediaAttribute = std::nullopt; auto parent = makeRefPtr(parentNode()); if (m_shouldCallSourcesChanged) downcast(*parent).sourcesChanged(); } #if ENABLE(MODEL_ELEMENT) if (name == srcAttr || name == typeAttr) { RefPtr parent = parentElement(); if (is(parent)) downcast(*parent).sourcesChanged(); } #endif } const MediaQuerySet* HTMLSourceElement::parsedMediaAttribute(Document& document) const { if (!m_cachedParsedMediaAttribute) { RefPtr parsedAttribute; auto& value = attributeWithoutSynchronization(mediaAttr); if (!value.isNull()) parsedAttribute = MediaQuerySet::create(value, MediaQueryParserContext(document)); m_cachedParsedMediaAttribute = WTFMove(parsedAttribute); } return m_cachedParsedMediaAttribute.value().get(); } void HTMLSourceElement::attributeChanged(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomString& oldValue, const AtomString& newValue, AttributeModificationReason reason) { if (name == widthAttr || name == heightAttr) { if (RefPtr parent = parentNode(); is(parent)) downcast(*parent).sourceDimensionAttributesChanged(*this); } HTMLElement::attributeChanged(name, oldValue, newValue, reason); } }