/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include "TextGranularity.h" #include "VisiblePosition.h" #include namespace WebCore { enum class SelectionDirection : uint8_t { Forward, Backward, Right, Left }; class VisibleSelection { public: WEBCORE_EXPORT VisibleSelection(); static constexpr auto defaultAffinity = VisiblePosition::defaultAffinity; VisibleSelection(const Position& anchor, const Position& focus, Affinity = defaultAffinity, bool isDirectional = false); VisibleSelection(const Position&, Affinity, bool isDirectional = false); WEBCORE_EXPORT VisibleSelection(const SimpleRange&, Affinity = defaultAffinity, bool isDirectional = false); WEBCORE_EXPORT VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition&, bool isDirectional = false); WEBCORE_EXPORT VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition& anchor, const VisiblePosition& focus, bool isDirectional = false); WEBCORE_EXPORT static VisibleSelection selectionFromContentsOfNode(Node*); void setAffinity(Affinity affinity) { m_affinity = affinity; } Affinity affinity() const { return m_affinity; } // FIXME: Move to the terms "focus" and "anchor" instead of "base" and "extent". void setBase(const Position&); void setBase(const VisiblePosition&); void setExtent(const Position&); void setExtent(const VisiblePosition&); // These functions return the values that were passed in, without the canonicalization done by VisiblePosition. // FIXME: When we expand granularity, we canonicalize as a side effect, so expanded values have been made canonical. // FIXME: Replace start/range/base/end/firstRange with these, renaming these to the shorter names. Position uncanonicalizedStart() const; Position uncanonicalizedEnd() const; Position anchor() const; Position focus() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT std::optional range() const; // FIXME: Rename these to include the word "canonical" or remove. Position base() const { return m_base; } Position extent() const { return m_extent; } Position start() const { return m_start; } Position end() const { return m_end; } VisiblePosition visibleStart() const { return VisiblePosition(m_start, isRange() ? Affinity::Downstream : affinity()); } VisiblePosition visibleEnd() const { return VisiblePosition(m_end, isRange() ? Affinity::Upstream : affinity()); } VisiblePosition visibleBase() const { return VisiblePosition(m_base, isRange() ? (isBaseFirst() ? Affinity::Upstream : Affinity::Downstream) : affinity()); } VisiblePosition visibleExtent() const { return VisiblePosition(m_extent, isRange() ? (isBaseFirst() ? Affinity::Downstream : Affinity::Upstream) : affinity()); } operator VisiblePositionRange() const { return { visibleStart(), visibleEnd() }; } bool isNone() const { return m_type == Type::None; } bool isCaret() const { return m_type == Type::Caret; } bool isRange() const { return m_type == Type::Range; } bool isCaretOrRange() const { return !isNone(); } bool isNonOrphanedRange() const { return isRange() && !start().isOrphan() && !end().isOrphan(); } bool isNoneOrOrphaned() const { return isNone() || start().isOrphan() || end().isOrphan(); } bool isOrphan() const; RefPtr document() const; bool isBaseFirst() const { return m_anchorIsFirst; } bool isDirectional() const { return m_isDirectional; } void setIsDirectional(bool isDirectional) { m_isDirectional = isDirectional; } WEBCORE_EXPORT bool isAll(EditingBoundaryCrossingRule) const; void appendTrailingWhitespace(); WEBCORE_EXPORT bool expandUsingGranularity(TextGranularity granularity); // FIXME: Rename to include the word "canonical" and remove the word "first" or remove. // We don't yet support multi-range selections, so we only ever have one range to return. WEBCORE_EXPORT std::optional firstRange() const; // FIXME: Most callers probably don't want this function, and should use range instead. // This function contracts the range around text and moves the caret upstream before returning the range. WEBCORE_EXPORT std::optional toNormalizedRange() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT Element* rootEditableElement() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT bool isContentEditable() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT bool hasEditableStyle() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT bool isContentRichlyEditable() const; // Returns a shadow tree node for legacy shadow trees, a child of the // ShadowRoot node for new shadow trees, or 0 for non-shadow trees. Node* nonBoundaryShadowTreeRootNode() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT bool isInPasswordField() const; WEBCORE_EXPORT static Position adjustPositionForEnd(const Position& currentPosition, Node* startContainerNode); WEBCORE_EXPORT static Position adjustPositionForStart(const Position& currentPosition, Node* startContainerNode); #if ENABLE(TREE_DEBUGGING) void debugPosition() const; String debugDescription() const; void showTreeForThis() const; #endif void setWithoutValidation(const Position&, const Position&); private: void validate(TextGranularity = TextGranularity::CharacterGranularity); // Support methods for validate() void setBaseAndExtentToDeepEquivalents(); void adjustSelectionRespectingGranularity(TextGranularity); void adjustSelectionToAvoidCrossingShadowBoundaries(); void adjustSelectionToAvoidCrossingEditingBoundaries(); void updateSelectionType(); // We store only Positions because VisibleSelection is used to store values in // editing commands for use when undoing the command. We need to be able to store // a selection that, while currently invalid, will be valid once the changes are undone. // FIXME: Consider doing canonicalization only as part of editing operations, and keeping all selection endpoints non-canonical outside of that code. // FIXME: Rename m_base to m_canonicalAnchor. // FIXME: Rename m_extent to m_canonicalFocus. Position m_anchor; // Where the first click happened. Position m_focus; // Where the end click/release happened. Position m_base; // Anchor, canonical, not yet expended to respect granularity. Position m_extent; // Focus, canonical, but not expended to respect granularity. Position m_start; // First of anchor and focus, caonicalized and expanded to respect granularity. Position m_end; // Last of anchor and focus, caonicalized and expanded to respect granularity. Affinity m_affinity { defaultAffinity }; // These are cached, can be recalculated by validate() enum class Type : uint8_t { None, Caret, Range }; Type m_type { Type::None }; bool m_anchorIsFirst : 1; // True if the anchor is before the focus. bool m_isDirectional : 1; // On Mac, Shift-arrow keys move the anchor in a directional selection and moves either end to always extend in a non-directional selection. }; inline bool operator==(const VisibleSelection& a, const VisibleSelection& b) { return a.start() == b.start() && a.end() == b.end() && a.affinity() == b.affinity() && a.isBaseFirst() == b.isBaseFirst() && a.isDirectional() == b.isDirectional(); } inline bool operator!=(const VisibleSelection& a, const VisibleSelection& b) { return !(a == b); } WEBCORE_EXPORT WTF::TextStream& operator<<(WTF::TextStream&, const VisibleSelection&); } // namespace WebCore #if ENABLE(TREE_DEBUGGING) // Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from the debugger. void showTree(const WebCore::VisibleSelection&); void showTree(const WebCore::VisibleSelection*); #endif namespace WTF { template<> struct EnumTraits { using values = EnumValues< WebCore::SelectionDirection, WebCore::SelectionDirection::Forward, WebCore::SelectionDirection::Backward, WebCore::SelectionDirection::Right, WebCore::SelectionDirection::Left >; }; } // namespace WTF