/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "AnimationEffect.h" #include "CSSAnimation.h" #include "FillMode.h" #include "JSComputedEffectTiming.h" #include "WebAnimation.h" #include "WebAnimationUtilities.h" namespace WebCore { AnimationEffect::AnimationEffect() : m_timingFunction(LinearTimingFunction::create()) { } AnimationEffect::~AnimationEffect() { } EffectTiming AnimationEffect::getBindingsTiming() const { if (is(animation())) downcast(*animation()).flushPendingStyleChanges(); return getTiming(); } EffectTiming AnimationEffect::getTiming() const { EffectTiming timing; timing.delay = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_delay); timing.endDelay = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_endDelay); timing.fill = m_fill; timing.iterationStart = m_iterationStart; timing.iterations = m_iterations; if (m_iterationDuration == 0_s) timing.duration = "auto"; else timing.duration = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_iterationDuration); timing.direction = m_direction; timing.easing = m_timingFunction->cssText(); return timing; } BasicEffectTiming AnimationEffect::getBasicTiming(std::optional startTime) const { // The Web Animations spec introduces a number of animation effect time-related definitions that refer // to each other a fair bit, so rather than implementing them as individual methods, it's more efficient // to return them all as a single BasicEffectTiming. auto localTime = [this, startTime]() -> std::optional { // 4.5.4. Local time // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#local-time-section // The local time of an animation effect at a given moment is based on the first matching condition from the following: // If the animation effect is associated with an animation, the local time is the current time of the animation. // Otherwise, the local time is unresolved. if (m_animation) return m_animation->currentTime(startTime); return std::nullopt; }(); auto phase = [this, localTime]() -> AnimationEffectPhase { // 3.5.5. Animation effect phases and states // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#animation-effect-phases-and-states bool animationIsBackwards = m_animation && m_animation->playbackRate() < 0; auto beforeActiveBoundaryTime = std::max(std::min(m_delay, m_endTime), 0_s); auto activeAfterBoundaryTime = std::max(std::min(m_delay + m_activeDuration, m_endTime), 0_s); // (This should be the last statement, but it's more efficient to cache the local time and return right away if it's not resolved.) // Furthermore, it is often convenient to refer to the case when an animation effect is in none of the above phases // as being in the idle phase. if (!localTime) return AnimationEffectPhase::Idle; // An animation effect is in the before phase if the animation effect’s local time is not unresolved and // either of the following conditions are met: // 1. the local time is less than the before-active boundary time, or // 2. the animation direction is ‘backwards’ and the local time is equal to the before-active boundary time. if ((*localTime + timeEpsilon) < beforeActiveBoundaryTime || (animationIsBackwards && std::abs(localTime->microseconds() - beforeActiveBoundaryTime.microseconds()) < timeEpsilon.microseconds())) return AnimationEffectPhase::Before; // An animation effect is in the after phase if the animation effect’s local time is not unresolved and // either of the following conditions are met: // 1. the local time is greater than the active-after boundary time, or // 2. the animation direction is ‘forwards’ and the local time is equal to the active-after boundary time. if ((*localTime - timeEpsilon) > activeAfterBoundaryTime || (!animationIsBackwards && std::abs(localTime->microseconds() - activeAfterBoundaryTime.microseconds()) < timeEpsilon.microseconds())) return AnimationEffectPhase::After; // An animation effect is in the active phase if the animation effect’s local time is not unresolved and it is not // in either the before phase nor the after phase. // (No need to check, we've already established that local time was resolved). return AnimationEffectPhase::Active; }(); auto activeTime = [this, localTime, phase]() -> std::optional { // Calculating the active time // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-active-time // The active time is based on the local time and start delay. However, it is only defined // when the animation effect should produce an output and hence depends on its fill mode // and phase as follows, // If the animation effect is in the before phase, the result depends on the first matching // condition from the following, if (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::Before) { // If the fill mode is backwards or both, return the result of evaluating // max(local time - start delay, 0). if (m_fill == FillMode::Backwards || m_fill == FillMode::Both) return std::max(*localTime - m_delay, 0_s); // Otherwise, return an unresolved time value. return std::nullopt; } // If the animation effect is in the active phase, return the result of evaluating local time - start delay. if (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::Active) return *localTime - m_delay; // If the animation effect is in the after phase, the result depends on the first matching // condition from the following, if (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::After) { // If the fill mode is forwards or both, return the result of evaluating // max(min(local time - start delay, active duration), 0). if (m_fill == FillMode::Forwards || m_fill == FillMode::Both) return std::max(std::min(*localTime - m_delay, m_activeDuration), 0_s); // Otherwise, return an unresolved time value. return std::nullopt; } // Otherwise (the local time is unresolved), return an unresolved time value. return std::nullopt; }(); return { localTime, activeTime, m_endTime, m_activeDuration, phase }; } ComputedEffectTiming AnimationEffect::getBindingsComputedTiming() const { if (is(animation())) downcast(*animation()).flushPendingStyleChanges(); return getComputedTiming(); } ComputedEffectTiming AnimationEffect::getComputedTiming(std::optional startTime) const { // The Web Animations spec introduces a number of animation effect time-related definitions that refer // to each other a fair bit, so rather than implementing them as individual methods, it's more efficient // to return them all as a single ComputedEffectTiming. auto basicEffectTiming = getBasicTiming(startTime); auto activeTime = basicEffectTiming.activeTime; auto phase = basicEffectTiming.phase; auto overallProgress = [this, phase, activeTime]() -> std::optional { // Calculating the overall progress // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-overall-progress // The overall progress describes the number of iterations that have completed (including partial iterations) and is defined as follows: // 1. If the active time is unresolved, return unresolved. if (!activeTime) return std::nullopt; // 2. Calculate an initial value for overall progress based on the first matching condition from below, double overallProgress; if (!m_iterationDuration) { // If the iteration duration is zero, if the animation effect is in the before phase, let overall progress be zero, // otherwise, let it be equal to the iteration count. overallProgress = phase == AnimationEffectPhase::Before ? 0 : m_iterations; } else { // Otherwise, let overall progress be the result of calculating active time / iteration duration. overallProgress = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(*activeTime) / secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_iterationDuration); } // 3. Return the result of calculating overall progress + iteration start. overallProgress += m_iterationStart; return std::abs(overallProgress); }(); auto simpleIterationProgress = [this, overallProgress, phase, activeTime]() -> std::optional { // Calculating the simple iteration progress // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-simple-iteration-progress // The simple iteration progress is a fraction of the progress through the current iteration that // ignores transformations to the time introduced by the playback direction or timing functions // applied to the effect, and is calculated as follows: // 1. If the overall progress is unresolved, return unresolved. if (!overallProgress) return std::nullopt; // 2. If overall progress is infinity, let the simple iteration progress be iteration start % 1.0, // otherwise, let the simple iteration progress be overall progress % 1.0. double simpleIterationProgress = std::isinf(*overallProgress) ? fmod(m_iterationStart, 1) : fmod(*overallProgress, 1); // 3. If all of the following conditions are true, // // the simple iteration progress calculated above is zero, and // the animation effect is in the active phase or the after phase, and // the active time is equal to the active duration, and // the iteration count is not equal to zero. // let the simple iteration progress be 1.0. if (!simpleIterationProgress && (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::Active || phase == AnimationEffectPhase::After) && std::abs(activeTime->microseconds() - m_activeDuration.microseconds()) < timeEpsilon.microseconds() && m_iterations) return 1; return simpleIterationProgress; }(); auto currentIteration = [this, activeTime, phase, simpleIterationProgress, overallProgress]() -> std::optional { // 3.8.4. Calculating the current iteration // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-current-iteration // The current iteration can be calculated using the following steps: // 1. If the active time is unresolved, return unresolved. if (!activeTime) return std::nullopt; // 2. If the animation effect is in the after phase and the iteration count is infinity, return infinity. if (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::After && std::isinf(m_iterations)) return std::numeric_limits::infinity(); // 3. If the simple iteration progress is 1.0, return floor(overall progress) - 1. if (*simpleIterationProgress == 1) return floor(*overallProgress) - 1; // 4. Otherwise, return floor(overall progress). return floor(*overallProgress); }(); auto currentDirection = [this, currentIteration]() -> AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection { // 3.9.1. Calculating the directed progress // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-directed-progress // If playback direction is normal, let the current direction be forwards. if (m_direction == PlaybackDirection::Normal) return AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Forwards; // If playback direction is reverse, let the current direction be reverse. if (m_direction == PlaybackDirection::Reverse) return AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Reverse; if (!currentIteration) return AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Forwards; // Otherwise, let d be the current iteration. auto d = *currentIteration; // If playback direction is alternate-reverse increment d by 1. if (m_direction == PlaybackDirection::AlternateReverse) d++; // If d % 2 == 0, let the current direction be forwards, otherwise let the current direction be reverse. // If d is infinity, let the current direction be forwards. if (std::isinf(d) || !fmod(d, 2)) return AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Forwards; return AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Reverse; }(); auto directedProgress = [simpleIterationProgress, currentDirection]() -> std::optional { // 3.9.1. Calculating the directed progress // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-directed-progress // The directed progress is calculated from the simple iteration progress using the following steps: // 1. If the simple iteration progress is unresolved, return unresolved. if (!simpleIterationProgress) return std::nullopt; // 2. Calculate the current direction (we implement this as a separate method). // 3. If the current direction is forwards then return the simple iteration progress. if (currentDirection == AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Forwards) return *simpleIterationProgress; // Otherwise, return 1.0 - simple iteration progress. return 1 - *simpleIterationProgress; }(); auto transformedProgress = [this, directedProgress, currentDirection, phase]() -> std::optional { // 3.10.1. Calculating the transformed progress // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-transformed-progress // The transformed progress is calculated from the directed progress using the following steps: // // 1. If the directed progress is unresolved, return unresolved. if (!directedProgress) return std::nullopt; if (auto iterationDuration = m_iterationDuration.seconds()) { bool before = false; // 2. Calculate the value of the before flag as follows: if (is(m_timingFunction)) { // 1. Determine the current direction using the procedure defined in §3.9.1 Calculating the directed progress. // 2. If the current direction is forwards, let going forwards be true, otherwise it is false. bool goingForwards = currentDirection == AnimationEffect::ComputedDirection::Forwards; // 3. The before flag is set if the animation effect is in the before phase and going forwards is true; // or if the animation effect is in the after phase and going forwards is false. before = (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::Before && goingForwards) || (phase == AnimationEffectPhase::After && !goingForwards); } // 3. Return the result of evaluating the animation effect’s timing function passing directed progress as the // input progress value and before flag as the before flag. return m_timingFunction->transformTime(*directedProgress, iterationDuration, before); } return *directedProgress; }(); ComputedEffectTiming computedTiming; computedTiming.delay = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_delay); computedTiming.endDelay = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_endDelay); computedTiming.fill = m_fill == FillMode::Auto ? FillMode::None : m_fill; computedTiming.iterationStart = m_iterationStart; computedTiming.iterations = m_iterations; computedTiming.duration = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_iterationDuration); computedTiming.direction = m_direction; computedTiming.easing = m_timingFunction->cssText(); computedTiming.endTime = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_endTime); computedTiming.activeDuration = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(m_activeDuration); if (basicEffectTiming.localTime) computedTiming.localTime = secondsToWebAnimationsAPITime(*basicEffectTiming.localTime); computedTiming.simpleIterationProgress = simpleIterationProgress; computedTiming.progress = transformedProgress; computedTiming.currentIteration = currentIteration; computedTiming.phase = phase; return computedTiming; } ExceptionOr AnimationEffect::bindingsUpdateTiming(std::optional timing) { auto retVal = updateTiming(timing); if (!retVal.hasException() && timing && is(animation())) downcast(*animation()).effectTimingWasUpdatedUsingBindings(*timing); return retVal; } ExceptionOr AnimationEffect::updateTiming(std::optional timing) { // 6.5.4. Updating the timing of an AnimationEffect // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations/#updating-animationeffect-timing // To update the timing properties of an animation effect, effect, from an EffectTiming or OptionalEffectTiming object, input, perform the following steps: if (!timing) return { }; // 1. If the iterationStart member of input is present and less than zero, throw a TypeError and abort this procedure. if (timing->iterationStart) { if (timing->iterationStart.value() < 0) return Exception { TypeError }; } // 2. If the iterations member of input is present, and less than zero or is the value NaN, throw a TypeError and abort this procedure. if (timing->iterations) { if (timing->iterations.value() < 0 || std::isnan(timing->iterations.value())) return Exception { TypeError }; } // 3. If the duration member of input is present, and less than zero or is the value NaN, throw a TypeError and abort this procedure. // FIXME: should it not throw an exception on a string other than "auto"? if (timing->duration) { if (WTF::holds_alternative(timing->duration.value())) { auto durationAsDouble = WTF::get(timing->duration.value()); if (durationAsDouble < 0 || std::isnan(durationAsDouble)) return Exception { TypeError }; } else { if (WTF::get(timing->duration.value()) != "auto") return Exception { TypeError }; } } // 4. If the easing member of input is present but cannot be parsed using the production [CSS-EASING-1], throw a TypeError and abort this procedure. if (!timing->easing.isNull()) { auto timingFunctionResult = TimingFunction::createFromCSSText(timing->easing); if (timingFunctionResult.hasException()) return timingFunctionResult.releaseException(); m_timingFunction = timingFunctionResult.returnValue(); } // 5. Assign each member present in input to the corresponding timing property of effect as follows: // // delay → start delay // endDelay → end delay // fill → fill mode // iterationStart → iteration start // iterations → iteration count // duration → iteration duration // direction → playback direction // easing → timing function if (timing->delay) m_delay = Seconds::fromMilliseconds(timing->delay.value()); if (timing->endDelay) m_endDelay = Seconds::fromMilliseconds(timing->endDelay.value()); if (timing->fill) m_fill = timing->fill.value(); if (timing->iterationStart) m_iterationStart = timing->iterationStart.value(); if (timing->iterations) m_iterations = timing->iterations.value(); if (timing->duration) m_iterationDuration = WTF::holds_alternative(timing->duration.value()) ? Seconds::fromMilliseconds(WTF::get(timing->duration.value())) : 0_s; if (timing->direction) m_direction = timing->direction.value(); updateStaticTimingProperties(); if (m_animation) m_animation->effectTimingDidChange(); return { }; } void AnimationEffect::updateStaticTimingProperties() { // 3.8.2. Calculating the active duration // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#calculating-the-active-duration // The active duration is calculated as follows: // active duration = iteration duration × iteration count // If either the iteration duration or iteration count are zero, the active duration is zero. if (!m_iterationDuration || !m_iterations) m_activeDuration = 0_s; else m_activeDuration = m_iterationDuration * m_iterations; // 3.5.3 The active interval // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#end-time // The end time of an animation effect is the result of evaluating max(start delay + active duration + end delay, 0). m_endTime = m_delay + m_activeDuration + m_endDelay; if (m_endTime < 0_s) m_endTime = 0_s; } ExceptionOr AnimationEffect::setIterationStart(double iterationStart) { // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#dom-animationeffecttiming-iterationstart // If an attempt is made to set this attribute to a value less than zero, a TypeError must // be thrown and the value of the iterationStart attribute left unchanged. if (iterationStart < 0) return Exception { TypeError }; if (m_iterationStart == iterationStart) return { }; m_iterationStart = iterationStart; return { }; } ExceptionOr AnimationEffect::setIterations(double iterations) { // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations-1/#dom-animationeffecttiming-iterations // If an attempt is made to set this attribute to a value less than zero or a NaN value, a // TypeError must be thrown and the value of the iterations attribute left unchanged. if (iterations < 0 || std::isnan(iterations)) return Exception { TypeError }; if (m_iterations == iterations) return { }; m_iterations = iterations; return { }; } void AnimationEffect::setDelay(const Seconds& delay) { if (m_delay == delay) return; m_delay = delay; } void AnimationEffect::setEndDelay(const Seconds& endDelay) { if (m_endDelay == endDelay) return; m_endDelay = endDelay; } void AnimationEffect::setFill(FillMode fill) { if (m_fill == fill) return; m_fill = fill; } void AnimationEffect::setIterationDuration(const Seconds& duration) { if (m_iterationDuration == duration) return; m_iterationDuration = duration; } void AnimationEffect::setDirection(PlaybackDirection direction) { if (m_direction == direction) return; m_direction = direction; } void AnimationEffect::setTimingFunction(const RefPtr& timingFunction) { m_timingFunction = timingFunction; } std::optional AnimationEffect::progressUntilNextStep(double iterationProgress) const { if (!is(m_timingFunction)) return std::nullopt; auto numberOfSteps = downcast(*m_timingFunction).numberOfSteps(); auto nextStepProgress = ceil(iterationProgress * numberOfSteps) / numberOfSteps; return nextStepProgress - iterationProgress; } } // namespace WebCore