/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE(QOS_CLASSES) #include #endif namespace WTF { Lock Thread::s_allThreadsLock; static std::optional stackSize(ThreadType threadType) { // Return the stack size for the created thread based on its type. // If the stack size is not specified, then use the system default. Platforms can tune the values here. // Enable STACK_STATS in StackStats.h to create a build that will track the information for tuning. #if PLATFORM(PLAYSTATION) if (threadType == ThreadType::JavaScript) return 512 * KB; #elif OS(DARWIN) && ASAN_ENABLED if (threadType == ThreadType::Compiler) return 1 * MB; // ASan needs more stack space (especially on Debug builds). #else UNUSED_PARAM(threadType); #endif #if defined(DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_IN_KB) && DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_IN_KB > 0 return DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_IN_KB * 1024; #elif OS(LINUX) && !defined(__BIONIC__) && !defined(__GLIBC__) // on libcs other than glibc and bionic (e.g. musl) we are either unsure how big // the default thread stack is, or we know it's too small - pick a robust default return 1 * MB; #else // Use the platform's default stack size return std::nullopt; #endif } std::atomic Thread::s_uid { 0 }; struct Thread::NewThreadContext : public ThreadSafeRefCounted { public: NewThreadContext(const char* name, Function&& entryPoint, Ref&& thread) : name(name) , entryPoint(WTFMove(entryPoint)) , thread(WTFMove(thread)) { } enum class Stage { Start, EstablishedHandle, Initialized }; Stage stage { Stage::Start }; const char* name; Function entryPoint; Ref thread; Mutex mutex; #if !HAVE(STACK_BOUNDS_FOR_NEW_THREAD) ThreadCondition condition; #endif }; HashSet& Thread::allThreads() { static LazyNeverDestroyed> allThreads; static std::once_flag onceKey; std::call_once(onceKey, [&] { allThreads.construct(); }); return allThreads; } Lock& Thread::allThreadsLock() { return s_allThreadsLock; } const char* Thread::normalizeThreadName(const char* threadName) { #if HAVE(PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP) return threadName; #else // This name can be com.apple.WebKit.ProcessLauncher or com.apple.CoreIPC.ReceiveQueue. // We are using those names for the thread name, but both are longer than the limit of // the platform thread name length, 32 for Windows and 16 for Linux. StringView result(threadName); size_t size = result.reverseFind('.'); if (size != notFound) result = result.substring(size + 1); #if OS(WINDOWS) constexpr const size_t kVisualStudioThreadNameLimit = 32 - 1; if (result.length() > kVisualStudioThreadNameLimit) result = result.right(kVisualStudioThreadNameLimit); #elif OS(LINUX) constexpr const size_t kLinuxThreadNameLimit = 16 - 1; if (result.length() > kLinuxThreadNameLimit) result = result.right(kLinuxThreadNameLimit); #endif ASSERT(result.characters8()[result.length()] == '\0'); return reinterpret_cast(result.characters8()); #endif } void Thread::initializeInThread() { if (m_stack.isEmpty()) m_stack = StackBounds::currentThreadStackBounds(); m_savedLastStackTop = stack().origin(); m_currentAtomStringTable = &m_defaultAtomStringTable; #if USE(WEB_THREAD) // On iOS, one AtomStringTable is shared between the main UI thread and the WebThread. if (isWebThread() || isUIThread()) { static LazyNeverDestroyed sharedStringTable; static std::once_flag onceKey; std::call_once(onceKey, [&] { sharedStringTable.construct(); }); m_currentAtomStringTable = &sharedStringTable.get(); } #endif #if OS(LINUX) m_id = currentID(); #endif } void Thread::entryPoint(NewThreadContext* newThreadContext) { Function function; { // Ref is already incremented by Thread::create. Ref context = adoptRef(*newThreadContext); // Block until our creating thread has completed any extra setup work, including establishing ThreadIdentifier. MutexLocker locker(context->mutex); ASSERT(context->stage == NewThreadContext::Stage::EstablishedHandle); Thread::initializeCurrentThreadInternal(context->name); function = WTFMove(context->entryPoint); context->thread->initializeInThread(); Thread::initializeTLS(WTFMove(context->thread)); #if !HAVE(STACK_BOUNDS_FOR_NEW_THREAD) // Ack completion of initialization to the creating thread. context->stage = NewThreadContext::Stage::Initialized; context->condition.signal(); #endif } ASSERT(!Thread::current().stack().isEmpty()); function(); } Ref Thread::create(const char* name, Function&& entryPoint, ThreadType threadType, QOS qos) { WTF::initialize(); Ref thread = adoptRef(*new Thread()); Ref context = adoptRef(*new NewThreadContext { name, WTFMove(entryPoint), thread.copyRef() }); // Increment the context ref on behalf of the created thread. We do not just use a unique_ptr and leak it to the created thread because both the creator and created thread has a need to keep the context alive: // 1. the created thread needs to keep it alive because Thread::create() can exit before the created thread has a chance to use the context. // 2. the creator thread (if HAVE(STACK_BOUNDS_FOR_NEW_THREAD) is false) needs to keep it alive because the created thread may exit before the creator has a chance to wake up from waiting for the completion of the created thread's initialization. This waiting uses a condition variable in the context. // Hence, a joint ownership model is needed if HAVE(STACK_BOUNDS_FOR_NEW_THREAD) is false. To simplify the code, we just go with joint ownership by both the creator and created threads, // and make the context ThreadSafeRefCounted. context->ref(); { MutexLocker locker(context->mutex); bool success = thread->establishHandle(context.ptr(), stackSize(threadType), qos); RELEASE_ASSERT(success); context->stage = NewThreadContext::Stage::EstablishedHandle; #if HAVE(STACK_BOUNDS_FOR_NEW_THREAD) thread->m_stack = StackBounds::newThreadStackBounds(thread->m_handle); #else // In platforms which do not support StackBounds::newThreadStackBounds(), we do not have a way to get stack // bounds outside the target thread itself. Thus, we need to initialize thread information in the target thread // and wait for completion of initialization in the caller side. while (context->stage != NewThreadContext::Stage::Initialized) context->condition.wait(context->mutex); #endif } // We must register threads here since threads registered in allThreads are expected to have complete thread data which can be initialized in launched thread side. // However, it is also possible that the launched thread has finished its execution before it is registered in allThreads here! In this case, the thread has already // called Thread::didExit to unregister itself from allThreads. Registering such a thread will register a stale thread pointer to allThreads, which will not be removed // even after Thread is destroyed. Register a thread only when it has not unregistered itself from allThreads yet. { Locker locker { allThreadsLock() }; if (!thread->m_didUnregisterFromAllThreads) allThreads().add(thread.ptr()); } ASSERT(!thread->stack().isEmpty()); return thread; } static bool shouldRemoveThreadFromThreadGroup() { #if OS(WINDOWS) // On Windows the thread specific destructor is also called when the // main thread is exiting. This may lead to the main thread waiting // forever for the thread group lock when exiting, if the sampling // profiler thread was terminated by the system while holding the // thread group lock. if (WTF::isMainThread()) return false; #endif return true; } void Thread::didExit() { { Locker locker { allThreadsLock() }; allThreads().remove(this); m_didUnregisterFromAllThreads = true; } if (shouldRemoveThreadFromThreadGroup()) { { Vector> threadGroups; { Locker locker { m_mutex }; for (auto& threadGroupPointerPair : m_threadGroupMap) { // If ThreadGroup is just being destroyed, // we do not need to perform unregistering. if (auto retained = threadGroupPointerPair.value.lock()) threadGroups.append(WTFMove(retained)); } m_isShuttingDown = true; } for (auto& threadGroup : threadGroups) { Locker threadGroupLocker { threadGroup->getLock() }; Locker locker { m_mutex }; threadGroup->m_threads.remove(*this); } } // We would like to say "thread is exited" after unregistering threads from thread groups. // So we need to separate m_isShuttingDown from m_didExit. Locker locker { m_mutex }; m_didExit = true; } } ThreadGroupAddResult Thread::addToThreadGroup(const AbstractLocker& threadGroupLocker, ThreadGroup& threadGroup) { UNUSED_PARAM(threadGroupLocker); Locker locker { m_mutex }; if (m_isShuttingDown) return ThreadGroupAddResult::NotAdded; if (threadGroup.m_threads.add(*this).isNewEntry) { m_threadGroupMap.add(&threadGroup, threadGroup.weakFromThis()); return ThreadGroupAddResult::NewlyAdded; } return ThreadGroupAddResult::AlreadyAdded; } void Thread::removeFromThreadGroup(const AbstractLocker& threadGroupLocker, ThreadGroup& threadGroup) { UNUSED_PARAM(threadGroupLocker); Locker locker { m_mutex }; if (m_isShuttingDown) return; m_threadGroupMap.remove(&threadGroup); } unsigned Thread::numberOfThreadGroups() { Locker locker { m_mutex }; return m_threadGroupMap.size(); } bool Thread::exchangeIsCompilationThread(bool newValue) { auto& thread = Thread::current(); bool oldValue = thread.m_isCompilationThread; thread.m_isCompilationThread = newValue; return oldValue; } void Thread::registerGCThread(GCThreadType gcThreadType) { Thread::current().m_gcThreadType = static_cast(gcThreadType); } bool Thread::mayBeGCThread() { return Thread::current().gcThreadType() != GCThreadType::None; } void Thread::setCurrentThreadIsUserInteractive(int relativePriority) { #if HAVE(QOS_CLASSES) ASSERT(relativePriority <= 0); ASSERT(relativePriority >= QOS_MIN_RELATIVE_PRIORITY); pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(adjustedQOSClass(QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE), relativePriority); #else UNUSED_PARAM(relativePriority); #endif } void Thread::setCurrentThreadIsUserInitiated(int relativePriority) { #if HAVE(QOS_CLASSES) ASSERT(relativePriority <= 0); ASSERT(relativePriority >= QOS_MIN_RELATIVE_PRIORITY); pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(adjustedQOSClass(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED), relativePriority); #else UNUSED_PARAM(relativePriority); #endif } #if HAVE(QOS_CLASSES) static qos_class_t globalMaxQOSclass { QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED }; void Thread::setGlobalMaxQOSClass(qos_class_t maxClass) { bmalloc::api::setScavengerThreadQOSClass(maxClass); globalMaxQOSclass = maxClass; } qos_class_t Thread::adjustedQOSClass(qos_class_t originalClass) { if (globalMaxQOSclass != QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED) return std::min(originalClass, globalMaxQOSclass); return originalClass; } #endif void Thread::dump(PrintStream& out) const { out.print("Thread:", RawPointer(this)); } #if !HAVE(FAST_TLS) && !OS(WINDOWS) ThreadSpecificKey Thread::s_key = InvalidThreadSpecificKey; #endif void initialize() { static std::once_flag onceKey; std::call_once(onceKey, [] { setPermissionsOfConfigPage(); Gigacage::ensureGigacage(); Config::AssertNotFrozenScope assertScope; initializeRandomNumberGenerator(); #if !HAVE(FAST_TLS) && !OS(WINDOWS) Thread::initializeTLSKey(); #endif initializeDates(); Thread::initializePlatformThreading(); #if USE(PTHREADS) && HAVE(MACHINE_CONTEXT) SignalHandlers::initialize(); #endif }); } // This is a compatibility hack to prevent linkage errors when launching older // versions of Safari. initialize() used to be named initializeThreading(), and // Safari.framework used to call it directly from NotificationAgentMain. WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void initializeThreading(); void initializeThreading() { initialize(); } } // namespace WTF