/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include #include namespace WTF { class MonotonicTime; class PrintStream; class TextStream; class TimeWithDynamicClockType; class WallTime; class Seconds final { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: constexpr Seconds() { } explicit constexpr Seconds(double value) : m_value(value) { } constexpr double value() const { return m_value; } constexpr double minutes() const { return m_value / 60; } constexpr double seconds() const { return m_value; } constexpr double milliseconds() const { return seconds() * 1000; } constexpr double microseconds() const { return milliseconds() * 1000; } constexpr double nanoseconds() const { return microseconds() * 1000; } // Keep in mind that Seconds is held in double. If the value is not in range of 53bit integer, the result may not be precise. template T minutesAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64(minutes()); } template T secondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64(seconds()); } template T millisecondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64(milliseconds()); } template T microsecondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64(microseconds()); } template T nanosecondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64(nanoseconds()); } static constexpr Seconds fromMinutes(double minutes) { return Seconds(minutes * 60); } static constexpr Seconds fromHours(double hours) { return Seconds(hours * 3600); } static constexpr Seconds fromMilliseconds(double milliseconds) { return Seconds(milliseconds / 1000); } static constexpr Seconds fromMicroseconds(double microseconds) { return fromMilliseconds(microseconds / 1000); } static constexpr Seconds fromNanoseconds(double nanoseconds) { return fromMicroseconds(nanoseconds / 1000); } static constexpr Seconds infinity() { return Seconds(std::numeric_limits::infinity()); } static constexpr Seconds nan() { return Seconds(std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()); } explicit constexpr operator bool() const { return !!m_value; } constexpr Seconds operator+(Seconds other) const { return Seconds(value() + other.value()); } constexpr Seconds operator-(Seconds other) const { return Seconds(value() - other.value()); } constexpr Seconds operator-() const { return Seconds(-value()); } // It makes sense to consider scaling a duration, like, "I want to wait 5 times as long as // last time!". constexpr Seconds operator*(double scalar) const { return Seconds(value() * scalar); } constexpr Seconds operator/(double scalar) const { return Seconds(value() / scalar); } // It's reasonable to think about ratios between Seconds. constexpr double operator/(Seconds other) const { return value() / other.value(); } Seconds operator%(double scalar) const { return Seconds(fmod(value(), scalar)); } // This solves for r, where: // // floor(this / other) + r / other = this / other // // Therefore, if this is Seconds then r is Seconds. Seconds operator%(Seconds other) const { return Seconds(fmod(value(), other.value())); } Seconds& operator+=(Seconds other) { return *this = *this + other; } Seconds& operator-=(Seconds other) { return *this = *this - other; } Seconds& operator*=(double scalar) { return *this = *this * scalar; } Seconds& operator/=(double scalar) { return *this = *this / scalar; } Seconds& operator%=(double scalar) { return *this = *this % scalar; } Seconds& operator%=(Seconds other) { return *this = *this % other; } WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE WallTime operator+(WallTime) const; WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MonotonicTime operator+(MonotonicTime) const; WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE TimeWithDynamicClockType operator+(const TimeWithDynamicClockType&) const; WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE WallTime operator-(WallTime) const; WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MonotonicTime operator-(MonotonicTime) const; WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE TimeWithDynamicClockType operator-(const TimeWithDynamicClockType&) const; constexpr bool operator==(Seconds other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; } constexpr bool operator!=(Seconds other) const { return m_value != other.m_value; } constexpr bool operator<(Seconds other) const { return m_value < other.m_value; } constexpr bool operator>(Seconds other) const { return m_value > other.m_value; } constexpr bool operator<=(Seconds other) const { return m_value <= other.m_value; } constexpr bool operator>=(Seconds other) const { return m_value >= other.m_value; } WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void dump(PrintStream&) const; Seconds isolatedCopy() const { return *this; } template void encode(Encoder& encoder) const { encoder << m_value; } template static std::optional decode(Decoder& decoder) { std::optional seconds; decoder >> seconds; if (!seconds) return std::nullopt; return Seconds(*seconds); } template static WARN_UNUSED_RETURN bool decode(Decoder& decoder, Seconds& seconds) { double value; if (!decoder.decode(value)) return false; seconds = Seconds(value); return true; } struct MarkableTraits; private: double m_value { 0 }; }; WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void sleep(Seconds); struct Seconds::MarkableTraits { static bool isEmptyValue(Seconds seconds) { return std::isnan(seconds.value()); } static constexpr Seconds emptyValue() { return Seconds::nan(); } }; inline namespace seconds_literals { constexpr Seconds operator"" _min(long double minutes) { return Seconds::fromMinutes(minutes); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _h(long double hours) { return Seconds::fromHours(hours); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _s(long double seconds) { return Seconds(seconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _ms(long double milliseconds) { return Seconds::fromMilliseconds(milliseconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _us(long double microseconds) { return Seconds::fromMicroseconds(microseconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _ns(long double nanoseconds) { return Seconds::fromNanoseconds(nanoseconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _min(unsigned long long minutes) { return Seconds::fromMinutes(minutes); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _h(unsigned long long hours) { return Seconds::fromHours(hours); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _s(unsigned long long seconds) { return Seconds(seconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _ms(unsigned long long milliseconds) { return Seconds::fromMilliseconds(milliseconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _us(unsigned long long microseconds) { return Seconds::fromMicroseconds(microseconds); } constexpr Seconds operator"" _ns(unsigned long long nanoseconds) { return Seconds::fromNanoseconds(nanoseconds); } } // inline seconds_literals inline Seconds operator*(double scalar, Seconds seconds) { return Seconds(scalar * seconds.value()); } inline Seconds operator/(double scalar, Seconds seconds) { return Seconds(scalar / seconds.value()); } WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE TextStream& operator<<(TextStream&, Seconds); } // namespace WTF using WTF::sleep; namespace std { inline bool isnan(WTF::Seconds seconds) { return std::isnan(seconds.value()); } inline bool isinf(WTF::Seconds seconds) { return std::isinf(seconds.value()); } inline bool isfinite(WTF::Seconds seconds) { return std::isfinite(seconds.value()); } } // namespace std using namespace WTF::seconds_literals; using WTF::Seconds;