Tests the MediaElementAudioSourceNode constructor On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(); threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments. PASS new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context); threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments. PASS new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, { }); threw exception TypeError: Member MediaElementAudioSourceOptions.mediaElement is required and must be an instance of HTMLMediaElement. PASS new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, { mediaElement: document.body }); threw exception TypeError: Type error. PASS node = new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, { mediaElement: audioElement }); did not throw exception. PASS node.mediaElement is audioElement PASS new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, { mediaElement: audioElement }); threw exception InvalidStateError: Media element is already associated with an audio source node. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE