function terminateTest() { if (window.testRunner) testRunner.notifyDone(); } function logAndTerminateTest(message, error) { log(message + ": " + error.message); terminateTest(); } function cleanup(db) { db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Test;"); tx.executeSql("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS TestIndex;"); tx.executeSql("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS TestView;"); tx.executeSql("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS TestTrigger;"); }, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Cleanup failed", error); }); } function statementSuccessCallback(statementType) { log(statementType + " statement succeeded."); } function statementErrorCallback(statementType, error) { log(statementType + " statement failed: " + error.message); return false; } function executeStatement(tx, statement, operation) { tx.executeSql(statement, [], function(result) { statementSuccessCallback(operation); }, function(tx, error) { return statementErrorCallback(operation, error); }); } function createTableCallback(tx) { executeStatement(tx, "CREATE TABLE Test (Foo int);", "SQLITE_CREATE_TABLE"); } function createStatementsCallback(tx) { executeStatement(tx, "CREATE INDEX TestIndex ON Test (Foo);", "SQLITE_CREATE_INDEX"); // Even though the following query should trigger a SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEX operation // (according to, it doesn't, and I'm not aware // of any other way to trigger this operation. So we'll skip it for now. //executeStatement(tx, "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE Foo IN (1, 2, 3);", "SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEX"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE TEMP TABLE TestTempTable (Foo int);", "SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TABLE"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE TEMP TRIGGER TestTempTrigger INSERT ON Test BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test; END;", "SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE TEMP VIEW TestTempView AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test;", "SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEW"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE TRIGGER TestTrigger INSERT ON Test BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test; END;", "SQLITE_CREATE_TRIGGER"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE VIEW TestView AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test;", "SQLITE_CREATE_VIEW"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE TestVirtualTable USING MissingModule;", "SQLITE_CREATE_VTABLE"); executeStatement(tx, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE TestVirtualTableFTS USING fts3;", "SQLITE_CREATE_VTABLE (FTS3)"); } function otherStatementsCallback(tx) { executeStatement(tx, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test;", "SQLITE_READ"); executeStatement(tx, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test;", "SQLITE_SELECT"); executeStatement(tx, "DELETE FROM Test;", "SQLITE_DELETE"); executeStatement(tx, "INSERT INTO Test VALUES (1);", "SQLITE_INSERT"); executeStatement(tx, "UPDATE Test SET Foo = 2 WHERE Foo = 1;", "SQLITE_UPDATE"); executeStatement(tx, "PRAGMA cache_size;", "SQLITE_PRAGMA"); executeStatement(tx, "ALTER TABLE Test RENAME TO TestTable;", "SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE"); // Rename the table back to its original name executeStatement(tx, "ALTER TABLE TestTable RENAME To Test;", "SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE"); // These should always fail, as nobody gets to mess with the info table. executeStatement(tx, "ALTER TABLE __WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__ RENAME TO TestTable;", "SQLITE_ALTER_INFO_TABLE"); executeStatement(tx, "ALTER TABLE main.__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__ RENAME TO TestTable;", "SQLITE_ALTER_INFO_TABLE"); executeStatement(tx, "ALTER TABLE Test RENAME TO __WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__;", "SQLITE_ALTER_INFO_TABLE"); executeStatement(tx, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", "SQLITE_TRANSACTION"); executeStatement(tx, "ATTACH main AS TestMain;", "SQLITE_ATTACH"); executeStatement(tx, "DETACH TestMain;", "SQLITE_DETACH"); executeStatement(tx, "REINDEX;", "SQLITE_REINDEX"); executeStatement(tx, "ANALYZE;", "SQLITE_ANALYZE"); // SQLITE_FUNCTION: allowed write mode // There is no SQL/Javascript API to add user-defined functions to SQLite, // so we cannot test this operation } function dropStatementsCallback(tx) { executeStatement(tx, "DROP INDEX TestIndex;", "SQLITE_DROP_INDEX"); // SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEX: allowed in write mode // Not sure how to test this: temp indexes are automatically dropped when // the database is closed, but HTML5 doesn't specify a closeDatabase() call. executeStatement(tx, "DROP TABLE TestTempTable;", "SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE"); executeStatement(tx, "DROP TRIGGER TestTempTrigger;", "SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TRIGGER"); executeStatement(tx, "DROP VIEW TestTempView;", "SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEW"); executeStatement(tx, "DROP TRIGGER TestTrigger;", "SQLITE_DROP_TRIGGER"); executeStatement(tx, "DROP VIEW TestView;", "SQLITE_DROP_VIEW"); // SQLITE_DROP_VTABLE: allowed in write mode // Not sure how to test this: we cannot create a virtual table because we do not // have SQL/Javascript APIs to register a module that implements a virtual table. // Therefore, trying to drop a virtual table will always fail (no such table) // before even getting to the authorizer. executeStatement(tx, "DROP TABLE Test;", "SQLITE_DROP_TABLE"); } function testReadWriteMode(db) { db.transaction(function(tx) { createTableCallback(tx); createStatementsCallback(tx); otherStatementsCallback(tx); dropStatementsCallback(tx); }, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Write transaction failed", error); }, function() { log("Write transaction succeeded."); }); } function testReadOnlyMode(db) { // Test the 'CREATE TABLE' operation; it should be disallowed db.readTransaction(createTableCallback, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Read 'CREATE TABLE' transaction failed", error); }); // In order to test all other 'CREATE' operations, we must create the table first db.transaction(createTableCallback, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Write 'CREATE TABLE' transaction failed", error); }); db.readTransaction(createStatementsCallback, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Read 'CREATE' transaction failed", error); }); // In order to test the 'DROP' and 'other' operations, we need to first create the respective entities db.transaction(createStatementsCallback, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Write 'CREATE' transaction failed", error); }); db.readTransaction(otherStatementsCallback, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Read 'other' transaction failed", error); }); // Hack: insert an empty write transaction to guaratee that these transactions are executed sequentially db.transaction(function(tx) { }); db.readTransaction(dropStatementsCallback, function(error) { logAndTerminateTest("Read 'DROP' transaction failed", error); }, function() { log("Read transactions succeeded."); terminateTest(); }); } function runTest() { var db = openDatabaseWithSuffix("AuthorizerTest", "1.0", "Tests the database authorizer.", 32768); cleanup(db); testReadWriteMode(db); testReadOnlyMode(db); }