window.addEventListener("load", function () { if (!window.testRunner || !window.sessionStorage) return; if (!window.targetScaleFactor) window.targetScaleFactor = 2; var needsBackingScaleFactorChange = window.targetScaleFactor != 1 && !sessionStorage.pageReloaded; if (needsBackingScaleFactorChange) { testRunner.waitUntilDone(); testRunner.setBackingScaleFactor(targetScaleFactor, function() { // Right now there is a bug that srcset does not properly deal with dynamic changes to the scale factor, // so to work around that, we must reload the page to get the new image. sessionStorage.pageReloaded = true; setTimeout(function() { document.location.reload(true) }, 0); }); return; } try { if (window.runTest) runTest(); } catch (ex) { testFailed("Uncaught exception" + ex); } var didReload = sessionStorage.pageReloaded; delete sessionStorage.pageReloaded; if (didReload) testRunner.notifyDone(); });