Test the basic behaviors of String.codePointAt On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS String.codePointAt is undefined PASS typeof String.prototype.codePointAt is "function" PASS String.prototype.codePointAt.length is 1 PASS String.prototype.codePointAt.name is "codePointAt" PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "codePointAt").configurable is true PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "codePointAt").enumerable is false PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "codePointAt").writable is true PASS "foo".hasOwnProperty("codePointAt") is false PASS (new String("bar")).hasOwnProperty("codePointAt") is false PASS "".codePointAt(0) is undefined PASS "".codePointAt(1) is undefined PASS "Été".codePointAt(0) is 201 PASS "Été".codePointAt(1) is 116 PASS "Été".codePointAt(2) is 233 PASS "Été".codePointAt(3) is undefined PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(0) is 12454 PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(1) is 12455 PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(2) is 12502 PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(3) is 12461 PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(4) is 12483 PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(5) is 12488 PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(6) is undefined PASS "".codePointAt.call(null, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error. PASS "".codePointAt.call(undefined, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error. PASS "".codePointAt.call(0, 0) is 48 PASS "".codePointAt.call(Math.PI, 0) is 51 PASS "".codePointAt.call(Math.PI, 1) is 46 PASS "".codePointAt.call(Math.PI, 3) is 52 PASS "".codePointAt.call(true, 3) is 101 PASS "".codePointAt.call(false, 3) is 115 PASS "".codePointAt.call(new Object, 3) is 106 PASS "".codePointAt.call(Symbol("WebKit"), 3) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a string. PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectWithCustomToString, 0) is 248 PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectThrowingOnToString, 0) threw exception Hehe. PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectCountingToString, 0) is 49 PASS objectCountingToString.counter is 1 PASS "abcde".codePointAt(objectWithCustomValueOf) is 98 PASS "".codePointAt.call(null, objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception TypeError: Type error. PASS "".codePointAt.call(undefined, objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception TypeError: Type error. PASS "".codePointAt.call(Symbol("WebKit"), objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a string. PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectThrowingOnToString, objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception Hehe. PASS objectRecordsValueOf.valueOfEvaluated is false PASS "".codePointAt.call(evaluationOrderRecorder, evaluationOrderRecorder) is 114 PASS evaluationOrderRecorder.methodsCalled.toString() is "toString,valueOf" PASS "abc".codePointAt(NaN) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0.0) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0.05) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0.999) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(0.4) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(0.9) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(2.9999) is 99 PASS "abc".codePointAt(-1) is undefined PASS "abc".codePointAt(4) is undefined PASS var str = "abc"; str.codePointAt(str.length) is undefined PASS "abc".codePointAt(4.1) is undefined PASS "abc".codePointAt(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) is undefined PASS "abc".codePointAt(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) is undefined PASS "abc".codePointAt(null) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(undefined) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt("") is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt("WebKit!") is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(new Object) is 97 PASS "abc".codePointAt(Symbol("WebKit")) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a number. PASS testLeadSurrogateOutOfBounds() is true PASS testLeadSurrogateAsLastCharacter() is true PASS testTrailSurrogateOutOfbounds() is true PASS testAccessNullInString() is true PASS testNormalCombinationOfSurrogates() is true PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE