description('Tests for ES6 class syntax "super"'); function shouldThrow(s, message) { var threw = false; try { eval(s); } catch(e) { threw = true; if (!message || e.toString() === eval(message)) testPassed(s + ":::" + e.toString()); else testFailed(s); } if (!threw) testFailed(s); } function shouldNotThrow(s, message) { var threw = false; try { eval(s); } catch(e) { threw = true; } if (threw) testFailed(s); else testPassed(s); } function shouldBe(a, b) { if (eval(a) === eval(b)) testPassed(a + ":::" + b); else testFailed(a + ":::" + b); } function shouldBeTrue(s) { if (eval(s) === true) testPassed(s); else testFailed(s); } function shouldBeFalse(s) { if (eval(s) === false) testPassed(s); else testFailed(s); } var baseMethodValue = {}; var valueInSetter = null; class Base { constructor() { } baseMethod() { return baseMethodValue; } chainMethod() { return 'base'; } static staticMethod() { return 'base3'; } } class Derived extends Base { constructor() { super(); } chainMethod() { return [super.chainMethod(), 'derived']; } callBaseMethod() { return super.baseMethod(); } get callBaseMethodInGetter() { return super['baseMethod'](); } set callBaseMethodInSetter(x) { valueInSetter = super.baseMethod(); } get baseMethodInGetterSetter() { return super.baseMethod; } set baseMethodInGetterSetter(x) { valueInSetter = super['baseMethod']; } static staticMethod() { return super.staticMethod(); } } class SecondDerived extends Derived { constructor() { super(); } chainMethod() { return super.chainMethod().concat(['secondDerived']); } } class DerivedWithEval extends Base { constructor(throwTDZ) { if (throwTDZ) = ''; eval("super()"); } } shouldBeTrue('(new Base) instanceof Base'); shouldBeTrue('(new Derived) instanceof Derived'); shouldBeTrue('(new DerivedWithEval) instanceof DerivedWithEval'); shouldThrow('(new DerivedWithEval(true))', `"ReferenceError: 'super()' must be called in derived constructor before accessing |this| or returning non-object."`); shouldBe('(new Derived).callBaseMethod()', 'baseMethodValue'); shouldBe('x = (new Derived).callBaseMethod; x()', 'baseMethodValue'); shouldBe('(new Derived).callBaseMethodInGetter', 'baseMethodValue'); shouldBe('(new Derived).callBaseMethodInSetter = 1; valueInSetter', 'baseMethodValue'); shouldBe('(new Derived).baseMethodInGetterSetter', '(new Base).baseMethod'); shouldBe('(new Derived).baseMethodInGetterSetter = 1; valueInSetter', '(new Base).baseMethod'); shouldBe('Derived.staticMethod()', '"base3"'); shouldBe('(new SecondDerived).chainMethod().toString()', '["base", "derived", "secondDerived"].toString()'); shouldNotThrow('x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } super() {} }'); shouldThrow('x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method() { super() } }', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method() { super } }', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method() { return new super } }', '"SyntaxError: Cannot use new with super call."'); shouldNotThrow('x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method1() { delete ( } method2() { delete super["foo"] } }'); shouldThrow('(new x).method1()', '"ReferenceError: Cannot delete a super property"'); shouldThrow('(new x).method2()', '"ReferenceError: Cannot delete a super property"'); shouldBeTrue('(new (class { constructor() { = "ABC"; } })).property === "ABC"'); shouldBeTrue('(new (class extends Base { constructor() { super(); = "ABC"; } })).property === "ABC"'); shouldBeTrue('(new (class { constructor() { var arr = () => = "ABC"; arr(); } })).property === "ABC"'); shouldBeTrue('(new (class { constructor() { var async_arr = async () => = "ABC"; async_arr(); } })).property === "ABC"'); shouldBeTrue('(new (class { constructor() { eval(\' = "ABC"\'); } })).property === "ABC"'); shouldBeTrue('(new (class { constructor() { var arr = () => eval(\' = "ABC"\'); arr(); } })).property === "ABC"'); shouldBeTrue('new (class { constructor() { return undefined; } }) instanceof Object'); shouldBeTrue('new (class { constructor() { return 1; } }) instanceof Object'); shouldThrow('new (class extends Base { constructor() { return undefined } })'); shouldBeTrue('new (class extends Base { constructor() { super(); return undefined } }) instanceof Object'); shouldBe('x = { }; new (class extends Base { constructor() { return x } });', 'x'); shouldBeFalse('x instanceof Base'); shouldThrow('new (class extends Base { constructor() { } })', `"ReferenceError: 'super()' must be called in derived constructor before accessing |this| or returning non-object."`); shouldThrow('new (class extends Base { constructor() { return 1; } })', '"TypeError: Cannot return a non-object type in the constructor of a derived class."'); shouldThrow('new (class extends null { constructor() { return undefined } })'); shouldThrow('new (class extends null { constructor() { super(); return undefined } })', '"TypeError: function is not a constructor (evaluating \'super()\')"'); shouldBe('x = { }; new (class extends null { constructor() { return x } });', 'x'); shouldBeTrue('x instanceof Object'); shouldThrow('new (class extends null { constructor() { } })'); shouldThrow('new (class extends null { constructor() { return 1; } })'); shouldThrow('new (class extends null { constructor() { super() } })', '"TypeError: function is not a constructor (evaluating \'super()\')"'); shouldThrow('new (class { constructor() { super() } })', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('function x() { super(); }', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('new (class extends Object { constructor() { function x() { super() } } })', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('new (class extends Object { constructor() { function x() { super.method } } })', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('function x() { super.method(); }', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('function x() { super(); }', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('eval("super.method()")', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('eval("super()")', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('(function () { eval("super.method()");})()', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('(function () { eval("super()");})()', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('new (class { constructor() { (function () { eval("super()");})(); } })', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('(new (class { method() { (function () { eval("super.method()");})(); }})).method()', '"SyntaxError: super is not valid in this context."'); shouldThrow('new (class extends Base { constructor() { super(); super();}})', '"ReferenceError: \'super()\' can\'t be called more than once in a constructor."'); shouldThrow('(new class D extends class { m() {}} { constructor() { eval(\'super["m"]()\') } })', `"ReferenceError: 'super()' must be called in derived constructor before accessing |this| or returning non-object."`); shouldThrow('new class extends class { m() {}} { constructor() { super["m"](super()) } }', `"ReferenceError: 'super()' must be called in derived constructor before accessing |this| or returning non-object."`); shouldThrow('(new class D extends class { m() {}} { constructor(f) { super[f()]() } }(()=>"m"))', `"ReferenceError: 'super()' must be called in derived constructor before accessing |this| or returning non-object."`); shouldNotThrow('(new class D extends class { m() {}} { constructor() { super(); eval(\'super["m"]()\') } })'); shouldThrow('new class extends class { m() {}} { constructor() { super(); super["m"](super()) } }', '"ReferenceError: \'super()\' can\'t be called more than once in a constructor."'); shouldNotThrow('(new class D extends class { m() {}} { constructor(f) { super(); super[f()]() } }(()=>"m"))'); var successfullyParsed = true;