description( 'This tests for caller property in functions. Only functions that are called from inside of other functions and have a parent should have this property set. Tests return true when caller is found and false when the caller is null.' ) function child() { return (child.caller !== null); } function parent() { return child(); } var childHasCallerWhenExecutingGlobalCode = (child.caller !== null); var childHasCallerWhenCalledWithoutParent = child(); var childHasCallerWhenCalledFromWithinParent = parent(); shouldBe('childHasCallerWhenExecutingGlobalCode', 'false'); shouldBe('childHasCallerWhenCalledWithoutParent', 'false'); shouldBe('childHasCallerWhenCalledFromWithinParent', 'true') // The caller property should throw in strict mode, and a non-strict function cannot use caller to reach a strict caller (see ES5.1 function nonStrictCallee() { return nonStrictCallee.caller; } function strictCallee() { "use strict"; return strictCallee.caller; } function nonStrictCaller(x) { return x(); } // Tail calls leak and show our caller's caller, which is null here function strictCaller(x) { "use strict"; var result = x(); return result; } function strictTailCaller(x) { "use strict"; return x(); } shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(nonStrictCallee)", "nonStrictCaller"); shouldThrow("nonStrictCaller(strictCallee)", '"TypeError: \'arguments\', \'callee\', and \'caller\' cannot be accessed in this context."'); shouldBe("strictCaller(nonStrictCallee)", "null"); shouldThrow("strictCaller(strictCallee)", '"TypeError: \'arguments\', \'callee\', and \'caller\' cannot be accessed in this context."'); shouldBe("strictTailCaller(nonStrictCallee)", "null"); shouldThrow("strictTailCaller(strictCallee)"); // .caller within a bound function reaches the caller, ignoring the binding. var boundNonStrictCallee = nonStrictCallee.bind(); var boundStrictCallee = strictCallee.bind(); shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(boundNonStrictCallee)", "nonStrictCaller"); shouldThrow("nonStrictCaller(boundStrictCallee)"); shouldBe("strictCaller(boundNonStrictCallee)", "null"); shouldThrow("strictCaller(boundStrictCallee)"); shouldBe("strictTailCaller(boundNonStrictCallee)", "null"); shouldThrow("strictTailCaller(boundStrictCallee)"); shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(nonStrictCallee, {}))", "nonStrictCaller"); shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(nonStrictCallee, {}).bind())", "nonStrictCaller"); shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(new Proxy(nonStrictCallee, {}), {}))", "nonStrictCaller"); shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(boundNonStrictCallee, {}))", "nonStrictCaller"); shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(nonStrictCallee, Reflect))", "nonStrictCaller"); // tail call shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(new Proxy(nonStrictCallee, Reflect), {}))", "nonStrictCaller"); // tail call shouldBe("nonStrictCaller(new Proxy(new Proxy(nonStrictCallee, {}), Reflect))", "null"); // no tail call in Proxy's [[Call]] // Check that .caller throws as expected, over an accessor call. (per function getFooGetter(x) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(x, 'foo').get; } function getFooSetter(x) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(x, 'foo').set; } var nonStrictAccessor = { get foo() { return getFooGetter(nonStrictAccessor).caller; }, set foo(x) { if (getFooSetter(nonStrictAccessor).caller !==x) throw false; } }; var strictAccessor = { get foo() { "use strict"; return getFooGetter(strictAccessor).caller; }, set foo(x) { "use strict"; if (getFooSetter(strictAccessor).caller !==x) throw false; } }; function nonStrictGetter(x) { return; } function nonStrictSetter(x) { = nonStrictSetter; return true; } function strictGetter(x) { "use strict"; return; } function strictSetter(x) { "use strict"; = nonStrictSetter; return true; } shouldThrow("nonStrictGetter(nonStrictAccessor)", '"TypeError: \'arguments\', \'callee\', and \'caller\' cannot be accessed in this context."'); shouldThrow("nonStrictGetter(strictAccessor)", '"TypeError: \'arguments\', \'callee\', and \'caller\' cannot be accessed in this context."'); shouldThrow("strictGetter(nonStrictAccessor)", '"TypeError: \'arguments\', \'callee\', and \'caller\' cannot be accessed in this context."'); shouldThrow("strictSetter(nonStrictAccessor)", '"TypeError: \'arguments\', \'callee\', and \'caller\' cannot be accessed in this context."'); shouldThrow("strictGetter(strictAccessor)"); shouldThrow("strictSetter(strictAccessor)");