Tests for WI.Table selection. == Running test suite: Table.RowSelection -- Running test case: Table.constructor PASS: selectedRow should be NaN. PASS: Should have no selected rows. PASS: allowsMultipleSelection should initially be false. -- Running test case: Table.SelectRow Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. PASS: selectedRows should be [0]. Selecting row 1. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. PASS: selectedRows should be [1]. -- Running test case: Table.DeselectRow Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Deselecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRows should not include 0. PASS: Should have no selected rows. -- Running test case: Table.AllowsMultipleSelection PASS: allowsMultipleSelection enabled. PASS: allowsMultipleSelection disabled. -- Running test case: Table.SelectMultipleRows.ExtendSelection Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Selecting row 1. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. Selecting row 9. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 9. PASS: selectedRows should be [0, 1, 9]. -- Running test case: Table.SelectMultipleRows.ExtendSelection.MultipleSelectionDisabled Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Selecting row 1. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. PASS: selectedRows should be [1]. -- Running test case: Table.SelectMultipleRows.SelectTheSameRowTwice.ExtendSelection Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Selecting row 1. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. Selecting row 1. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. PASS: selectedRows should be [0, 1]. -- Running test case: Table.SelectMultipleRows.SelectTheSameRowTwice.NoExtendSelection Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Selecting row 1. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. Selecting row 1. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 1. PASS: selectedRows should be [1]. -- Running test case: Table.SelectAndDeselectRow.NotCached Selecting row 999. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 999. Deselecting row 999. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRows should not include 999. -- Running test case: Table.SelectAll.MultipleSelectionDisabled Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Select all. PASS: Should not have selected additional rows. PASS: Row 0 should still be selected. -- Running test case: Table.SelectAll.MultipleSelectionEnabled Selecting row 0. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: selectedRow should be 0. Select all. PASS: Table selection changed. PASS: Should have selected all rows.