Testing that the probe manager properly handles addition and removal of related probes. Breakpoint autocontinue state changed: true Probe set was added. New count: 1 Probe with identifier 1 was added to probe set. Probe set's probe count: 1 Breakpoint actions changed. New count: 1 Probe with identifier 2 was added to probe set. Probe set's probe count: 2 Breakpoint actions changed. New count: 2 Breakpoint was added. PASS: Breakpoint should be resolved. Breakpoint resolved state changed: true inside breakpointActions a:(12) b:([object Object]) Probe with identifier 1 added sample: [object Object] Hit test checkpoint event #0 with type: probe-object-sample-added Probe with identifier 2 added sample: [object Object] Hit test checkpoint event #1 with type: probe-object-sample-added