Tests getBoundingClient rect with both CSS zoom and page zoom On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE Testing box with CSS zoom on an ancestor PASS bounds.left.toFixed(2) is "18.00" PASS bounds.top.toFixed(2) is "150.00" PASS bounds.width.toFixed(2) is "40.00" PASS bounds.height.toFixed(2) is "50.00" Testing box without CSS zoom on an ancestor PASS bounds.left.toFixed(2) is "21.00" PASS bounds.top.toFixed(2) is "150.00" PASS bounds.width.toFixed(2) is "40.00" PASS bounds.height.toFixed(2) is "50.00"